Should Bush Replace Colin Powell as Secretary of State?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I was watching some "This Week" on ABC this past weekend and recalled hearing one of the analysts hinting that Bush should get rid of Powell. Then today, I read this story on Newsweek about Powell's Humiliation:

Here are some quotes from the article:

<< When George W. Bush was assembling his ?dream team? of foreign-policy advisers, many wondered who would resolve the inevitable clashes between the Olympians. Not to worry, we were told. Once the president made a decision, everyone would fall in line. There would be no leaks, no backstabbing, no second-guessing. These were professionals. That was the theory. The reality over the last three weeks has been a bitter internal war resulting in feckless foreign policy and the erosion of American credibility around the world. >>

<< On April 4, Bush stood with Colin Powell in the Rose Garden and announced a new policy. It was a superb speech, condemning terrorism and pointing out, correctly, that Yasir Arafat had brought his troubles upon himself. Bush called on Arafat to condemn terrorism. He also called on Israel to ?halt the incursions and begin withdrawal.? >>

<< By then, the Defense Department and the vice president?s office had declared war on the president?s policy. Having counseled the White House to ignore the Israel-Palestine problem for 15 months?advice that proved disastrously wrong?they were now determined to cripple Powell?s mission. They recommended that the president stop issuing statements supporting the secretary. Congress jumped in, with Democrats and Republicans falling all over themselves to side with Ariel Sharon rather than George W. Bush. The Christian right and the neoconservatives lobbied the White House nonstop, denouncing the secretary of State while he was meeting foreign leaders. >>

<< It worked. The White House caved. By April 11, Ari Fleischer was explaining that ?the president believes that Ariel Sharon is a man of peace.? No further statements urging withdrawal or supporting Powell were issued. On April 15 the White House sent Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz to speak at a rally whose purpose was to urge Israel not to withdraw?at the very moment that the secretary of State was in Jerusalem calling on Israel to withdraw! This was a Clintonian moment, recalling Clinton?s comments in Seattle that he sympathized with the protesters?who were protesting his policies. >>

<< However we get out of this mess, one thing is clear. The president cannot pursue an effective policy without an undisputed foreign-policy spokesman. If he will not back his secretary of State out of conviction, he should do so out of calculation?or else replace him. For now he is following in the footsteps of another Southern governor with little foreign-policy experience who allowed his advisers to battle perpetually for control of foreign policy. Do we really want to go back to the Carter years? >>

Seems like there's a conflict in policy between Condi Rice/Powell and Rumsfeld/Cheney. I personally agree with what Powell is trying to accomplish but I want the US to have "an undisputed foreign-policy spokesman". So which side will win out? Should/will Powell get replaced? Hopefully, this gets ironed out soon.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
<<its not gonna happen, bush gets a lot of support because he has powell>>

But is pretty useless since Rumsfeld/Cheney is overriding his decisions. I think Rumsfeld/Cheney should stop being so stubborn (they're the ones who told Bush to not get involved in Israel/Palestine until that situation spiraled out of control) and let Powell do his job.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
I say YES! Powell is and was a DOVE and against Schwarthkopf finishing the Gulf War and getting So Damn Insane out of there.

As big a mistake as having a woman as Sec Of State as did clinton. Arabs do not respect women, how can you expect them to deal with one?

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000

<< I say YES! Powell is and was a DOVE and against Schwarthkopf finishing the Gulf War and getting So Damn Insane out of there. As big a mistake as having a woman as Sec Of State as did clinton. Arabs do not respect women, how can you expect them to deal with one? >>

Absolutely true. We need people with no sense of restraint. Also, Clinton should have known better than to select Albright. After all, he should have based foreign policy on the wants of the Arab states. I mean what are people thinking? Next folks will expect that the administration should work for us. How ignorant.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000

<< Get rid of that bacon hearted Cheney instead. >>

Actually RD, if I were President (no fear, if I can't be king, i'm not going to do it) I would want SOME tension. Differing opinions offer more options. If everybody has the same idea, then there are no dissenting views and limited choices. What matters is that once the President makes a decision, everyone supports it, at least in practice and in public.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
<< I say YES! Powell is and was a DOVE and against Schwarthkopf finishing the Gulf War and getting So Damn Insane out of there. As big a mistake as having a woman as Sec Of State as did clinton. Arabs do not respect women, how can you expect them to deal with one? >>

