Seti Race Stats and Milestones for 7/29


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2001
Team rank) Name .............. total wu/new wu

Race to Catch the Race Coordinator:
37) OhioDude ........................14603 / 29
38) def .....................................14579 / 63 :)
48) Major Tom........................12216 / 19

Turtle Wars: Episode II. The Tortoise Strikes Back at 15K:
37) Dude OhioWalker ..........14603 / 29
39) Darth Polo .......................14454 / 320 :Q:Q

The Great 10K CountDown:
61) Baldy18 ............................9785 / 2
64) Conjur ...............................9458 / 33
65) EvilWobbles ....................9284 / 48 :)

Race to 6000:
98) Swanny ..............................5982 / 16
110)thecool1 ............................5218 / 10
111)Rowdy Ray .......................5213 / 33 :)
112)minendo ...........................5076 / 10
116)JimMc ................................4935 / 10
119)paf077 ...............................4757 / 45 :)

Another race to 6000:
107)ledzepp98 .........................5482 / 5
108)TeAm Confused Ai3x .....5463 / 3

Neovan's Scary Halloween Run to 4500:
147)neovan ..............................3527 / 58 :Q
161)Tetsuo316 ........................3172 / 12
225)ReaganCRW ...................2134 / 21 :)

Summer Sizzler to 3500:
152)Ishmael2k .........................3341 / 37 :)
156)sukhoi ................................3294 / 9
158)Maggotry ............................3257 / 9
161)Tetsuo316 ........................3172 / 12
162)pyxis ...................................3159 / 8
205)LiveLongAndProsper .....2400 / 50 :)

Can Steve Shoot 2000 WU's by 8/19/2002?:
245)ShotgunSteve ..................1943 / 4

Clash of the Super WU Poopers - Race to Dump 10,000:
EvadMan ...........................3593 / 9 (9857)
IJump ..............................20483 / 276 (9753) :)
PieDerro .........................31498 / 147 (9536)
Robor ..............................94052 / 179 (9358) :)
Grant ...............................81353 / 145 (7879)
Hack ................................52752 / 123 (7554)

Captain's Crunch to 3000:
USS Pazoo ............................11370 / 73 (1628) :)
USS Phiton ..........................22961 / 62 (1540) :)
USS Jaws ............................31349 / 66 (1497) :)
USS Guid .............................21213 / 10 (940)

The Federation's Transwarp Traverse - 2500 by 8/4/2002:
The Federation ....................17781 / 38 (1579)

The Star-Studded Stellar Cluster Crunch to 2500:
wirelessenabled .................6724 / 79 (1774) :)
The Federation ..................17781 / 38 (1544)
EvilWobbles ........................9284 / 48 (1450) :)
WayneS ..............................12140 / 45 (1247) :)
Barbary ...............................25744 / 42 (1219)
SoulAssassin ....................13026 / 16 (1206)
Yield.....................................15290 / 33 (1146)
Conjur ...................................9458 / 33 (1140)
lane42 .................................13533 / 15 (1094)
ICXRa ....................................5562 / 49 (937) :)
GreatWhiteNorth ...............12849 / 24 (914)
Basilisk420 ..........................6447 / 31 (875)

Something to 2500:
zodder ...................................15325 / 46 (1531)
Soni .......................................31491 / 77 (1359) :)
DroolMAN! ............................13196 / 51 (1209) :)
Beeker35 .................................877 / 0 (183)

What's 2500 wu's Between Friends?:
WayneS .................................12140 / 45 (1747) :)
Yield........................................15290 / 33 (1624)
lane42 ...................................13533 / 15 (1612)
GreatWhiteNorth .................12849 / 24 (1557)
cakin ........................................10301 / 23 (1270)
crt1530 ..................................11271 / 12 (335)

The Crunch Bunch Munch to 1500:
Swanny ..................................5982 / 16 (1412)
ZeroEffect ............................10281 / 7 (1203)
MaxSiren ................................8669 / 0 (861)

1500 WU Tally Tagger:
minendo ...............................5076 / 10 (1401)
micron ...................................3983 / 32 (1240) :)
migroo ..................................3114 / 16 (1118)
IceCreamLtDan ..................6189 / 16 (1043)

Race to Crunch 1500 That I Can't Think Of A Name For:
Polo .....................................14454 / 320 (1367) :Q:Q
paf077 ...................................4757 / 45 (1055) :)
Toft / Vold - DK .....................7772 / 27 (942)

DDad's Wonderful Tuff Crabby Ass(imilator) Race to 750:
Assimilator1 .........................10545 / 12 (711)
DDad .....................................2757 / 0 (509)
ys ............................................1529 / 4 (405)
ElFenix ..................................7115 / 7 (306)

The Other Team AnandTech SETI 500:
Dazmite ................................3883 / 8 (479)
Adul .........................................717 / 6 (389)
Fingers .................................2678 / 8 (329)
JustStarting .........................1710 / 8 (321)
PhotoLenny .........................4039 / 8 (318)

Team AnandTech SETI 500:
TeAm Confused Ai3x ........5463 / 3 (366)
ledzepp98 ...........................5482 / 5 (356)
Kruptikos .............................2317 / 9 (315)
Emos ...................................2544 / 6 (258)

