Team rank) Name .............. total wu/new wu
Race to the 10,000 wu Grail:
23) SirAllen ...........................9918 / 35
24) Networkman ..................9755 / 27
Race to Catch Joe:
27) Joe ...................................8519 / 46
28) IBHacknU .......................8342 / 118
30) Phiton ..............................8157 / 38
31) OhioDude .......................7587 / 18
33) Poop ................................7302 / 15
Race to Catch Assimilator1:
35) Assimilator .....................6346 / 11
37) Ben98SentraSE ............5922 / 22
38) Polo .................................5812 / 6
40) IsOs .................................4757 / 58
Chasing Down the Crab:
44) Elfenix ..............................4134 / 7
46) Orange Kid .....................4108 / 12
Race to Catch def:
49) def ....................................3927 / 19
58) MaxSiren .........................3482 / 7
64) mgpaulus .......................3235 / 10
75) cakin ................................2725 / 18
76) Maku ................................2719 / 2
Another Race to 4000:
59) Yield .................................3466 / 27
61) Smokeball ......................3409 / 45
Race to 2500:
82) Fardringle .......................2430 / 13
84) zodder .............................2356 / 14
Sukhoi and Ray 1500 Grudge Match:
133)Sukhoi .............................1442 / 7
136)RaySun2be ....................1402 / 3
Race to 1500:
129)Baldy18 ...........................1466 / 13
134)Electrode ........................1442 / 11
Another Race to 1500:
150)IceCreamLtDan .............1246 / 13
151)Jwyatt ...............................1238 / 14
154)ledzepp98 .......................1225 / 14
170)Gul Dukat ........................1057 / 25
185)The Federation ................984 / 27
189)DroolMAN! ........................957 / 9
227)TWTA .................................711 / 4
Naughty Bird 1500 Race-A-Roonie:
166)Swanny ...............................1079 / 9
167)NaughyusMaximus ..........1065 / 5
TeamAnandtech SETI 1000:
192)SpookyFish .......................901 / 3
193)DarkMajiq ..........................899 / 5
The Borg's Wild and Heavy Race to 1000:
219)Wilder .................................761 / 22
243)Slahr Dzhe .........................649 / 14
248)HeavyIron ...........................625 / 14
Lonely Racers:
124)Toft .....................................1532 / 0
272)thecool1 .............................505 / 0
TeamAnandtech SETI 500:
310)serialb ..................................402 / 14
320)Pyxis .....................................372 / 7
321)Renob ..................................369 / 4
Milestones achieved on 9/15:
tuffguy - 3000 (3000)
TNC Seti - 100 (103)
Pyromidion - 100 (101)
10 Most Recent Race Winners:
Sorcerer - Race to 2000 - 9/14/2001
Slahr Dzhe - Race to 500 - 9/8/2001
NaughtyusMaximus - TeamAnandtech SETI 1000 - 9/7/2001
ledzepp98 - TeamAnandtech SETI 1000 - 9/5/2001
IsOs - Sprint to 4000 - 9/1/2001
Gul Dukat - Battle Between the Federation and Cardassia - 8/31/2001
Jwyatt - TeamAnandtech SETI 1000 - 8/27/2001
Gul Dukat - Race to 250 - 8/25/2001
Soni - Clash of the Titans - 8/24/2001
Sorry for the lack of commentary.
Advancements among racers on 9/15 include def up 1 to 49, cakin up 1 to 75, Smokeball up 1 to 61,
zodder up 1 to 84, Baldy18 up 2 to 129, Electrode up 1 to 134, IceCreamLtDan up 1 to 150,
Jwyatt up 2 to 151, ledzepp98 up 2 to 154, Gul Dukat up 7 to 170, The Federation up 3 to 185,
TWTA up 1 to 227, Wilder up 4 to 219, Slahr Dzhe up 1 to 243, HeavyIron up 1 to 248,
serialb up 3 to 310, Pyxis up 2 to 320, Renob up 2 to 321.
May God be with all who are affected by the heinous
acts perpetrated by the despicable terrorist slime.
We must not rest until we find and bring to justice the
cowards responsible for what happened on 9-11-2001!
Our hearts are broken? But not our spirit!
God Bless America!
Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.1
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it.
Please help Dave McOwen fight for his freedom!
