should i upgrade to xp 3000+? (Success OCing 2500+ to 3200+)


Senior member
Jun 16, 2003
my current system is xp 2500+, epox 8rda mobo 333 fsb max, nvidia fx 5900 128 mb, 1 gig pc 2700 ram.

now should i take the cheap upgrade with the 128 usd xp 3000+? this purchase will not require any new mobo or new ram.

Or should i upgrade to the A64 3200+, 1 gig pc 3200 ram, new A64 socket 939 90nm mobo? of course there is no A64 socket 939 90nm pci-e , SLI, nforce 4 chipset, enabled mobo yet out there. According to newegg Asus should come out with one soon. This would run me a higher price tag.

HL2 should run fine on my current system. I could just save money and wait until spring'05 to see if prices go down and new pci-e, SLI enabled mobos come out. 6800GT price should go down too.

Any opinions?


Golden Member
Jul 1, 2004
no. not that much of a difference and i bet you can OC to 3200+. i would take the money and upgrade the 2700 to 3200 and later get an A64 939 instead.


Senior member
Jun 16, 2003
Originally posted by: LordPhoenix
no. not that much of a difference and i bet you can OC to 3200+. i would take the money and upgrade the 2700 to 3200 and later get an A64 939 instead.

do you know how i can OC my xp 2500+ on my epox 8rda on stock air cooling?


Senior member
Jun 16, 2003
Originally posted by: LordPhoenix
no. not that much of a difference and i bet you can OC to 3200+. i would take the money and upgrade the 2700 to 3200 and later get an A64 939 instead.

so far I can OC my 2500+ to 2800+ speeds (from 1.8Ghz to 2.08Ghz) on air. I will upgrade from pc2700 to pc3200 today so i can try to up the fsb to 200. so far the max i can OC is 166x12.5. I even tried uping to the Vcore up to 1.9V. The only other thing I can think of is to up the FSB to 200. Fot that I will have to upgrade to pc3200 today like you recommended.


Senior member
Jun 16, 2003
Originally posted by: LordPhoenix
no. not that much of a difference and i bet you can OC to 3200+. i would take the money and upgrade the 2700 to 3200 and later get an A64 939 instead.

Update: got the corsair xms pc3200 and now am pushing 175 Mhz x 12.5 = 2.19 Ghz (xp 3200+ speeds)


Oct 1, 2001
Originally posted by: frankierx
Originally posted by: LordPhoenix
no. not that much of a difference and i bet you can OC to 3200+. i would take the money and upgrade the 2700 to 3200 and later get an A64 939 instead.

Update: got the corsair xms pc3200 and now am pushing 175 Mhz x 12.5 = 2.19 Ghz (xp 3200+ speeds)

why dont you try 200 x 11?


Senior member
Jun 16, 2003
Originally posted by: bR
Originally posted by: frankierx
Originally posted by: LordPhoenix
no. not that much of a difference and i bet you can OC to 3200+. i would take the money and upgrade the 2700 to 3200 and later get an A64 939 instead.

Update: got the corsair xms pc3200 and now am pushing 175 Mhz x 12.5 = 2.19 Ghz (xp 3200+ speeds)

why dont you try 200 x 11?

because according to the oc guide in cpu/oc forum section, it says to use higher multiplier rather than fsb.

okay 200 x 11 works now, but my idle temp just went to 39C from 36C at 175x12.5


Jul 16, 2002
going from 36C to 39C won't kill the CPU. The main factor is, "Is it stable?" Run prime98 and memtest to see.


Senior member
Jun 16, 2003
Originally posted by: LeoMael
going from 36C to 39C won't kill the CPU. The main factor is, "Is it stable?" Run prime98 and memtest to see.

can you give me links to these tests? I'm new.


Platinum Member
Aug 25, 2004
id actually run 3dmark 2001se 3 times in a row to see if it is stable :). google: 3dmark 2001. download. run. =_=


Senior member
Jun 16, 2003
Originally posted by: Azzy64
id actually run 3dmark 2001se 3 times in a row to see if it is stable :). google: 3dmark 2001. download. run. =_=

What about if i play counter strike source ( HL2) over and over?


Senior member
Mar 16, 2004

Playing games will not reliably ensure system stability, nor running aquamark. Specifically I would use the Prime95 application ( link above) and during install choose the "Just testing" option. When you are in the app, run the custom test, set the min FFT to 2048 and run this for about 4-6 hours. Experience has shown that this will identify problems with your overclock faster than any of the default tests (or running smaller sized FFT tests).

What did you put the voltage on the CPU at? Again, I have seen in the past that you may need it at 1.675 - 1.7 do to this oc stably (depending on if your motherboard will over/undervolt).

Lastly, for AMD cpu's higher FSB is much more important for the overall overclock. So if you have the choice between 200x11 and 175x12.5 then I would definitely pick 200x11.

Good luck and welcome to your first overclock!

Edit: Also, your processor will heat up due to your "voltage" increments, and generally not because of the FSB or multiplier changes. I would like to see you keep it below 55C when under stress test (like after running Prime 95 after a few hours, and really very little out there will heat up a CPU like Prime95 will). Also, interms of voltage increases, 1.7 is very minor change (many motherboards will over-volt to this even if they state 1.65 in the bios). Really I believe move OC'ers would tell you that 1.75-1.8 is where you start dropping the life of your cpu from 10 yrs to something less. So do not fear to much changing these in the bios. The Chip can handle it.


