Called me ~8 hours before she should have been on the plane & said she wasn't coming. Basically her mom nagged her so much about it that she started questioning. Between that, her cat being sick, & semi-bad weather in Chicago, she bailed out. Waited to the last damned minute, too.
So, I spent the evening (well, from 1:00 to 2:15 or so) in a strip club.
I guess Tuesday I'm goin' back to work. I'll be boxing up all the stuff I'd wrapped, & ship it to her.
So could my week get any worse?

She's headed out the door on the way to the airport!

Viper GTS
So, I spent the evening (well, from 1:00 to 2:15 or so) in a strip club.
I guess Tuesday I'm goin' back to work. I'll be boxing up all the stuff I'd wrapped, & ship it to her.
So could my week get any worse?
She's headed out the door on the way to the airport!
Viper GTS