Absolutely true. We need people with no sense of restraint. Also, Clinton should have known better than to select Albright. After all, he should have based foreign policy on the wants of the Arab states. I mean what are people thinking? Next folks will expect that the administration should work for us. How ignorant. >>

Thank you for calling me ignorant. I really respect your views also! (If you were calling clinton and his administration ignorant, then I agree and apologize)


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
I think Powell is an intelligent and competent Secretary of State. I do think he is a little too much of a dove, considering present world events. If we were at peace and we were not involved in the War on Terror, he would be just fine. In light of actual circumstances in the world Powell?s worldview is too timid.
If I were Bush, I would still keep him in the administration, in some capacity.
I would probably replace Powell with Newt Gingrich (regardless of your thoughts on his politics, his academic and credentials are good) or Pat Buchanan.


Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2002
Even though he is a dove, I personally like the guy and think he is plus in the position. I think he is HONEST and so does much of the world which goes a long way in his job.

I just can't see the name Madeline Albright without LMFAO.



Elite Member
Jan 29, 2000
When Dems have their way in 2004 elections, Powell will be a non issue. In the meantime, I don't think you can put anyone in that can mediate the tensions in the middle east. Arabs don't want peace. They want Israel to be run into the sea. They want western democracy to be stomped by their camel boots.

Right now, Bush id getting an earfull of threatening oil boycotts if the US does not back off support for Israel. WTF? I'll tell you this, if Bush capitulates today, he is history.It will make him a lame duck president the rest of his term if he sells out to Arab blackmail.

At any rate, let Powell do his job. I agree, the grandstanding of Rumsfeld in these damn daily press reports is dipicable arragant behavior,but I have not heard until now anyone accusing him of colaberation with Cheney for his rehtoric.

Personally, I support the war on terrorism, but here lately that noble cause has been sidelined and muttled by a weak and un asertive US forign policy. Bush has waffled allmost daily on this Israel/PLO issue. Lets see what comes out today from Crawford. The spin doctors will have a field day. Just a few more hours to wait.;)


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001

<< Anyone ever heard of good cop/ bad cop? >>

Agreed. This way you can play both sides of the game.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
<<When Dems have their way in 2004 elections,>>


LMAO even though I agree with most of the rest of your post.


Jul 5, 2000
All Colin Powell is to bush is a token to suck up to the black vote. His talents are so wasted with Bush. I kinda hope Bush would get rid of Powell so powell can do some work that matters, not just a person to stand beside Bush for photo day.

But Bush would be even more stupid to get rid of him. But look at Bushs track record, it would no surprise me if he did it.


Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2002

<< All Colin Powell is to bush is a token to suck up to the black vote. His talents are so wasted with Bush. I kinda hope Bush would get rid of Powell so powell can do some work that matters, not just a person to stand beside Bush for photo day.

But Bush would be even more stupid to get rid of him. But look at Bushs track record, it would no surprise me if he did it.

Are you, like, a Democrat or something?


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001

<< All Colin Powell is to bush is a token to suck up to the black vote. His talents are so wasted with Bush. I kinda hope Bush would get rid of Powell so powell can do some work that matters, not just a person to stand beside Bush for photo day.

But Bush would be even more stupid to get rid of him. But look at Bushs track record, it would no surprise me if he did it.

Just like a lib, b*tch cause the repubs don't have minorities in the party, then b*tch when the do.

Question for ya lib? Who had/has more minorities in their cabinet? Clinton or Bush?


Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2002


<< All Colin Powell is to bush is a token to suck up to the black vote. His talents are so wasted with Bush. I kinda hope Bush would get rid of Powell so powell can do some work that matters, not just a person to stand beside Bush for photo day.

But Bush would be even more stupid to get rid of him. But look at Bushs track record, it would no surprise me if he did it.

Just like a lib, b*tch cause the repubs don't have minorities in the party, then b*tch when the do.

Question for ya lib? Who had/has more minorities in their cabinet? Clinton or Bush?

I'm still waiting for the "track record" to be expounded upon.