Copper based cables available at lengths of 1,6,10,15,25,30,40 and 50 feet. Cable lengths 1-15' are good for use with displays at resolutions of 1920x1200. Cable lengths within 50' are good for use with displays at resolutions of 1280x1024.
Originally posted by: Talcite
DVI was pretty much engineered not to lose signal. It digitally rebuilds the signal at the recieving end. Unless you lose both parts of the signal, you won't have signal loss. 5m is well within the DVI specification. I had them on sale at the place I used to work at all the time.
A loss in signal strength is not necessarily a loss in quality, particularly for digital signals. You obviously didn't consider that.Originally posted by: JimPhelpsMI
Hi, There is loss in any cable or wire. Any wire has a resistance although very small. The bigger and/or shorter the wire the less loss occurs. Loss is Current X Resistance = Voltage. Probably insignificant in your case.
Good Luck, Jim