I've wanted a dog for most of my life now, and now I might actually get one within the next year. I've really wanted a yellow Lab, and I had mostly made up my mind to get a dog from a breeder in PA. I want a life long companion, so I want to get a puppy. It's not that I need a purebred dog, but I am mostly concerned about temparement, and the long term health of the dog. The breeder I am considering breeds specifically for those things, and is incredibly passionate about her breed. I'm not interested in breeding my dog or showing my dog either.
I do figure that I owe it to myself to consider getting a dog from a local rescue shelter though, if puppies are available, but I am concerned about long term health issues, temperament, and prior abuse.
What kind of experiences have you had on getting dogs from reputable breeders or local shelters?
I do figure that I owe it to myself to consider getting a dog from a local rescue shelter though, if puppies are available, but I am concerned about long term health issues, temperament, and prior abuse.
What kind of experiences have you had on getting dogs from reputable breeders or local shelters?