Hey out there.............
I've been reading the posts on this board. I was really wanting to get one but after reading all these bad reports of non boot issues & no cpu detected & such I really am not sure.
I could really use some advice. I want to run this board but do'nt want to go through a bunch of crap trying to get it to work.
My present board is an ASUS CUSL2-C with a PIII 1000 on it.
Not one problem at all ...ever with this board.
Was planning on getting the P4S533 & a P4 2.2 & setting up around that.
Have you guys found "THE" way this board should be set up yet...?
Do you have to use a P4 pwr supply...?
Do you hook up all the pwr connectors or just the main one & also the xtra plug that looks like a plug to use for hdd's & stuff....?
Please give me the low down on what works , or , to just use somthing else
thanks in advance for any help you guys can give.............. Craig
I've been reading the posts on this board. I was really wanting to get one but after reading all these bad reports of non boot issues & no cpu detected & such I really am not sure.
I could really use some advice. I want to run this board but do'nt want to go through a bunch of crap trying to get it to work.
My present board is an ASUS CUSL2-C with a PIII 1000 on it.
Not one problem at all ...ever with this board.
Was planning on getting the P4S533 & a P4 2.2 & setting up around that.
Have you guys found "THE" way this board should be set up yet...?
Do you have to use a P4 pwr supply...?
Do you hook up all the pwr connectors or just the main one & also the xtra plug that looks like a plug to use for hdd's & stuff....?
Please give me the low down on what works , or , to just use somthing else
thanks in advance for any help you guys can give.............. Craig