"Sharp Dressed Man" that Helped Umar Farouk with Passport


Jan 21, 2006

"Flight 253 passenger: Sharp-dressed man aided terror suspect Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab onto plane without passport (MLive.com exclusive)"

"By Sheena Harrison | MLive.com
December 26, 2009, 2:22PM"

"A Michigan man who was aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 253 says he witnessed Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab trying to board the plane in Amsterdam without a passport.

Kurt Haskell of Newport, Mich., who posted an earlier comment about his experience, talked exclusively with MLive.com and confirmed he was on the flight by sending a picture of his boarding pass. He and his wife, Lori, were returning from a safari in Uganda when they boarded the NWA flight on Friday."

"Haskell said he and his wife were sitting on the ground near their boarding gate in Amsterdam, which is when they saw Mutallab approach the gate with an unidentified man.

Kurt and Lori Haskell are attorneys with Haskell Law Firm in Taylor. Their expertise includes bankruptcy, family law and estate planning.

While Mutallab was poorly dressed, his friend was dressed in an expensive suit, Haskell said. He says the suited man asked ticket agents whether Mutallab could board without a passport. “The guy said, 'He's from Sudan and we do this all the time.'”

Mutallab is Nigerian. Haskell believes the man may have been trying to garner sympathy for Mutallab's lack of documents by portraying him as a Sudanese refugee.

The ticket agent referred Mutallab and his companion to her manager down the hall, and Haskell didn't see Mutallab again until after he allegedly tried to detonate an explosive on the plane.

Haskell said the flight was mostly unremarkable. That was until he heard a flight attendant say she smelled smoke, just after the pilot announced the plane would land in Detroit in 10 minutes. Haskell got out of his seat to view the brewing commotion."

Follow up -

"Dutch police investigating report of accomplice in Northwest Flight 253 terror plot"

"By Jonathan Oosting | MLive.com
December 28, 2009, 10:06AM"

"Reuters reports Dutch military police are investigating claims that an accomplice may have helped Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab board Northwest Flight 253 in Amsterdam on Christmas day without a passport, a story first told here on MLive.com."

(basically a re-print of the same news story.)


This is not a ZZTop Trivia question (they have a great rock song called Sharp-Dressed Man).

WHY AREN'T WE SEEING THE IMAGES OF THE SHARP-DRESSED MAN WITH UMAR FAROUK, video that would normally be captured by airport video cameras ? ? ?

This Christmas attempted bombing STINKS.

not a WORD on mainstream media about the assistance Umar Farouk got from the guy in the suit.

is MLive putting out dis-info, or is their news story for real ?


Mar 9, 2008
This sharp dressed man was most likely a US agent acting on orders from the CIA to get Mutallab on the plane. All of the signs of a government cover up are there. No media attention. No video. No evidence. This whole incident reeks of government cover up. Look at the facts. Evaluate them objectively. Ask questions. This is just the beginning.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
This sharp dressed man was most likely a US agent acting on orders from the CIA to get Mutallab on the plane. All of the signs of a government cover up are there. No media attention. No video. No evidence. This whole incident reeks of government cover up. Look at the facts. Evaluate them objectively. Ask questions. This is just the beginning.
Somebody will be arriving at your house this evening to discuss your view on this situation. We find it unsettling.


Feb 23, 2005
This sharp dressed man was most likely a US agent acting on orders from the CIA to get Mutallab on the plane. All of the signs of a government cover up are there. No media attention. No video. No evidence. This whole incident reeks of government cover up. Look at the facts. Evaluate them objectively. Ask questions. This is just the beginning.

Everyone knows this.


Feb 6, 2000
MLive isnt the only source right now, I heard an Interview with the guy who stated this tonight while driving...

sharped dressed indian man, who was helping him get on the plane supposedly talking about how he didnt have a passport


Nov 4, 1999
In other news, ZZTop has been brought in for questioning...

