Which would you choose: the Ann Arbor News for $2.00 a week for a year, or the New York times for $2.90 a week for 8 weeks?
How much do you care about local news?Originally posted by: jumpr
Which would you choose: the Ann Arbor news for $2.00 a week for a year, or the New York times for $2.90 a week for 8 weeks?
Originally posted by: PoPPeR
luckily my local newspaper (contra costa times) is actually pretty damn good. I had a free subscription to the SF Chronicle and didn't like it too much. Or I just wasn't used to the different formats
Yeah, that's the thing...I don't know if I'd ever get around to reading it. I'm a news junkie, but I already subscribe to a couple weekly and monthly newsmagazines (The Week and The Atlantic, in addition to Forbes and Wired), and I don't know if I'd have time to read the paper too.Originally posted by: aircooled
I have given up on physical papers.