Should I report a seller that backed out of a deal because he got a higher price?


Senior member
Oct 11, 1999
I wont mention any names yet, but I had made a deal with a seller to buy a mobo and chip combo for $260 , I asked him if it was ok to send him a money order on the 15th he said fine

Date Posted: Mar/11/2001 10:41 PM

no never tried 150 fsb.
15th is fine.
PM me when u have the money


then today I get this PM from him

Date Posted: Mar/13/2001 11:20 AM

your money is not in my hands yet
meanwhile, i got an offer for 300
if u can beat that it's yours
otherwise consider it sold

after I told him I was pissed he sent me this (which I DONT believe)

Date Posted: Mar/13/2001 12:35 PM

In all fairness to both parties,
I have decided to not sell the cpu/mobo combo at all

I have all the PM's from him

What do you guys think ? should I make a big deal about it ?
or just let it go

Axman out :|


Golden Member
Jan 29, 2001
These things happen. But, I would not deal with this person again. If you're not personally acquainted, that's the end. If you're casually acquainted, I'd distance myself. If you're well acquainted, I'd say I was disappointed.

Overall, I wouldn't waste a lot of thought on it.

vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
I wouldn't give a bad rating, especially if the events occured within the same day and nothing was shipped out.

If you hadn't gotten the money order written up and shipped out yet, I would just put him on your blacklist and remember it. I don't see any reason to give him a negative eval because he backed out of a deal.

As usual, JMHO.


Oct 9, 1999
What a jerk. If you are both over 18 then there is a binding contract with consideration. I'd leave a bad Heatware.


Golden Member
Oct 13, 1999
just don't deal with him again, and this kind of situation although seldomly happen, it can't be avoided since some people are like that..



Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< I'd leave a bad Heatware. >>

Since the deal was never completed, I don't think that would be wise. However post the wankers name so we can all avoid him.


Platinum Member
Jul 13, 2000
Since he didn't sell it at all, I wouldn't report him. If he had sold it to the other person for more money then I would have definately reported him. The FS/T rules clearly state that these are not auctions and the price you post it for sale as is the price you sell it for. Auction style posts are not allowed.


Mar 9, 2001
Breaking a deal speaks about someones character. I don't believe the seller decided not to sell the board either. This resurgence of &quot;good concience&quot; doesn't seem likely. Regardless if he sold it to the other person or not, NOT selling to you after he agreed to is improper, and should be reported. I would like to know in advance if I'm dealing with a bone-head!

If it smells like a rat, don't buy the cheese.


Platinum Member
Aug 31, 2000
Uh, I would definitely post this guys name and leave neutral or negative heatware. From his PMs, I'm sure that he sold the cpu/mobo combo! How are you supposed to know if he didnt sell it or not, his word? You dont know who the third party is so you wouldnt be able to find out. He probably just fed you that garbage so you wouldnt post anything about him.



Senior member
Oct 11, 1999
Well here are all the PM's

Date Posted: Mar/09/2001 10:42 AM
i got a p3 700e cb0 slot1 SL454 @ 1001 @ 1.65 (default) on be6-II
selling w/ a-bit be6-ii (softmenu III) for
$260 shipped

Date Posted: Mar/09/2001 11:32 AM
GREAT ! have you ran any tests like Quake3 demos or prime 95 things like that , is it stable running all app's and games ? its going to be a
gaming rig so it will have to be very stable under stress, also what video card are you using?
Geforce ? will it run the quake demo loop overnight without crashing ?
Sorry for all the questions ;-)
would you sell just the P3700e without the mobo I was thinking of picking up a Be6-2 v-2 , or is your a V-2?

Do you have any ref's ?
Axman out

Date Posted: Mar/09/2001 11:49 AM
yes stable running all apps and games
didn't do demo loop overnight.
ran 3dmark successfully w/ gf2 gts video card.
my mb is abit be6-ii v1.1 not v2
references would be ****, ******, *****, etc.
the beauty of it all is i'm running it cas 2-2-2 w/ crucial sdram
and all at default voltage =)
let me know

OK this sounds great ! , my funds are a bit low at the moment could you let it go for $200 money order ? ;-)
or would you let me buy just the P3700e without the mobo ? I could give you $130 for the cpu

I have a friend picking me up a abit be6-2 v-2 for $80 ,under wholesale ;-) he just cant get the P3700e slot 1 for me
Please let me know , I cant wait to check this out on some games I have been wanting to play



Date Posted: Mar/09/2001 4:07 PM
no sorry selling as a set for 260

Date Posted: Mar/09/2001 4:14 PM
OK I will let you know on Monday there is a Marketpro computer show in town Im going to see what they have to offer if I dont find what Im looking
for and you still have it for sale I might take the combo

Axman out

Date Posted: Mar/11/2001 3:47 PM
I think I would like to take the set , did you ever try to push it to 150fsb and see if it did 1050 ? just wondering
Could i send you a money order for it on the 15th (payday) ??
please let me know

ate Posted: Mar/11/2001 3:56 PM
Thanks again for the deal I could always use another mobo
Best regards