/they deny any knowledge as they were all sleeping inside their sleeping bags..
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Senior member
Sep 28, 2006
He was the man who got Umar through airport and customs without being searched. It's obvious he has high credentials, because only certain members of state have the ability to do so. It's also very obvious because it has all the classic signs of a "drill" mission. Various agencies are always doing drills to test security. If you don't test your own security, you don't know where weaknesses are. Only this time, it appears the drill was carried out to a full extent involving flammable materials. Why? To create a scare.. to increase security even tighter, and to award contracts to certain companies who manufacture the 'naked' body scanners, air puff explosive detectors, etc. All signs of more tyrannical power grabs IMO.

Pretty soon they'll have you flying on an airplane in government issued tyvek garments, then shackle you to your seat. But hey, all in the name of safety.

edit: And yes, the original story is real from what I gather. Someone with a handheld camera and audio recorder was interviewing people getting off the flight. Some of them reported that the 'sharply dressed man' also had a video camera and was supposedly recording the whole time of the flight-- the same man helping Umar through customs and everything. I heard he was also arrested, but let go? It's hard to find anything at all in the news about it.
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Jan 21, 2006
they don't hate us for our freedoms - they hate us because we

Can't Stop Rockin 8)

how often do those guys wash their beards ? i bet they smell. :oops:

but seriously there's one more odd data-point - a passenger who video-taped Omar Farouk the entire flight, including the human sparkler part -

"They were sitting about 20 rows behind Abdulmutallab, in a center aisle with her husband and daughter a row ahead of her and their two new adopted children, a six-year-old girl and an eight-year-old boy.

Her daughter said that ahead of them was a man who videotaped the entire flight, including the attempted detonation.

"He sat up and videotaped the entire thing, very calmly," said Patricia. "We do know that the FBI is looking for him intensely. Since then, we've heard nothing about it." "


Nov 9, 2000
"The system worked." - Janet Napolitano, Head of the Department of Homeland Security.


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2001
The whole thing about someone helping him on the airplane and then someone videotaping a few rows back is just strange. Also seems strange that AQ who plans everything months/years in advance would all of a sudden get offended after air strikes in Yemen a week earlier and send a clown on the plane to burn his pants. Something doesn't seem right.


Jul 18, 2000
He was the man who got Umar through airport and customs without being searched. It's obvious he has high credentials, because only certain members of state have the ability to do so. It's also very obvious because it has all the classic signs of a "drill" mission. Various agencies are always doing drills to test security. If you don't test your own security, you don't know where weaknesses are. Only this time, it appears the drill was carried out to a full extent involving flammable materials. Why? To create a scare.. to increase security even tighter, and to award contracts to certain companies who manufacture the 'naked' body scanners, air puff explosive detectors, etc. All signs of more tyrannical power grabs IMO.

Pretty soon they'll have you flying on an airplane in government issued tyvek garments, then shackle you to your seat. But hey, all in the name of safety.

edit: And yes, the original story is real from what I gather. Someone with a handheld camera and audio recorder was interviewing people getting off the flight. Some of them reported that the 'sharply dressed man' also had a video camera and was supposedly recording the whole time of the flight-- the same man helping Umar through customs and everything. I heard he was also arrested, but let go? It's hard to find anything at all in the news about it.

Peter: Brian, there's a message in my Alpha Bits. It says 'OOO'!
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2006
This sharp dressed man was most likely a US agent acting on orders from the CIA to get Mutallab on the plane. All of the signs of a government cover up are there. No media attention. No video. No evidence. This whole incident reeks of government cover up. Look at the facts. Evaluate them objectively. Ask questions. This is just the beginning.

If there was ever proof that you are a complete moron, it is in this post considering all the bullshit about exterminating all Muslims you've been preaching. You need a permaban asshole.


Aug 21, 2007

"Flight 253 passenger: Sharp-dressed man aided terror suspect Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab onto plane without passport (MLive.com exclusive)"

"By Sheena Harrison | MLive.com
December 26, 2009, 2:22PM"

"A Michigan man who was aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 253 says he witnessed Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab trying to board the plane in Amsterdam without a passport.

Kurt Haskell of Newport, Mich., who posted an earlier comment about his experience, talked exclusively with MLive.com and confirmed he was on the flight by sending a picture of his boarding pass. He and his wife, Lori, were returning from a safari in Uganda when they boarded the NWA flight on Friday."

"Haskell said he and his wife were sitting on the ground near their boarding gate in Amsterdam, which is when they saw Mutallab approach the gate with an unidentified man.

