Should I get a P4S533...?


Junior Member
May 5, 2002
Hey out there.............

I've been reading the posts on this board. I was really wanting to get one but after reading all these bad reports of non boot issues & no cpu detected & such I really am not sure.
I could really use some advice. I want to run this board but do'nt want to go through a bunch of crap trying to get it to work.
My present board is an ASUS CUSL2-C with a PIII 1000 on it.
Not one problem at all ...ever with this board.

Was planning on getting the P4S533 & a P4 2.2 & setting up around that.

Have you guys found "THE" way this board should be set up yet...?
Do you have to use a P4 pwr supply...?
Do you hook up all the pwr connectors or just the main one & also the xtra plug that looks like a plug to use for hdd's & stuff....?

Please give me the low down on what works , or , to just use somthing else

thanks in advance for any help you guys can give.............. Craig


Senior member
Feb 10, 2002
I am also asking myself the same question. I have the case already and that is it. A Cieftec w/ 420 watt P4 certified PS. I like the specs and perfermance of the P4S533 board but I dont want to get a "dead" one like so many other people when boards like the P4B266 seem to have less issues. It is a tuff choice but I have about a month so I am going to see how many more problems arise w/ the 533 or if Asus gets it ironed out. Good luck.


Mar 19, 2001
I had a P4S333/1.6a combo ran up to about 144/145fsb....I ordered a P4S533 and swapped it out..running great at 150fsb problems at all here...


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2001
Just from what I've seen, you might want to wait a bit before getting this board. There seem to be many issues so far but it is really too early to tell if it is the board or perhaps a setup problem. I'd like to think that it is the setup that has been the culprit, but can't prove it from what I've seen. I like ASUS but in this case I would wait a bit if you really want this board. I also have heard that the P4B266 is an excellent board and not many reported issues either.
Yes, you would need a P4 approved PS for this board. If you don't have one, don't even think about it until you do. A great deal of the setup trouble I've seen reported seems to have to deal with the PS and connectors. And no, I don't think you use all the connectors; just two of the three, but don't quote me. Good Luck!


Senior member
Apr 13, 2001
Do you have to use a P4 pwr supply...?

Do you hook up all the pwr connectors or just the main one & also the xtra plug that looks like a plug to use for hdd's & stuff....?
You are supposed to only connect either the ATX 12V or the "ASUS EZ Plug" (regular HD power connector) but not both at the same time. Not sure either one will improve your OC result.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2001
I'm afraid I would have to disagree with bargainshopper on the PS issue. With all the trouble reported with this board and 95% of it centered around the PS and/or the connectors, I would think that you would be "begging for failure" if you don't use a P4 approved PS. But if you are into gambling with your hard earned $$ and your new, expensive toy, go for it; by all means!


Junior Member
May 5, 2002
I just put a reply on my thread Lyzar's P4S533 troubles

Basically just said that I had just got off the phone with Brett from Asus Tech Support this morning and he said hooking up all three power hookups would do no damage ever to your board and that it was suggested that you use all three if you think your power supply can't quite supply enough juice.

So straight from Asus - you can hook up all three and in some cases it is suggested.


Golden Member
Apr 3, 2001
Have you guys found "THE" way this board should be set up yet...?
Do you have to use a P4 pwr supply...?
Do you hook up all the pwr connectors or just the main one & also the xtra plug that looks like a plug to use for hdd's & stuff....?

Please give me the low down on what works , or , to just use somthing else

Well I don't know if their is a better way but I just left it at default jumper free

No you don't have to use a P4 power supply just a good 350 or better ATX

No you don't hook both power connectors just the ATX and one 12 volt

It is a very stable board but also a very slow board if you are use to running a Athlon,

I built it for someone, Would I trade my Dragon+ XP1900 for it, NO way, But am still looking for speed and it is a very stable board that runs cool without any noise