SLI Upgrade.


Junior Member
Jun 12, 2005
Talking about nVidia chip, which one is the most visible:

1. Update NF4 SLI driver to be able to adapt 2 different PCIe card level and generation, lests say GS/ GT and GF7/ GF8.
2. Update NF4 SLI chip (probably in NF5 SLI) to be able to addopt as above.
3. If visible, can expect when? Are those still with socket 939 or M2?
4. Or, both are not visible.

Just doubt 7800 GT will be useless in another couples of years.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2005
Originally posted by: nharose
Talking about nVidia chip, which one is the most visible:

1. Update NF4 SLI driver to be able to adapt 2 different PCIe card level and generation, lests say GS/ GT and GF7/ GF8.
2. Update NF4 SLI chip (probably in NF5 SLI) to be able to addopt as above.
3. If visible, can expect when? Are those still with socket 939 or M2?
4. Or, both are not visible.

Just doubt 7800 GT will be useless in another couples of years.

It depends on your definition of useless. If you want to play all the latest games at 1600 x 1200 with all the eye candy, then it's already useless. If you just want to play the game, even at 1024x768 medium settings, then it will still be good for another few years (assuming the game still runs in DX9).

From the options list, you can be 99.9% sure option 1 will not happen. It would just be too much work and cost too much to make cards of different generation compatible with each other, plus the older card will still be missing newer features. By that definition, that would also make option 2 highly unlikely.


Golden Member
Apr 13, 2005
Originally posted by: nharose
1. Update NF4 SLI driver to be able to adapt 2 different PCIe card level and generation, lests say GS/ GT and GF7/ GF8.
2. Update NF4 SLI chip (probably in NF5 SLI) to be able to addopt as above.

Just doubt 7800 GT will be useless in another couples of years.

Judging by the progress they've already made, I think that GS/GT compatibility will probably come along at some stage, but I honestly don't know if it will be with the nF4 or nF5.

Also, the 7800GT should be good for another couple of years, as long as you don't want completely maxed out settings (you can always add another one later).



Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2005
Originally posted by: nharose
Talking about nVidia chip, which one is the most visible:

1. Update NF4 SLI driver to be able to adapt 2 different PCIe card level and generation, lests say GS/ GT and GF7/ GF8.
2. Update NF4 SLI chip (probably in NF5 SLI) to be able to addopt as above.
3. If visible, can expect when? Are those still with socket 939 or M2?
4. Or, both are not visible.

Just doubt 7800 GT will be useless in another couples of years.

Is it me? Or is this one of the most confusing posts you have ever seen?


Senior member
Nov 29, 2005
hes asking the quesiton in a third person spectator narrorator... with a twist of an omnicent view on things

lol pretty confusing crap..