Skyrim: "PC footage is beyond belief."


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2009
So the PC code is going to be different than the console code?

If that's true then maybe cross platform development can evolve. But I'll believe it when I see it.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
I do not care what it looks like, the question is, will it immerse me like Morrowind? Or will it be a shallow, dumbed down FPS with stats, levels and objectives like Oblivion?


Nov 4, 1999
Of course the graphics are going to be better on the PC; what I want to know is: the interface - how is it to be implemented?

The Oblivion interface was a cluster f*** of wasted time...
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Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
I think it's a given the stock interface isn't going to become more PC friendly compared to Oblivion (which had a very controller-centric UI), but there will be mods for that, and enhanced graphics so I'm not worried about this game, just release it already!


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2000
Of course the graphics are going to be better on the PC; what I want to know is: the interface - how is it to be implemented?

The Oblivion interface was a cluster f*** of wasted time...

Even if an interface is messed up after you get the hang of it doesn't it become normal to you?


I hope it and BF3 pans out because I'm getting sick of re-playing games from the past and games from the present that are hack jobs.
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Diamond Member
Oct 31, 1999
The only thing that bothered me about previews of the game is that in the recent PcGamer mag interview/preview it was stated the games environments would be smaller in sq miles than Oblivion and be more vertical.
Last time i heard that was Crysis 2.
The more vertical the less "free roam" we have.

No doubt game design is influenced by console hardware limitations and inability to do vast draw distances.
(please no "consoles are killing pc gaming" arguments, we all know todays games are developed with cross-platforming in mind and we deal with it)

Man i'm hoping/praying the next round of consoles have a decent amount of ram for once.

Us "old time" pc gamers like those vast draw distances since we spent years crammed up in corridor shooters due to hardware limitations of the times.

Now we easily have the pc hardware to have vast draw distances with no "pop in" and we have to wait for console hardware to catch up.
I hope it does soon.

Until then i guess the new catch phrase is "our game is going vertical!"
Which is obviously code for.."we need to minimize draw distance due to console memory limitations."


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 1999
Too bad it is still first-person.
Agree with Lumathix, ???...WTF?
Most of us prefer 1st person.
Maybe you can stand behind someone and watch them play it, that would give you a 3rd person perspective. LOL

Seriously though, i remember reading before that they were trying to improve the 3rd person perspective in Skyrim to make it more playable than Oblivions.
So i'm gonna assume 3rd person view is still available if you prefer that.


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2007
They're on record stating the 3rd person camera is much improved and that their goal is to have that as a totally viable camera style, whereas in Oblivion it really wasn't. The aiming was more difficult and the animations were sub-par.

This game should be really good. It's still five months away, unfortunately...!!


Aug 8, 2001
Considering the game has dragons, you can bet the vertical part of the environment isn't just for looks.


Aug 8, 2001
I do not care what it looks like, the question is, will it immerse me like Morrowind? Or will it be a shallow, dumbed down FPS with stats, levels and objectives like Oblivion?

My guess is it will be something between the two.

A lot of what made Oblivion duller than Morrowind is that the Imperial culture of Cyrodil is too similar to the Roman Empire (and consequently many other RPGs). The main plot surrounding the emperor and closing the gates was okay, but it didn't have the same unique kick as the Neraverine plot andfighting a god in the dusty, blighted and unfamiliar land of Morrowind (which seemed to draw from Babylonian and Assyrian influences as much as Roman).

I think Oblivion gets an unfair rap, as it was still a good game and improved on the many technical flaws of Morrowind, but it definitely did not demand as much from the player. Skyrim looks to be better, but I'm still concerned that the story - Norse-like mythology and dragons - might not be as fantastic as Morrowind's. But I do expect it to be better than Oblivion's, and paired with even prettier graphics and an even more dynamic environment and characters, it should make for a very good game.


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
Too bad it is still first-person.

The demo they did for gametrailers on Monday showed 3rd person, it seemed to work well. Probably nice to walk around like that then go to 1st for combat.

I'm pretty excited for this game, I just hope it lives up to expectations.


Sep 21, 2000
You can play 3rd person if you wish. I don't however. First person is so much more immersive. You feel like you are there. Third person is like you're watching a movie.

See, I'm the opposite. I can't get immersed with a first-person view. A third-person/overhead view like Fallout 1/2 or WoW is much more immersive for me.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
I like the dragons and how they seem to be *drums rolls* ... dynamic, man I love that word especially when an official tells us that they (dragons) aren't "scripted". I for one cannot wait for Skyrim, but seriously, the last time Bethesda told the public how their A.I wasn't scripted turned out to be a mere gimmick. For Skyrim is seems to be different, I concur, in that the dynamics are for the dragons and not for the NPCs who might not engage in some awkward conversations between themselves this time around, or might not (hopefully won't) stare at city and village walls for hours.

Another thing, concerning the dragons (specifically during combat), they say they are dynamic... that's cool, so if they are indeed, then what happens if I don't have anything good to fight them or I just want to avoid one or two breathing fire (or ice, or whatever) at my arse and I decide to stay inside a building. What happens then? They get bored and fly away? The thing is that the environment in the game is NOT destructible, so avoiding dragons by staying inside buildings will be easy UNLESS the dragon somehow can't "reason" the situation and will always stay outside until you decide to point your nose out for a quick look and end up in little pieces a few minutes later. What I DON'T want is that EACH dragon fights ends up being an obligatory fight-to-the-death for either the dragon or the player.

If we encounter a dragon on open field without shelter then alright, I can understand, not much choice, fight, or die. But if I decide to go inside a building those dragons better get bored of chasing and waiting for me fast because I won't stand still waiting for them to wander away for too long. It's really the only thing that might be a problem, but then again the editing tool will be there to fix that if such is the case.


Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2002
What is the name of the new game engine ? I am surprised the media has not been hounding for this info. I guess we just trust Todd H. ?:whiste: