Setting 3500 memory on a P4C800-E deluxe


Junior Member
Sep 9, 2003
I recently assembled a P4 2.4c on this motherboard paired with 2x512mb of Kingston HyperX 3500, and i noticed the memory speed is set to 400mhz, wheater it should be 433 if i'm not mitake, does anybody knows what's going on ?!?

I was thinking that perhaps the board doesn't support the memory (the manual mentions up to 3200), but i'm not confident about manually raising the memory values, should i just up date the bios ?!?

I'm planning to overclock this machine, but i'm somewhat of a noob and i just want everything to ran on normal settings untill i know enought to try it...


Senior member
Jun 5, 2002
The 2.4c processor is an 800mhz fsb product. The fsb will be set to 200mhz and the memory becomes 400mhz (200x2). It does not matter that you bought faster memory because that is the default and the requirement of the processor.

In order to overclock, you have to manually raise the fsb. If you raise the fsb to 216 from the default 200, the memory will run at 432 and the processor will run with an 864 fsb. The problem may be that the cpu will not run that fast or the 875 chipset will not run that fast.

You probably will have to raise the vdimm to 2.75 to do any overclocking but I will be surprised if you get the machine running as fast as your memory can handle.


Junior Member
Sep 9, 2003
That's interesting, so i can leave things as they are for the moment, right ?!?



Senior member
Jun 5, 2002
Yes you can run it this way. PC3200 is a 400mhz setting. You can always use faster memory and running slower as you are doing now. PC3500 is 433mhz. When you overclock, you are stressing your entire system. You never know what will fail first and most times something will fail before you reach the max of the fastest part.