God I hate you.
Besides you being an ignorant troll and someone who hates cats, you know nothing about supplements.
1. If you are stupid enough to buy from a non reputable company and try something new yourself you deserve it
2. Many of us on message boards and the like do our own independent testing. We have some guys from BALCO over there who have recently exposed Jungle Warfare etc.
3. Don't be stupid, know your science, read studies, and know the effects of things. Obviously JW contained some type of pro-steroid (6 dehydromethyltestosterone metablolites) because the original testers got gyno, which is not possible from the claimed mATD (anti estrogen).
4. We stick together and don't waste money.
5. The FDA just passed a new law 2 weeks ago. All new supplements are checked for what is on their label and now have to be tested by two independent test companies (i.e. pharm companies in bed with the FDA) to check that the label is in fact accurate. This is already driving up the costs of supplements. Even whey protein, from reputable companies which we know is whey), and the cost is already going up because of China's freak out and the rising cost of dairy.
6. If the FDA regulated supplements like drugs the costs would be astronomical. A 10lb bag of whey would be like 300$ because of the testing and approval that would be required. You need health insurance for a reason.
7. You actually believe the FDA is good? Hell no, just like everything else the highest bidder wins, and in the present and in the past drugs have been available that are dangerous. (heart attack in a bottle anyone).
8. There are long term studies for most of the stuff. That excuse is "so 1995."