Should i give Chaintech another chance??


Mar 30, 2004
Hi all,

A few weeks ago i replaced my asus k8v se deluxe mobo with the chaintech ZNF3-150, hoping for a better overclock.

Will it was 1 problem after another untill i finally got it into windows.
But things just didnt seem right, laggy startups, running more multiple aplications was a nightmare, i noticed installing things was horrible slow when copying things to the hardrive. All in all it seemed slow and laggy allround. I couldnt seem 2 change it, i came 2 my conclusion that it was either something i was doing wrong or it was a faulty bored. I posted my problem on many forums and no solutions came 2 be. So i returned the bored and continued to use my plain vanilla asus.

Well today im thinking at giving it another go, If the store has the ZNF3-250 in stock ill get that 1 but if it doesnt the ZNF3-150 will do me fine. I just wana see ur opinions if i should give the ZNF3 another chance based on my experience.


Platinum Member
Jan 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Qu1cK
Hi all,

A few weeks ago i replaced my asus k8v se deluxe mobo with the chaintech ZNF3-150, hoping for a better overclock.

Will it was 1 problem after another untill i finally got it into windows.
But things just didnt seem right, laggy startups, running more multiple aplications was a nightmare, i noticed installing things was horrible slow when copying things to the hardrive. All in all it seemed slow and laggy allround. I couldnt seem 2 change it, i came 2 my conclusion that it was either something i was doing wrong or it was a faulty bored. I posted my problem on many forums and no solutions came 2 be. So i returned the bored and continued to use my plain vanilla asus.

Well today im thinking at giving it another go, If the store has the ZNF3-250 in stock ill get that 1 but if it doesnt the ZNF3-150 will do me fine. I just wana see ur opinions if i should give the ZNF3 another chance based on my experience.

I would wait for the MSI board to come out.
Those Chaintechs seem to have alot of problems.
I own own one.
It's waiting to go back to Newegg.


Mar 30, 2004
I got my system up and running on my new ZNF3 150 and no more lag :)
Everything seems to be working fine (knocks on wood) but a few minor things, like agp texture accerleration in directx diagnotics tool, and i cant seem 2 find a stable oc past 2.1 on my 3200+

Wut should i set my voltages to and stuff?


May 7, 2004
Just my experience...I have the VNF3-250 and it has not been problematic at all. I was leary about buying a chaintech board as I have always stuck with asus ot abit. However, the VNF3-250 is an awesome board for a rather low price.
