- Aug 20, 2000
- 20,577
- 432
- 126
June 22, 2004: CanonTalk.net's first layout goes online. Nothing past the front page is working, and even that is merely static. Patience.
June 8, 2004: I'm going to flesh out a site template sometime this weekend, depending on my work hours.
Site's Front Page
Photo of the Week: Allows members to comment on the photo's perspective, lighting, originality, possible improvements and general comments area (need to flesh out those areas better). New picture chosen automatically every Monday at 12:01 AM. Thus, will need some way to index all images in the galleries and mark ones already picked. Possibly modify Coppermine/Gallery to do this automatically when a picture is uploaded.
Canon Deal Of The Day: Picked up from Ross's XML feed for digicams. Automatic.
Site News: The obvious.
I've already written a content management system (CMS) for the FAQ area, so that will simply need adaptation to the new layout scheme. Will add a new flag per article of content to sort the topic; General Knowledge, How To, Common Problems & Fixes.
Live Chat
Will set up an IRC web applet available to logged in members to use to talk live to each other. Will need to talk to the owners of #photography on Undernet for permission, otherwise maybe register a new channel for this purpose.
Specific Canon Models
Every camera model gets a 'main page' of its own, linking a picture of the camera, its specs, reviews done of the camera, link to the forums area concerning that camera, link to a gallery created of member photos taken by that camera.
Canon Model Comparison
Still debating what the better implementation of this would be. Probably a straight rip from dpreview.com.
Choosing the Right Canon for Me
About 8-12 questions ranging from Basic, Exploring and Narrowing (BEN to be renamed later, currently a blatant ripoff from Best Buy).
Basic: "Do you expect to print out photos; what size?" "Cost?"
Exploring: "Ability to zoom; what extent?" "Can I make movies with the digicam; with sound?"
Narrowing: "Exposure setting?" "Shutter speed?" "Capability for extra lenses?" "External flash support?"
Extra Services
Domain/Website/Gallery Hosting: Offer very cheap hosting for like 500 MB space, 5 GB transfer care of minendo or RossMAN. I'm thinking this would be an one-touch service. You specify the domain you want and it automatically registers the domain for you, sets up your space, sets up a gallery and...dunno what else. Some basic online website authoring program provided.
This somewhat soon to be announced website will be hosted and maintained mainly by minendo, but I was hoping to build in some extra features to make it more of an unique site than the bunch that are already out there. So that's where you all come in. What site features could we possibly offer to make the site that much better?
Here's what we've got so far:
- Requisite forum
- Requisite user galleries (with account size restriction)
- Some comparisions between Canon camera models
- Link to reviews of each model
- Exhaustive list of lenses, compatibility, quality...
- PDF manual section
- Write a robot to look for prices on lenses being E-bayed
- FAQ: Photoshop processing techniques
- FAQ: advantages of shooting in RAW
- FAQ: Using Photostitch mode for wide shots
- FAQ: EXIF and what it's all about
- FAQ: Explaining the red-eye mode of your camera
- Known Issues: Got this problem? Fix like this.
- Common Problems & Fixes: How to touch up your photos
- Partnership with GottaDeal.com to have a Canon hot deals page? I haven't talked to Ross about this but I can't imagine he wouldn't go for it.
Thanks in advance.
June 8, 2004: I'm going to flesh out a site template sometime this weekend, depending on my work hours.
Site's Front Page
Photo of the Week: Allows members to comment on the photo's perspective, lighting, originality, possible improvements and general comments area (need to flesh out those areas better). New picture chosen automatically every Monday at 12:01 AM. Thus, will need some way to index all images in the galleries and mark ones already picked. Possibly modify Coppermine/Gallery to do this automatically when a picture is uploaded.
Canon Deal Of The Day: Picked up from Ross's XML feed for digicams. Automatic.
Site News: The obvious.
I've already written a content management system (CMS) for the FAQ area, so that will simply need adaptation to the new layout scheme. Will add a new flag per article of content to sort the topic; General Knowledge, How To, Common Problems & Fixes.
Live Chat
Will set up an IRC web applet available to logged in members to use to talk live to each other. Will need to talk to the owners of #photography on Undernet for permission, otherwise maybe register a new channel for this purpose.
Specific Canon Models
Every camera model gets a 'main page' of its own, linking a picture of the camera, its specs, reviews done of the camera, link to the forums area concerning that camera, link to a gallery created of member photos taken by that camera.
Canon Model Comparison
Still debating what the better implementation of this would be. Probably a straight rip from dpreview.com.
Choosing the Right Canon for Me
About 8-12 questions ranging from Basic, Exploring and Narrowing (BEN to be renamed later, currently a blatant ripoff from Best Buy).
Basic: "Do you expect to print out photos; what size?" "Cost?"
Exploring: "Ability to zoom; what extent?" "Can I make movies with the digicam; with sound?"
Narrowing: "Exposure setting?" "Shutter speed?" "Capability for extra lenses?" "External flash support?"
Extra Services
Domain/Website/Gallery Hosting: Offer very cheap hosting for like 500 MB space, 5 GB transfer care of minendo or RossMAN. I'm thinking this would be an one-touch service. You specify the domain you want and it automatically registers the domain for you, sets up your space, sets up a gallery and...dunno what else. Some basic online website authoring program provided.
This somewhat soon to be announced website will be hosted and maintained mainly by minendo, but I was hoping to build in some extra features to make it more of an unique site than the bunch that are already out there. So that's where you all come in. What site features could we possibly offer to make the site that much better?
Here's what we've got so far:
- Requisite forum
- Requisite user galleries (with account size restriction)
- Some comparisions between Canon camera models
- Link to reviews of each model
- Exhaustive list of lenses, compatibility, quality...
- PDF manual section
- Write a robot to look for prices on lenses being E-bayed
- FAQ: Photoshop processing techniques
- FAQ: advantages of shooting in RAW
- FAQ: Using Photostitch mode for wide shots
- FAQ: EXIF and what it's all about
- FAQ: Explaining the red-eye mode of your camera
- Known Issues: Got this problem? Fix like this.
- Common Problems & Fixes: How to touch up your photos
- Partnership with GottaDeal.com to have a Canon hot deals page? I haven't talked to Ross about this but I can't imagine he wouldn't go for it.
Thanks in advance.