Should I Run A Custom Rom


Golden Member
Jan 2, 2010
My phone was acting up not getting emails and not storing peoples phone numbers so I went to install a custom rom. To make a long story short that rom didnt install so I went to reinstall the backup where I must have screwed up. Anyways my phone lost the os and I downloaded the oem os for my phone, reinstalled and everything was back to normal with the exception of lost pictures and music. Both are probably all on my computer saved in different locations somewhere to be found.
(On a side note is there a android function or app that will automatically sync photos and music to your pc?)
So my phone is working normal everything is running extremely quick so there isnt anything that I think I need to make the phone "better".
However since Im basically starting with a blank sheet do you think ts a good idea to install a custom rom? I was thinking about resurrection remix. It would bring my phone to android 7 also rather than its current android 6.


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2012
What phone and carrier? Check out XDA first as this forum doesn't have a lot of root/jailbreak users.

I do suggest root + custom kernel (if needed). After root, you can debloat and remove all unneeded apps.

But you probably don't have to do any of this. Your phone just sounds like it had wifi disabled during sleep or something.


Senior member
Nov 1, 2010
Both Google Photos and Google Play Music/Spotify will keep your photos and music in sync. I had my Pixel's battery die 2 weeks ago. The shop gave me a refurb unit to replace it. Google photos and Spotify meant I'd not lost anything.

As for the root question, while my phone was off for repair I dug out an old Samsung J5. Samsung stopped upgrading this with Marshmallow 6.1 but RR (I actually went for the Ice Cold remix of RR) runs fine.

With the I'd not really been using custom roms since my Nexus 4 in 2014 as Stock android/Motorola's skin got good enough to offer me most of what I wanted.

If you are unhappy with the stock rom, or if there are specific features you want (The J5 has 8GB of internal storage, so using a custom rom and the Nano Package of google apps cut my system size from 3GB to 1GB) then yep, custom roms are fun. Even if you just like tinkering then by all means play around with a custom rom.

I do like the UI customisability some offer - the edge swipe pie of apps is just one for quick switching, as is long press volume keys for media control. Just make sure you keep good backups or use a phone you can afford to brick.