Shuttle SN41G2 Problem


Junior Member
Dec 13, 2003
Okay, something rather wierd happened today. Probably best if I just describe the sequence of events.

I brought my PC home from uni today. I was plugging the keyboard, mouse etc. back into it prior to turning it on. I plugged in the USB modem as the last thing, and turned the computer on.

The monitor didn't work.

I realisd that I hadn't actually plugged the monitor cable into the back of the PC and proceeded to do so while the PC was still on. As I did so, I noticed that I had also plugged the USB modem into the network cable socket (look, it's been a long day and the network cable socket is just above the usb socket, alright? :) What surprised me was that the USB plug actually fitted into the network socket without falling out loosely).

The monitor still didn't work. It acted as if the PC was off (it went into standby mode).

I pressed the restart button. Hurrah! The monitor came out of standby and showed all usual boot-up text.

The monitor went back into standby after the 'windows xp professional' loading screen (with the blue progress bar) had been visible for a few seconds.

I then tried plugging in a different monitor, with the same result. Whenever I turn on the computer (from previously being off), the monitor stays in standby mode, but whenever I RESTART the computer the boot-up sequence is displayed until just before the windows desktop comes along. The speakers play the Windows XP startup tune a few seconds after the monitor goes into standby. Oh, and the USB modem's broken. It was a Creative Modem Blaster USB.

So... is there any hope that I can fix the PC? Or should I just send the barbones system back for a replacement (I got it quite recently)? The graphics are onboard (I haven't got around to upgrading yet), as is the LAN and the soundcard. What I don't understand is that the video card got screwed but not the sound. That, and the graphics card can display the DOS-like bootup sequence just fine (even going into setup works ok).


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Try clearing the CMOS for a minute with the power cord removed from the system then try again. If it still does the same thing then try reseating the ram and check the temps in the bios. Hitting F8 and using last known good config then if needed safe mode may get you past the reboot. If it still refuses to work, see if it'll boot from the XP CD then run the recovery console and use chkdsk /r/f. If you can get to safe mode turn off auto reboot on error in the startup and recovery section and check the event viewer for errors. No luck with any of that? then perhaps you physically damaged something and it's time for the RMA.