Silverstone TJ09/TJ10


Jul 30, 2007
just wondering if anyone out there has a Silverstone Temjin TJ09 or the newer TJ10.

I am thinking of getting the black windowed TJ10 sometime in the future. I have read the reviews on various sites, but I was just curious what people in the forums who own one have to say.

If you don't own one, I'd like to hear what you have to say too, but if you've never actually had one or seen one, try to refrain from passing on second hand opinions.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2005
Don't own one, but next time I have an extra $250 lying around I'm getting a TJ09. I was unimpressed with the announcement of the "changes" made to make it a TJ10. I dislike the looks of most bezel doors, so the other improvements don't make up for that one "flaw."

One case with a bezel door that I do like is the new Coolermaster Cosmos. While it doesn't have the mid-intake like the TJ09/10, it's still a damn fine case. Not available until Sept. though.



Jul 30, 2007
Cosmos looks like a nice case. No window though. I skipped the window on my first build because I thought they messed up heat flow and soundproofing, but now I'd kinda want a window. I have an unwindowed P180b and I'm always taking the side door off to peer inside :D. Never was a fan of totally overdone fireworks shows in some computers, but I think I'd like to add some sparse and classy blue/UV lighting in the case. Will fit in with the blue LEDs I have on the peripherals, including G15 keyboard.

Yes, you are right, the changes from TJ09 to TJ10 are minor. I do like how they have slotted PCI place holders now, should provide better ventilation back there. Also, I do like the front door because I'd rather not have the front face marred by DVD drives. That much from the P180b I like. To be honest, I was really hoping they'd come out with a TJ09 with a door to hide the drives...and they did! Even if the TJ10 costs a bit more, I won't mind. I guess to each his own :)


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2005
One of the many reasons why I love my P150...the stealth optical doors lol. You could also stealth the TJ09 drives with their included bezels.

Anyway, they're both good cases. And yeah, sometimes it'd be nice to look inside...all that money just hidden behind steel.



Jul 30, 2007
What exactly do you mean by stealthing the doors? Mind posting a link to a pic?

Yeah usually windows don't look too great because people put enough lights in there to keep them up at night, but I'm hopefully going to pull it off with some class (going to avoid those LED fans).
I was thinking of getting these:

That way I can switch whether I want UV or blue light to be on, or everything to be off. If I do spring for liquid cooling, I'm going to put UV reactive blue coolant in the tubes :)

In any case, I won't have stuff to show off for awhile. My 7800GT is nothing to look at, besides the after market cooler I just added. When it comes out, probably will switch to NV 9 series (promised myself to switch every two generations, not every generation), provided I need it (new games or new larger monitor). I might be switching to an Abit P35 board instead of my current Gigabyte 965P board. The gigabyte board is loud because I had to put a 40mm fan on the northbridge to keep it cool during my OC. It also has all sorts of annoying colors on it, including yellow and red dual channel RAM slots and white PCI slots. Fortunately the Abit fits the color scheme of black and blue everything :).

It'd be nice to have the Tracer version of the Ballistix sticks that I have, just to get the blue glow underneath, but I'm not a fan of the red and green dancing lights on the top. I can deal with yellowish orange of my current sticks, kinda looks like a yellow Lamborghini color :). Nice color for performance. And no-one can see the CPU anyway, so they won't know that its a E4300 lurking under there (at least until I get Penryn or Nehalem). Will need to dust off my Audigy 2 ZS though, that's gathered a lot of dust over the years. No one needs to see that :). Also might be switching out my Antec 650W for a Silverstone decathalon series for future proofing. Nice to have everything on one rail, in case any new GPUs draw lots of current or may need the new 8pin standard. Plus the Silverstone PSU is black, and my Antec is silver :)


Sep 26, 2006
I have a TJ-09. I am in love with it. I can't think of anything that's negative except the price. And how paranoid I am about scratching it because its so expensive... =/ Anyway, the case is so spacious and well built it will last you insanely long. I don't think I'll ever have to buy a new one, except if I wreck this one. Which is nearly impossible because I cleaned it multiple times with an air compressor, and screwed all kinds of parts off with almost only the skeleton left, and it was still very very sturdy. Nice thing too is it has tons of room for upgrades (like the increasing video card size >_< ).


Jul 30, 2007
Zagood: thanks for your links. That mod looks awesome, but I'm a bit iffy about actually doing it. Thanks for the info though!

Oerekum: nice to hear you like your case and that it's sturdy. I have broken the plastic "legs" holding my side door on my Antec p180B a couple times, and also had to take out one of the plastic fan holders because it no longer goes in. Also, just last night I broke another plastic piece off by accident. I thought the p180 would be a case that would last another build, but I really want to move up to a case with less plastic.

I think if the TJ09 and TJ10 had a slightly updated look to them, I would have no regrets getting one. I think the classic look lends some appeal, but I do think that some of the futuristic ones look nice too (like the Coolermaster Cosmos listed earlier).

One thing I do like about the TJ09 is that it has a relatively flat front side, whereas the TJ10 has some weird vertical indented lines in it.

TJ09 front side:

TJ10 front side:

If either of them had a completely smooth front face, I would really like that. I guess the p180b has a nice flat shiny front, which is one thing that's nice.

Anybody have any pics to share?