This is what I want to hear.;3A+RockPaperShotgun+(Rock,+Paper,+Shotgun);3A+RockPaperShotgun+(Rock,+Paper,+Shotgun)
Stats!? We should be so lucky.Or will it be a shallow, dumbed down FPS with stats, levels and objectives like Oblivion?
Of course the graphics are going to be better on the PC; what I want to know is: the interface - how is it to be implemented?
The Oblivion interface was a cluster f*** of wasted time...
Stats!? We should be so lucky.
Agree with Lumathix, ???...WTF?Too bad it is still first-person.
I do not care what it looks like, the question is, will it immerse me like Morrowind? Or will it be a shallow, dumbed down FPS with stats, levels and objectives like Oblivion?
Too bad it is still first-person.
Too bad it is still first-person.
You can play 3rd person if you wish. I don't however. First person is so much more immersive. You feel like you are there. Third person is like you're watching a movie.
What is the name of the new game engine ? I am surprised the media has not been hounding for this info. I guess we just trust Todd H. ?:whiste:
What is the name of the new game engine ? I am surprised the media has not been hounding for this info. I guess we just trust Todd H. ?:whiste: