Sigh, over 2 days the EU parlement is going to vote over new copyright directive.

May 11, 2008
Sigh... I hope it does not pass. It really seems the big companies are making sure they get total control over the internet. Scandals will be erased. Only information allowed will be shown because copyright violations will be used to prevent honest journalism and research. The amount of correct history and information present will be reduced.
I saw this coming long ago but not this fast.
Manipulation of the media...
May 11, 2008
What i worry about is what will happen is that we share information on a forum, so we copy some text about a subject on the forum.
What could happen is that for example because us forum users do this, that the anandtechforum can be held responsible because in the eyes of the claimed copyright holders we as users violate their rights.

What would be a better solution in the directive is to demand users to do source mentioning.
As most of us already always do, when we post some text to provide strength to our claim, we provide a link to the source material above the text we qouted.

And that the forum moderator must request this when requested by the claimed copyright owner, the text can be removed. But when source mentioning is done, everybody knows where the information came form.

But not in the worst case scenario claimed copyright owners suing the forum because us users are sharing information.


Diamond Member
Nov 20, 2009
I want a lotto betting on how long it will take an American politician or corporation to be in infringement.
May 11, 2008
For now it postponed.
MEPs have rejected a committee proposal to begin negotiations to update copyright laws for the digital age.

Parliament’s plenary voted by 318 votes to 278, with 31 abstentions to reject the negotiating mandate, proposed by the Legal Affairs Committee on 20 June. As a result, Parliament’s position will now be up for debate, amendment, and a vote during the next plenary session, in September.

After the vote, the rapporteur, Axel Voss (EPP,DE) said:

“I regret that a majority of MEPs did not support the position which I and the Legal Affairs Committee have been advocating. But this is part of the democratic process. We will now return to the matter in September for further consideration and attempt to address peoples’ concerns whilst bringing our copyright rules up to date with the modern digital environment.”

European Parliament’s rules of procedure provide that if at least 10% of MEPs (76) object to opening negotiations with the Council based on the text voted in committee, a plenary vote will be held. By the deadline of midnight on Tuesday, the requisite number of MEPs had lodged their objection.