my current system is xp 2500+, epox 8rda mobo 333 fsb max, nvidia fx 5900 128 mb, 1 gig pc 2700 ram.
now should i take the cheap upgrade with the 128 usd xp 3000+? this purchase will not require any new mobo or new ram.
Or should i upgrade to the A64 3200+, 1 gig pc 3200 ram, new A64 socket 939 90nm mobo? of course there is no A64 socket 939 90nm pci-e , SLI, nforce 4 chipset, enabled mobo yet out there. According to newegg Asus should come out with one soon. This would run me a higher price tag.
HL2 should run fine on my current system. I could just save money and wait until spring'05 to see if prices go down and new pci-e, SLI enabled mobos come out. 6800GT price should go down too.
Any opinions?
now should i take the cheap upgrade with the 128 usd xp 3000+? this purchase will not require any new mobo or new ram.
Or should i upgrade to the A64 3200+, 1 gig pc 3200 ram, new A64 socket 939 90nm mobo? of course there is no A64 socket 939 90nm pci-e , SLI, nforce 4 chipset, enabled mobo yet out there. According to newegg Asus should come out with one soon. This would run me a higher price tag.
HL2 should run fine on my current system. I could just save money and wait until spring'05 to see if prices go down and new pci-e, SLI enabled mobos come out. 6800GT price should go down too.
Any opinions?