Sharing games on PS4,Ps3,Xbox1, Xbox360, Wii, and Wii U


Junior Member
Sep 23, 2015
Greetings everybody!

I would like to understand the sharing mechanism in the all of the known gaming consoles.
I understand that once it was possible to share with up to 5 users a certain game (at least on the PS3), but now it seems more difficult.

What exactly are the limitations on sharing a game with your family (or with strangers, violating some terms and conditions)?

If, let's say, I share a user with my nephew and he downloads the game he wants, can I somehow disable his acess to the game he downloaded using my system?

TL;DR: I really need to know all of the limitations about how many users you can share a game with, and how many users can share a game with you.
I need to know it about all of the consoles.

I would very much appreciate all kind of assistance!

Thank you very.


Sep 20, 2007
If you purchase physical copies of a game (the actual disc) you can freely share that game with as many people as you want. There are no restrictions. It gets more complicated with digital copies though, and rules differ between each console maker.

With Nintendo, games are tied to the hardware. So they can only be played on that specific console unless you deactivate it and transfer the games to a new one. This system is pretty archaic and nobody else uses it.

PlayStation and Xbox games are tied to your PSN or Xbox Live account. I'm not sure what the sharing rules are exactly. You can sign into your account on different systems but there's something like a hard limit of 2-5 IIRC. You can't share games with outer user accounts though.