Show your support by signing the petition!
Race to the 10,000 wu Grail:
23) SirAllen ...........................9918 / 35
24) Networkman ..................9755 / 27
Race to Catch Joe:
27) Joe ...................................8519 / 46
28) IBHacknU .......................8342 / 118
30) Phiton ..............................8157 / 38
31) OhioDude .......................7587 / 18
33) Poop ................................7302 / 15
Race to Catch Assimilator1:
35) Assimilator .....................6346 / 11
37) Ben98SentraSE ............5922 / 22
38) Polo .................................5812 / 6
40) IsOs .................................4757 / 58
Chasing Down the Crab:
44) Elfenix ..............................4134 / 7
46) Orange Kid .....................4108 / 12
Race to Catch def:
49) def ....................................3927 / 19
58) MaxSiren .........................3482 / 7
64) mgpaulus .......................3235 / 10
75) cakin ................................2725 / 18
76) Maku ................................2719 / 2
Another Race to 4000:
59) Yield .................................3466 / 27
61) Smokeball ......................3409 / 45
Race to 2500:
82) Fardringle .......................2430 / 13
84) zodder .............................2356 / 14
Sukhoi and Ray 1500 Grudge Match:
133)Sukhoi .............................1442 / 7
136)RaySun2be ....................1402 / 3
Race to 1500:
129)Baldy18 ...........................1466 / 13
134)Electrode ........................1442 / 11
Another Race to 1500:
150)IceCreamLtDan .............1246 / 13
151)Jwyatt ...............................1238 / 14
154)ledzepp98 .......................1225 / 14
170)Gul Dukat ........................1057 / 25
185)The Federation ................984 / 27
189)DroolMAN! ........................957 / 9
227)TWTA .................................711 / 4
Naughty Bird 1500 Race-A-Roonie:
166)Swanny ...............................1079 / 9
167)NaughyusMaximus ..........1065 / 5
TeamAnandtech SETI 1000:
192)SpookyFish .......................901 / 3
193)DarkMajiq ..........................899 / 5
The Borg's Wild and Heavy Race to 1000:
219)Wilder .................................761 / 22
243)Slahr Dzhe .........................649 / 14
248)HeavyIron ...........................625 / 14
Lonely Racers:
124)Toft .....................................1532 / 0
272)thecool1 .............................505 / 0
TeamAnandtech SETI 500:
310)serialb ..................................402 / 14
320)Pyxis .....................................372 / 7
321)Renob ..................................369 / 4
Milestones achieved on 9/15:
tuffguy - 3000 (3000)
TNC Seti - 100 (103)
Pyromidion - 100 (101)
10 Most Recent Race Winners:
Sorcerer - Race to 2000 - 9/14/2001
Slahr Dzhe - Race to 500 - 9/8/2001
NaughtyusMaximus - TeamAnandtech SETI 1000 - 9/7/2001
ledzepp98 - TeamAnandtech SETI 1000 - 9/5/2001
IsOs - Sprint to 4000 - 9/1/2001
Gul Dukat - Battle Between the Federation and Cardassia - 8/31/2001
Jwyatt - TeamAnandtech SETI 1000 - 8/27/2001
Gul Dukat - Race to 250 - 8/25/2001
Soni - Clash of the Titans - 8/24/2001
Sorry for the lack of commentary.
Advancements among racers on 9/15 include def up 1 to 49, cakin up 1 to 75, Smokeball up 1 to 61,
zodder up 1 to 84, Baldy18 up 2 to 129, Electrode up 1 to 134, IceCreamLtDan up 1 to 150,
Jwyatt up 2 to 151, ledzepp98 up 2 to 154, Gul Dukat up 7 to 170, The Federation up 3 to 185,
TWTA up 1 to 227, Wilder up 4 to 219, Slahr Dzhe up 1 to 243, HeavyIron up 1 to 248,
serialb up 3 to 310, Pyxis up 2 to 320, Renob up 2 to 321.
May God be with all who are affected by the heinous
acts perpetrated by the despicable terrorist slime.
We must not rest until we find and bring to justice the
cowards responsible for what happened on 9-11-2001!
Our hearts are broken? But not our spirit!
God Bless America!
Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.1
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it.
Please help Dave McOwen fight for his freedom!
Show your support by signing the petition!