Lonely Racers: :(
12) Smokeball .....................33100 / 102
13) USS IsOs .......................32300 / 61
34) USS Poop ......................17138 / 11
44) m2kewl ...........................13065 / 72 :)
55) Crazee ............................10918 / 88 :)
79) LANMAN ..........................7431 / 8
85) Slahr Dzhe ......................6981 / 7
92) Maku .................................6228 / 25 :)
94) tuffguy ...............................6131 / 25 :)
95) mucman ..........................6121 / 22 :)
96) Eltano1 .............................6027 / 0
109)Jwyatt ................................5327 / 2
121)Freewolf ............................4598 / 41 :)
122)Serialb ..............................4568 / 9
125)Panhead49 ......................4227 / 0
182)MoFunk .............................2760 / 11
209)BigFatCow .......................2319 / 0
215)Logix .................................2258 / 9
222)teriba .................................2189 / 33 :)
259)Boogak .............................1793 / 10 :)
265)marrkks.............................1737 / 0
279)SpookyFish ......................1660 / 0
411)JetsFanatic.......................1018 / 0
586)thawolfman .......................558 / 18 :)


Milestones achieved on 7/29:

Robor - 94000 (94052) :D
TeAm Smokeball - 33000 (33100) :D
m2kewl - 13000 (13065) :D
Golfgeek - 4000 (4060) :)
RockeThrower - 4000 (4011)
SamuraiThy - 1500 (1504)
Dave_Toffling - 1000 (1000)
TeAm Geekenders - 1000 (1000) :)
milodon - 100 (106)
stevens - 100 (102)

10 Most Recent Race Winners:

Tuffguy - DDad's Wonderful Tuff Crabby Ass(imilator) Race to 750 - 7/28/2002
Eltano1 - Race to 6000 - 7/28/2002
Freewolf - 1500 WU Tally Tagger - 7/25/2002
SoulAssassin - Race to Crunch 1500 That I Can't Think Of A Name For - 7/23/2002
Jwyatt - Team Anandtech SETI 500 - 7/22/2002
Mucman - Race to 6000 - 7/22/2002
Simon Crooke - The Great 10K Countdown - 7/22/2002
Minendo - The Crunch Bunch Munch to 1500 - 7/22/2002
Crazee - The Great 10K Countdown - 7/19/2002
Teriba - Team Anandtech SETI 500 - 7/19/2002


Check out IJump's excellent race prediction analysis. :)

Lame commentary will return tomorrow. I'm teaching another customer training class this morning and I need to prepare something to teach them! :Q Help!!!! :eek:

Nice turtle dump, Darth Polo! :) But my hyper-drive augmentation system has been engaged. Strong is the pull of the Dark Side. Yet I shall resist!

Advancements among racers on 7/29 include neovan up 1 to 147, ReaganCRW up 3 to 225, Ishmael2k up 1 to 152, LiveLongAndProsper up 3 to 205, m2kewl up 1 to 44, Freewolf up 1 to 121, MoFunk up 2 to 182, teriba up 1 to 222, Boogak up 1 to 259, thawolfman up 5 to 586.

God Bless America!

Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.3 :cool:
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it. :D


Elite Member
Nov 20, 2001
Thanks for the stats and commentary OD :)

Congrats to all the milestone makers :D


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2001
So I get most of my machines back up and crunching and my new spiffy 802.11b router decides to enter the twilight zone. I can get a public IP, I can hit my SETIQ externally (anyone want to check to make sure I'm not loco), can't actually pull w/u's from it though, I have machines that can ping each other, some that can't, I can map a share from one machine to another, but not vice versa, internal DNS is unable to contact root servers or Comcast....we're all banged up.

Oh well, I guess I'd rather have them sitting there crunching and temp. not be able to upload than not crunching at all. I'm really starting to have doubts on this Linksys router though. If anyone starts crunching packets with undentified signals that turn out to be an 8x10 blue box with two antennas on it don't get excited, it's not ET, I just decided to launch the router into orbit.


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
<<<....I'm teaching another customer training class this morning and I need to prepare something to teach them!....>

Doh? Don't you hate that?

Teach them about SETI!! :D (j/k)

Thanks for the stats OD.. don't work too hard!



Diamond Member
Oct 21, 1999
Thanks for the stats OhioDude :)

Congrats to the MM's:

Especially to milodon and stevens celebrating their first milestone :D


Administrator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Feb 18, 2001
*beats Ijump back with a pointy stick*

Thanks OD


Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
Thanks OD :)

OMG! ,awesome dump!:Q ,no wonder todays stats were good :D

Can't see your Q :(



Elite Member
Nov 13, 2000
I can't hit your router...nope, that's what you'll be doing....i can't see your queue from here.

Thanks for the stats OD :)

Congrats to the milestone makers, especially milidon and stevens celebrating their very first milestones :D



Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2001
The 47,000th reboot of the cable modem proved to be the magic trick to get the external connection working, why I could still get a public IP and not get out is beyond me but we'll just say it was resolved by FM. Some dumb@$$ (me) forgot he was blocking ICMP on one of the machines which is why I couldn't ping it internally.