ahhh dammit now *I* want Chipotle...Originally posted by: chrisjor
will check later...i'm off to Chipotle for a monster burrito and I' gonna watch DVD's!!!
Originally posted by: yellowperil
I was considering the two but I think I will wait until the Sony MP3 CD players come down in price. They seem to have the best battery life (24hr MP3/32 hr audio CD w/2 AAs), and my last two Discmans have been good to me.
Originally posted by: Nefrodite
slimx, its the size a cdplayer/mp3 player should be. unlike thatabsurd rio pos thing
Originally posted by: chrisjor
they are both $149.99 @ Amazon w/ free shipping and $20 off. Looks like Slim X is winning by a landslide...yet it got a lot of negative comments in the Amazon customer reviews!!!
Not surprising that statement came from a pansyboyits also always better to have somehting small and thin
Originally posted by: chrisjor
Well, I ordered SlimX. Total cost $129.99. Problem......I just discovered SP250 also has a $30 rebate on it OR Free Car Cassette Adapter and Car Power Adapter after rebate. Final cost $99.00. D@rn it!!!
I have heard of a couple of people calling iRiver for a replacement and they recieved it free of charge. Not sure if they still do this.How much is a replacement remote if I ever need one?