SGI 1600SW for $ 350... worth it?


Junior Member
Jul 29, 2002
Should i buy the SGI 1600SW for a grand total of $ 350? I bid on an ebay auction, and the seller said the high bidder chickened out (the high bidder had 0 feedback.... hmm.... troll?)
So, my max bid was like $ 350. So should i buy it for that much? Of course, it is used, and the seller is one of those "as is" guys. This is why i want to collect the thing in person. I haven't emailed him back yet. However, this is a dammmn sweet monitor, and $ 350 is appealing, even if i don't actually have too much spare money. :D

Aaargh. Decisions decisions!


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2000
Be careful.

There's some sort of adaptor that you need for this monitor. It goes between the vidcard and the monitor inputs. I think it costs around $300 by itself. Do a little googling or you might find that your $350 "deal" will actually end up costing you almost double that.


Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: RalfHutter
Be careful.

There's some sort of adaptor that you need for this monitor. It goes between the vidcard and the monitor inputs. I think it costs around $300 by itself. Do a little googling or you might find that your $350 "deal" will actually end up costing you almost double that.

Sound, and accurate advice! However if you have the Oxygen VX1-1600SW or Number Nine Revolution IV video card, it does not require the multilink.