Should We Fight During The Holidays? (WITH POLL)


Golden Member
Sep 19, 2001
I don't know about you but I'm very sentimental about Christmas. I believe everyone should have a good time and enjoy themselves no matter what on December 25th (or the whole week if you're Jewish or whatever other day is associated with the word "Holidays" now). Should we continue with the Afghanistan assault during the holidays?

Now, I've read that Osama the Okama is surrounded (although that isn't confirmed) and it's safe to say that may be the end of the war. Hopefully, it'll be over soon and the troops can get back to their families for the holidays but I'm curious nevertheless.

I've heard stories about WWI (not so much so about WWII) where the Allies and the...well...Triple Entente (mainly the Germans) had a cease fire, ate, drank and partied together as friends for just one day. Christmas. Is this the way it should be? To me, that would be ideal but obviously, it probably wouldn't happen. If that story is actually true, then I'm amazed.

Not Osama the Okama though. I'll gift-wrap my foot and give him a swift kick in the balls for Christmas. REALLY ugly wrapping paper too!


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I heard they have two suitcase nukes as Christmas presents for two American cities this holiday.

I heard they have two suitcase nukes as Christmas presents for two American cities this holiday.

Really ?

Why don't you try to spread more BS around ?

Exactly where did you hear this ?

I heard that the moon was made out of cheese,I heard it so it must be true.



Golden Member
Sep 19, 2001

<< I heard they have two suitcase nukes as Christmas presents for two American cities this holiday. >>

Yeah dude, don't go freaking people out.

Hmmm...I guess not everyone is as sentimental as I am.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
the triple entente was france, russia, and uk, last i checked. triple alliance being germany, austria, and ottoman empire.

the enlisted men got out of the trenches on christmas day and played association football matches against one another. there was nothing official, and high command told them to get back in the trenches.


Golden Member
Sep 19, 2001

<< the triple entente was france, russia, and uk, last i checked. triple alliance being germany, austria, and ottoman empire.

the enlisted men got out of the trenches on christmas day and played association football matches against one another. there was nothing official, and high command told them to get back in the trenches.

D'oh! Sorry...brain fried because of finals. Heheh...I loved history class.


Golden Member
Sep 19, 2001

<< >>

Yes, I totally agree with that logic.

Psssst...not only did you post a blank post...but the link doesn't work. Try taking out one of those http://'s

Here'syour cheese Roger.

Reproduced from the Jerusalem Report: October 25th, 1999
Master terrorist Ossame Bin Laden has acquired portable nuclear devices, a U.S.-based expert on non-conventional terror believes. The only real question now is whether BinLaden has "a few," as Russian intelligence seems to think, or "over 20," a figure cited by intelligence services of moderate Arab regimes. "There is no longer much doubt that Bin Laden has finally succeeded in his quest for nuclear ?suitcase bombs," says Yossef Bodansky, head of the Congressional Task Force on Non-Conventional Terrorism in Washington. In a recent book, Bodansky reports that Bin Laden?s associates acquired the devices through Chechnya, paying the Chechens $30 million in cash and two tons of Afghan heroin, worth about $70 million in Afghanistan and about 10 times that on the street in Western cities.


First off,Look closely at the date.. October 25th, 1999
He had them all this time and instead of detonating them on Sept,11,he had his cronies fly planes into the WTC ?
Second,Look at the source.

"a U.S.-based expert on non-conventional terror BELIEVES"

Bin Laden has acquired portable nuclear devices, a U.S.-based expert on non-conventional terror believes. The only real question now is whether BinLaden has "a few," as Russian intelligence seems to think, or "over 20," a figure cited by intelligence services of moderate Arab regimes.

What expert ?
One they pulled out of thier arse?

Yossef Bodansky writing for a christian/Jewish paper

Yeah OK,try again.
Show me some credible reports,not hype.

Tell me,Do you believe everything you read ?

If so,read This



Platinum Member
Mar 23, 2001
Need to remember...