Date Posted: Mar/11/2001 10:41 PM

no never tried 150 fsb.
15th is fine.
PM me when u have the money

Date Posted: Mar/12/2001 9:07 AM
great I will pm you for the details on to whom and where to send it on the 15th .
Thanks again ,

Date Posted: Mar/13/2001 11:20 AM

your money is not in my hands yet
meanwhile, i got an offer for 300
if u can beat that it's yours
otherwise consider it sold

Date Posted: Mar/13/2001 11:47 AM

dude you said the 15th would be fine to send the money out and we agreed on 260
whats going on ! ! ! !
this is not cool at all
I didnt know this was an auction !
let me know
Axman out

Date Posted: Mar/13/2001 11:55 AM

well if u were the seller wouldn't u rather sell for more and get the money sooner than have to wait and get less?
nothing personal against you, just business

Date Posted: Mar/13/2001 11:58 AM

true but if I had made a deal and told someone that yes you can have it , I would not go back on my word
and I thought that &quot;it goes to the highest bidder&quot; stuff is a BIG NO NO on these boards
oh well you live and learn
off the the computer show this weekend

Axman out

Mar/13/2001 12:35 PM
In all fairness to both parties,
I have decided to not sell the cpu/mobo combo at all

Date Posted: Mar/13/2001 12:59 PM
all I can say is ...


Axman out

PS, I would not bad mouth you in public on these boards

Now I said that I wouldnt &quot;bad mouth&quot; him on these boards so Im not
I just I just had to vent a little ,thanks

Dont get your hopes up untill its in your hands !!!!!

Axman out


Jan 10, 2001

<< well if u were the seller wouldn't u rather sell for more and get the money sooner than have to wait and get less? >>

Basically an auction.

vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
It could be just me, but by the looks of things, you were out looking for a better deal yourself while he was just waiting back to hear from you. If that was all we have to go by, then I really don't see any real forclosure of the deal, IE exchange of names/addresses, ect.

Negative evals are usually left for times when something wasn't sold as advertised, the buyer/seller never shipped their end of the bargain, incredibly tardy ship times, and deals that just didn't go smoothly.

After reading the PM's, I am still hold the opinion that this doesn't require the need for a negative evaluation. Hell, at least he told you why he backed out. I've had this happen to me several times. It's no sweat off my sac. I didn't loose any money and several times I ended up finding better deals.


Feb 8, 2001
refer this to a moderator. This guy has violated several of the trading guidelines.


Platinum Member
Jun 20, 2000

Buddy, you just got RAPED...And now you don't want to tell who did it?

Uhhhhh, there's this camping trip coming up....You want to come along?


Senior member
Oct 11, 1999
Its water under the bridge , but its no biggie , I would post his name but I told him in a PM that I wouldnt so I stand by my word sorry guys , Im not going to do anything about it. Computer shows are not to bad , kinda fun really, Just hope he reads this and relizes that he acted like a ****head.

Vi_Edit :

Date Posted: Mar/09/2001 4:14 PM
&quot;OK I will let you know on Monday there is a Marketpro computer show in town Im going to see what they have to offer if I dont find what Im looking for and you still have it for sale I might take the combo&quot;

notice I said &quot;and you still have it for sale&quot; , I never said please hold it for me

anyway lets not get into that , The fact is that In was looking forward to something and it didnt happen OH WELL who cares

Life goes on and my venting is over

Axman out :cool:


Oct 9, 1999
I strongly believe this person deserves a negative Heatware because it was a done deal:

There was an offer, acceptance, meeting of the minds, and consideration. The deal was complete by all standard and then this person backed out. Completly unacceptable. Who is to say this person will not pull the same stunt on someone else. Last thing I want to see is FS/FT turn into another Hot Deals. :|


Antisocial Virge

Diamond Member
Dec 13, 1999
It has been stated before. Since no product has changed hands no Heatware can be given. Thats the way it was unless the rules have changed.

Was his product posted for sale on the board or did you ask looking for something?

Yo Ma Ma

Jan 21, 2000
I think the fact that he didn't buy it right away, but promised to get/send a MO after payday introduces some grey area. I wouldn't think that if it was someone I knew and could rely on my reputation alone to be &quot;good&quot; for the money, but in this case that factor isn't clearly there.

You would definitely have a strong case if you did send some money as a down payment, or had already sent off the total amount. Personally though, if I'd made that promise to sell for $260 and wait for your money, I'd have stuck to it.


Feb 15, 2000
He is an ass, I would not deal with him. You did not say you would not PM his name, so would you mind?


Senior member
Oct 11, 1999
Thanks but the MOD got him , I was not going to bad mouth him but I couldnt believe my eyes when I was the same combo up for sale again

what a sleeze

Axman out