Sleeving my PSU and then...


Platinum Member
Jan 10, 2008
I notice how all the cables crisscross each other quite severely once I took the existing sleeving off the cables of my NEX650G so am unsure on a few points:
1. Does the order of the ground pins matter?
I looked up a diagram for the 8 pin PCI-E connector and the 12v wires matched the diagram (though they almost braided each other doing so) but the rest of them are apparently grounds. Safe to assume they can be arranged in whatever order?
2. Then the 24-pin connector confuses me quite a bit:
a. Wires are different gauges, or at least different thickness of shielding, is this standard or common? Will it be an issue in re-wiring?

Edit: Nevermind, seems I just sucked at tracing the wires the first time around, though it's still very confusing as to what is going on with these connectors...
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Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2012
Is it just the yellow wires that have a thicker gauge? I expect they have to hold the most current (amperage) as they are the 12v wires.

As far as I know the others can be thinner, with exception of maybe some of the earth's that feed back from the 12v rails.


Platinum Member
Jan 10, 2008
The wires are all black so the tracing isn't as easy, and since the wires still lead to the same pins (or pins of the same purpose) on the opposing connector will just proceed with sleeving, though not sure this paracord is going to work out the way I wanted in this particular situation.