Senior member
Jun 16, 2003
Originally posted by: magratton

Playing games will not reliably ensure system stability, nor running aquamark. Specifically I would use the Prime95 application ( link above) and during install choose the "Just testing" option. When you are in the app, run the custom test, set the min FFT to 2048 and run this for about 4-6 hours. Experience has shown that this will identify problems with your overclock faster than any of the default tests (or running smaller sized FFT tests).

What did you put the voltage on the CPU at? Again, I have seen in the past that you may need it at 1.675 - 1.7 do to this oc stably (depending on if your motherboard will over/undervolt).

Lastly, for AMD cpu's higher FSB is much more important for the overall overclock. So if you have the choice between 200x11 and 175x12.5 then I would definitely pick 200x11.

Good luck and welcome to your first overclock!

Edit: Also, your processor will heat up due to your "voltage" increments, and generally not because of the FSB or multiplier changes. I would like to see you keep it below 55C when under stress test (like after running Prime 95 after a few hours, and really very little out there will heat up a CPU like Prime95 will). Also, interms of voltage increases, 1.7 is very minor change (many motherboards will over-volt to this even if they state 1.65 in the bios). Really I believe move OC'ers would tell you that 1.75-1.8 is where you start dropping the life of your cpu from 10 yrs to something less. So do not fear to much changing these in the bios. The Chip can handle it.

Thank you. My Vcore is now set to 1.675 and I am running Prime95 as I post.


Platinum Member
Jan 28, 2004
just a note to keep in mind

A lot of people freak out if they see temps in the 40's on their CPU. If you're running an Athlon system, AMD rates their processors to handle 90 DEGREES C. I run my Mobile barton at 200x11 with a fan that barely turns 1000 rpm. I idle at 49C and load to around 54C. This is a little over HALF what AMD rates their CPU's for. 39C idle is perfectly acceptable.


Senior member
Jun 16, 2003
Im getting an error in Prime95 during the first 2 to 14 mins. I'm at 200x11=2.2 Ghz at 3-3-8 Latency 3.0.
Vcore 1.69 . Any suggestions? Corsair xms pc3200. Should I do anything with the timings? Should i lower the fsb?


Senior member
Jun 16, 2003

Originally posted by: Fern
As long as your temps under load aren't too high, raise the vcore and try P95 again.


im at 1.725 Vcore. 2 mins into prime95 error. corsair xms pc3200 at 3-3-3-8 , any recommendations?


Golden Member
Oct 22, 2004
I'd say, if you can still play the games you want and they still look pretty good, then don't bother upgrading. The way I see it, speed is not gonna be going up very much more any time soon, until dual core comes out. CPU speed bumps will be marginal, GPU refreshes look pretty pathetic (the new X850 only receives a 20MHz core/40MHz memory speed bump, that's pretty damn sad), so all the companies will be competing on features, platform, and price, to drive sales, and that's good news for you. Also, considering your situation, you're gonna have to replace that 5900 sometime soon anyway, because the FX series takes about a 50-60% performance hit rendering in DX9 for HL2, and it can't render water correctly. As such, why not make it a PCIe video card, like the 6600GT (or the refresh in january). I'd say wait till after christmas, all the companies will reveal all their plans for the immediate future after the holiday buying season is over, so you can decide if anything worthwhile is coming down the pipe.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2003
I would run memtest first, if you are gettting erro's there, then go ahead and loosen the timings some, otherwise you'll probably need to decrease your overclock a little bit at a time until it becomes stable.


Senior member
Jun 16, 2003
Originally posted by: stevty2889
I would run memtest first, if you are gettting erro's there, then go ahead and loosen the timings some, otherwise you'll probably need to decrease your overclock a little bit at a time until it becomes stable.

yes i am getting errors in memtest. What timings do you suggest I change it to?


Feb 25, 2004
Originally posted by: frankierx
Originally posted by: stevty2889
I would run memtest first, if you are gettting erro's there, then go ahead and loosen the timings some, otherwise you'll probably need to decrease your overclock a little bit at a time until it becomes stable.

yes i am getting errors in memtest. What timings do you suggest I change it to?

You said your ram is rated at pc3200? At 200fsb, you should not be getting any memtest errors regardless of your overclock. Try increasing the vdimm.


Senior member
Jun 16, 2003
Originally posted by: PingSpike
Originally posted by: frankierx
Originally posted by: stevty2889
I would run memtest first, if you are gettting erro's there, then go ahead and loosen the timings some, otherwise you'll probably need to decrease your overclock a little bit at a time until it becomes stable.

yes i am getting errors in memtest. What timings do you suggest I change it to?

You said your ram is rated at pc3200? At 200fsb, you should not be getting any memtest errors regardless of your overclock. Try increasing the vdimm.

Vdimm was on auto at 2.75 . I'm putting it on manual 2.77 . Then there is a last option of manual 2.9 something.


Senior member
Jun 16, 2003
Does it matter that my epox 8rda mobo is rated only for 333 fsb and I'm ocing to 200mhz x 11 = 2.2 Ghz at 400 fsb ram?