should I buy a 400gb hitachi??


Sep 14, 2003
They are a notorous company for failing hdd's, should I invest in their monster? Looking to raid 4 of them for 1.6gb of raid goodness. :)


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004

Get a Sony Blu Ray burner instead to back up your files ;)


Elite Member
Apr 16, 2000
If you have $1600+ lying around to burn. Knock youself out. I wouldn't in a million years have that much storage in a RAID 0 array. Anyone who even thinks of doing that with any type of drive deserves to watch it die along with their data.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Looking to raid 4 of them for 1.6gb of raid goodness.

1.6Gb? Try 1.6Terabyte;).

I saw a review of them in MaxPC they listed the price as $410 each, but they are always look around. but for what they cost, you could buy 2 WD250Gb SATA hard drives for the price of one of those. So think about it - 500Gb for the cost of Hitatchis 400gb...


Senior member
Nov 28, 2002
IBM/Hitachi drive reliability isn't all that bad IMHO. I used to work for IBM and also have relatives that did so had discounts on their hardware for a long time. Anyway, currently I have a pair of ages old 15krpm IBM SCSI and 3-4 120GB 7.2krpm drives running happily with never the slightest hint of trouble. Had some older ones that are gone due to being too small/slow (although going back far enough many of them are rebadged, so not actually IBM...), not breaking (well except 1).

From after the sell I have dual 7.2krpm Hitachi lappy drives that have been doing awesome. I go through a lot of notebook drives because I'm not very gentle, but these have stood up since they came out (new femtohead is supposed to help shock tolerance, so maybe that's it). If the whole Deathstar incident hadn't happened (I was actually buying Maxtor drives around then, since they were offering 5200rpm models really cheap) I'd say they were one of the more reliable companies and with good performance to boot.

Of course it did happen, heh. So as far as anecdotal evidence goes, I consider them above Maxtor and WD both of who have had more drives die on me proportionally. I suppose I'm biased though as well. ^^ Doesn't Storage Review have a reliability survey or something?

>So think about it - 500Gb for the cost of Hitatchis 400gb...

Heh, you say that now, but I have lots of 40 and 80GB drives laying around that I just can't fit in my computer (and it's a yy cube case so has like 16 bays). Had I bought bigger capacities I'd still be using them. Fewer drives means fewer failures as well, although in this case we have different models and companies being compared as well.


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Sure. If you have all that money laying around and need that much space I don't care what you buy. And they are notorious for having a line of drives fail with alarming regularity. That does not mean all the drives from the company are bad. Every company has a crap line/model now and again.



Diamond Member
Apr 8, 2003
I was just talking about this today. But considering the low prices of 200gb-250gb drives, you could save $$$ by getting two 200gb drives or even two 250gb drives, as opposed to 1 400gb drive. I for one will either wait till the price drops more, or just pick up a few more 250gb WD drives and still save $50.


Golden Member
Oct 10, 2000
Im looking to get a few also, but have not been able to find a place to purchase online can anyone link me?

thinking about putting two in a snap server 2200 and raid-o config.

I have SDLT 600Gb to back it up so no problems with backups.


Jun 24, 2001
I've been considering buying six of them for my RAID5 array. Western Digital drives are vulnerable to their own accoustic noise when stacked in an array. The Hitachi 7k250 and 7k400 series introduces a new technology specifically to counter vibrational performance degredation and it should do pretty good to combat this.

Even though I already have six 120GB Western Digital Special Edition drives, I've been stocking up on more 1200JB drives to use when I decide to cash it all in for 400GB Hitachi drives. Today is the last day to get them at Circuit City for $39 so expect them to all be long sold out ;)


Jun 24, 2003
Originally posted by: Pariah
If you have $1600+ lying around to burn. Knock youself out. I wouldn't in a million years have that much storage in a RAID 0 array. Anyone who even thinks of doing that with any type of drive deserves to watch it die along with their data.

I swear, some people here must have nuclear bomb instructions on their computers that they're hoping to sell for millions.

My computer has games, some music (ripped from CDs) and bookmarks. I think the greatest thing I could lose in the event of a drive failure (I'm a RAID 0 person) is my chat logs from Trillian.