- Apr 12, 2001
- 4,508
- 0
- 76
Sorry, no computer deals here, just outdoor gear. You know, the outdoors, that place you go when you're not sitting at your computer...
This came in an email I received from Sierra Trading Post this morning. I'm fairly sure it's ok to post the coupon code here, since they freely send it out in advertising emails, and I've seem smilar deals posted (svc.com coupon codes)
Their web site:
Not a bad deal, since they normally charge a fair amount for shipping. If you know what you're looking for, you can get some great prices from these folks. I got another sale email from them a couple days ago, I think those prices are still shown on their website.
This came in an email I received from Sierra Trading Post this morning. I'm fairly sure it's ok to post the coupon code here, since they freely send it out in advertising emails, and I've seem smilar deals posted (svc.com coupon codes)
Reducing prices up to an additional 20%* just wasn't enough, so for a limited time, we're offering free surface shipping on all orders through Monday, May 31! Use the links below to browse thousands of items on sale - casual clothes, footwear, outdoor gear, and more! Quantity, size, and color limited, so don't delay!
In order to receive free surface shipping discount, enter WSUS3 into the key code field on the billing address page during checkout.
Their web site:
Not a bad deal, since they normally charge a fair amount for shipping. If you know what you're looking for, you can get some great prices from these folks. I got another sale email from them a couple days ago, I think those prices are still shown on their website.