Just switched one of my boxes (the K62-350) from Win98 to Win2k pro. With Win98 SetiSpy said it processed 3.75% of a WU per hour. Now it says 6.11% an hour!!! If you can switch to Win2k from 95/98, do it!
sounds to me more like you've gotten an easier WU. plus the fact that setispy isn't very accurate below 10%. but the k6 is really good at 32bit code, so there should be a little less OS overhead. every little bit helps, i guess.
I trust your judgement, but I would like to see the data for these claims. I would like to see what systems these tests were on, how the tests were performed, how I can perform these tests myself to see, and your results. All in the name of science of course
Well it used to be on teamlambchops website, but they seem to be down right now...
I know in my experiance, win2k was slower then 98 and so was NT. Remember WU time vary from unit to unit...
I'll keep looking for the links and proof from you though.
Also the processing efficiency in SetiSpy has skyrocketed. On this machine before it was like 15.14, off the bottom of the chart. NOW it is at 8.14. I like
Second Win98 system currently installing win2k pro
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