Kurt and Lori Haskell are attorneys with Haskell Law Firm in Taylor. Their expertise includes bankruptcy, family law and estate planning.

While Mutallab was poorly dressed, his friend was dressed in an expensive suit, Haskell said. He says the suited man asked ticket agents whether Mutallab could board without a passport. “The guy said, 'He's from Sudan and we do this all the time.'”

Mutallab is Nigerian. Haskell believes the man may have been trying to garner sympathy for Mutallab's lack of documents by portraying him as a Sudanese refugee.

The ticket agent referred Mutallab and his companion to her manager down the hall, and Haskell didn't see Mutallab again until after he allegedly tried to detonate an explosive on the plane.

Haskell said the flight was mostly unremarkable. That was until he heard a flight attendant say she smelled smoke, just after the pilot announced the plane would land in Detroit in 10 minutes. Haskell got out of his seat to view the brewing commotion."

Follow up -

"Dutch police investigating report of accomplice in Northwest Flight 253 terror plot"

"By Jonathan Oosting | MLive.com
December 28, 2009, 10:06AM"

"Reuters reports Dutch military police are investigating claims that an accomplice may have helped Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab board Northwest Flight 253 in Amsterdam on Christmas day without a passport, a story first told here on MLive.com."

(basically a re-print of the same news story.)


This is not a ZZTop Trivia question (they have a great rock song called Sharp-Dressed Man).

WHY AREN'T WE SEEING THE IMAGES OF THE SHARP-DRESSED MAN WITH UMAR FAROUK, video that would normally be captured by airport video cameras ? ? ?

This Christmas attempted bombing STINKS.

not a WORD on mainstream media about the assistance Umar Farouk got from the guy in the suit.

is MLive putting out dis-info, or is their news story for real ?

I vote this guy:

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Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2006
I checked infowar.com to see if they had anything to say about this incident and sure enough, this version of the event was front page "news"


Jun 2, 2000
* * *
Kurt and Lori Haskell are attorneys with Haskell Law Firm in Taylor. Their expertise includes bankruptcy, family law and estate planning.

I question the credibility of a media source that prints such a blatant commercial plug from supposed witnesses in a supposed major news story. Perhaps the story is true, perhaps not-but a report in the digital equivalent of the National Enquirer is not very persuasive by itself.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
This sharp dressed man was most likely a US agent acting on orders from the CIA to get Mutallab on the plane. All of the signs of a government cover up are there. No media attention. No video. No evidence. This whole incident reeks of government cover up. Look at the facts. Evaluate them objectively. Ask questions. This is just the beginning.

LOL I never pictured you for a truffer D: ;)


Jul 16, 2001
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula on Monday claimed responsibility. So the obama is lying by claming it's an unorganized isolated event. He managed to penetrate all devices and modern advanced technology and security checkpoints and had a sharp dressed man loaded with politically correct BS to get him past the final hurdle. All aspects of screening and security failed. In the end it was passengers that saved their own lives. The system failed. No amount of window dressing or soaring,vacuous obama BS speeches will change that fact.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2005
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula on Monday claimed responsibility. So the obama is lying by claming it's an unorganized isolated event. He managed to penetrate all devices and modern advanced technology and security checkpoints and had a sharp dressed man loaded with politically correct BS to get him past the final hurdle. All aspects of screening and security failed. In the end it was passengers that saved their own lives. The system failed. No amount of window dressing or soaring,vacuous obama BS speeches will change that fact.

Can you please provide a source for "the Obama" claiming it was an "unorganized isolated event."

- wolf


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2003
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula on Monday claimed responsibility. So the obama is lying by claming it's an unorganized isolated event. He managed to penetrate all devices and modern advanced technology and security checkpoints and had a sharp dressed man loaded with politically correct BS to get him past the final hurdle. All aspects of screening and security failed. In the end it was passengers that saved their own lives. The system failed. No amount of window dressing or soaring,vacuous obama BS speeches will change that fact.

Obama claimed it was unorganized (which they might have believed at the time), then Al Qaeda comes out and says they did it. So now Obama's a liar?

Seriously? That's your logic?

I'm not a fan of Obama, but good lord.