One man's Christmas is another man's regular work day.

What would happen if we stopped fighting because of a holiday...but the other side didn't because for them it's not a holiday?

- tk


Senior member
Mar 24, 2001
What I'm wondering is why the hell is everything so different this time around? During other wars and conflicts, did people go into this much discussion whether we should fight over the holidays? Was there a huge news to-do every time someone died? I'm not trying to sound callous or anything, but why are we being so PC about everything?

Bulk Beef

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2001

<< Maybe Santa could drop one of those bunker busting bombs on his way by the bunker... >>

He's making his list, and checking it twice. We all know who's been naughty this year, and I bet he's getting a lot more than a lump of coal in his stocking. :)


Platinum Member
Mar 23, 2001
I'm sure (or at least fairly certain) these discussions took place, with pretty much the same conclusions.

Just nowadays (is that a word? :)) information is more readily available than it was <begin old man voice>"back in the day"<end old man voice>

I'm sure (or again, at least fairly certain) if CNN was around for WWII we'd have known, and would have had complete bios, on every one who died, within munites of their death.

I also beleive that if CNN had been around....D-Day would have been tipped off to the Germans (and the rest of the world) several weeks before the invasion(sp?).



Golden Member
Sep 19, 2001

<< What I'm wondering is why the hell is everything so different this time around? During other wars and conflicts, did people go into this much discussion whether we should fight over the holidays? Was there a huge news to-do every time someone died? I'm not trying to sound callous or anything, but why are we being so PC about everything? >>

Believe one is less PC than I am. :D The world is too PC in my opinion.

It's not different. Hell, I think the Taliban and Osama are getting off easy. I would've just nuked the place. I hate seeing all these peacefreaks around campus holding up "Stop the Bombing" signs and spraying it on the ground.

However, I love Christmas and I don't think anyone should have to die on Christmas Day and with the Holidays so close, I just thought about the stories I heard about Christmas during WWI.


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2001
My cold, heartless, bastardized response:
If the enemy was anyone other than OBL such as a sovereign state (we don't recognize the Taliban), then yeah, I'd consider the cease fire but something tells me it wouldn't reciprocate. The conflict carried throughout Ramadan so no efforts were made on their part during their holy time, why should we?


May 3, 2000

<< I believe everyone should have a good time and enjoy themselves no matter what on December 25th (or the whole week if you're Jewish or whatever other day is associated with the word "Holidays" now). >>

Hanukah has already started. Why should they take Christmas off? People at Best Buy and McDonalds have to work Christmas day, why shouldn't the military?

As for the Jews in the military, do you really think they should get ALL 8 days off because it's Hanukah? That's crazy.

If we can kick their ass during Ramadan, we can continue kicking their ass during Christmas.



Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Anybody remember the TED Offensive? Know what TED was?

The Vitnamese New Year... US gave the country a brake to let them celebrate their holliday. And boy did they.... Fireworks and all...

The 25th (in this country, Germany it's the 24th) is only a symbolic date... a date that should have meaning for us.... not just that one day but year arround. Christians celebrate the birth of the one that died for the Sins of this world. Osama better finds Jesus (Not as a prophet) as his saviour fast.... because either way he is going to meet someone up there soon.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2001
<< Anybody remember the TED Offensive >>

It was Tet if I rememeber right, but I agree 100% with the point. No breaks for them. They won't stop, why should we?

I almost picked #3, but I probably won't be running into Osama any time soon.


Jun 5, 2001
Moonbeam you should be abolutely ashamed of yourself for alarming everyone with such an outdated article.

And you should be BANNED for alarming everyone with a date that article NEVER had.


Thanks for clearning up yet another one of Moonbeam's drug induced postings or more likely a desperate cry for attention.


May 20, 2001

<< I heard they have two suitcase nukes as Christmas presents for two American cities this holiday. >>

Why does there always have to be a dumb A$$ remark like these???