SLI 8800GTS 640, or 9800GTX SSC for now?


Jul 12, 2000
What would be better performance? I am going with EVGA, so I will be able to apply 100% of the purchase price to the GT280 in 3 months. So I am basically doing a short-term upgrade on a borrowed card from EVGA.

Should I drop another 8800GTS 640 in for the time being, or grab the SSC edition of the 9800GTX?

Dream Operator

Senior member
Jan 31, 2005
What are you playing that requires an upgrade? You really want to step into SLI land for that little time period? Also, a 9800GTX is not going to be a huge difference. My vote is to just wait and not buy either. If you must, I guess I would go 9800GTX for simplicity sake.


Senior member
Dec 31, 2007
Originally posted by: Dream Operator
What are you playing that requires an upgrade? You really want to step into SLI land for that little time period? Also, a 9800GTX is not going to be a huge difference. My vote is to just wait and not buy either. If you must, I guess I would go 9800GTX for simplicity sake.

Seconded The just wait approach. You have to factor in shipping and waiting and realizing that you have to pay the difference of THEIR SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICES. Eventually there will be deals or maybe even initially that will save you money. The step up is nice but it takes a while and from the strategy for upgrading you are employing you don't sound patient.


Jul 12, 2000
Thanks for the responses!

I think the 8800GTS 640 - 9800GTX is a bigger jump than you think. If it was the GTS 512 there is no way I would even deal with it.

The price doesnt matter, because you get 100% of your purchase price toward your step-up, so even if i paid $400 for a 9800GTX, that would just be $400 towards the GT280, which we are all assuming will me much more than that.

Shipping is the only money that I can see gets wasted...but I guess Ill sit down and look at it.


Senior member
Dec 31, 2007
The jump from a 9800gtx is not much from the 8800 gts 512. If you want to do it then by all means go for it. The biggest detriment in the step up is the shipping. I.E. Money or time because you can expedite the shipping and everything but its going to cost or you can wait and it still costs.