"Silent Fans"


Golden Member
Feb 20, 2001
I posted this on another board as well, but would like to get your input. My main application would be heatsink cooling on my amplifiers, but if that works I would like to try it as a case fan type of thing.


How difficult would it be for the DIYer to build one of the fans they are advertising at places like sharper image / hammacher-schlemmer. "Ionic Breeze" is I think what sharper image names their fans.

Exactly how do they work? I remember doing a homework problem similar to this (only using water instead of air) way back in my freshman emag class. I dont remember any of the details though.

Would something like this be feasable for all of us not wanting to spend exorbitant amounts of money on heatsinks to cool our aleph's ?

I didn't have to take a thermodynamics class and dont know much about heat transfer. Where can I find out how X amount of air flow will aid Y heatsink?







Senior member
Jun 11, 2001

this sounds pretty interesting if it's really feasible to do with a computer. maybe somebody here with more knowledge will see it when it's back at the top and give some input. :)



Senior member
Nov 12, 2001
Well, I haven't seen the Ionic Breeze in person, but I would guess it uses an ion emitter at the back to charge the air behind it and the collector up front that pulls the air through (the charged air is attracted to it, contaminants stick). Would be great in terms of controlling dust, etc. May or may not cause problems in terms of stray charges, magnetic fields, RFI, etc. Probably wouldn't be able to move sufficent air at 60-120mm fan sizes. I could be wrong, though.


Jun 10, 2001
hehe man i got a problem. i run my pc with the side off cos if i don't the ambient goes up to like 35C and the core up to 65C then the bios temp safe shuts the pc down
i've had 3 120mm 135cfm sunon fans in my old case but i went slightly deaf with them as the where like 42Db
need some 120mm fans that will cool but not make my ears bleed.
well it's either that on water cooling any suggs?


Senior member
Nov 12, 2001
Wow, that's a lotta fan. I think the problem is in how you use them.

Try getting some much quieter fans--the CFM hit can be made up by using more fans--remember, when you double the loudness, you only raise SPL by 3dB

Although probably not 100% efficient, stacking fans does work.

Vent the case at the top/rear, use as many fans as you see fit. I had 2 80mm units of moderate output prove quite adequit. Make sure PSU fan exhausts.

Servicable and extremely effective air ducts can be easily fabricated with even just a cereal box and duct tape (careful about conductivity). Use one to supply the CPU cooler w/fresh air from outside the case.

If using a duct, no fans should be on the front of the case, unless cooling hard drives (recommended for 7200+ RPM units), and airflow should be restricted, allowing only enough to keep things moving. This causes more air to be drawn in through the CPU cooler.

By employing these techniques, I had a system that ran much cooler across the board with the case closed as opposed to open.

Good luck.