Team rank) Name .............. total wu/new wu
Race to Catch the Race Coordinator:
37) OhioDude ........................14603 / 29
38) def .....................................14579 / 63
48) Major Tom........................12216 / 19
Turtle Wars: Episode II. The Tortoise Strikes Back at 15K:
37) Dude OhioWalker ..........14603 / 29
39) Darth Polo .......................14454 / 320 :Q:Q
The Great 10K CountDown:
61) Baldy18 ............................9785 / 2
64) Conjur ...............................9458 / 33
65) EvilWobbles ....................9284 / 48
Race to 6000:
98) Swanny ..............................5982 / 16
110)thecool1 ............................5218 / 10
111)Rowdy Ray .......................5213 / 33
112)minendo ...........................5076 / 10
116)JimMc ................................4935 / 10
119)paf077 ...............................4757 / 45
Another race to 6000:
107)ledzepp98 .........................5482 / 5
108)TeAm Confused Ai3x .....5463 / 3
Neovan's Scary Halloween Run to 4500:
147)neovan ..............................3527 / 58 :Q
161)Tetsuo316 ........................3172 / 12
225)ReaganCRW ...................2134 / 21
Summer Sizzler to 3500:
152)Ishmael2k .........................3341 / 37
156)sukhoi ................................3294 / 9
158)Maggotry ............................3257 / 9
161)Tetsuo316 ........................3172 / 12
162)pyxis ...................................3159 / 8
205)LiveLongAndProsper .....2400 / 50
Can Steve Shoot 2000 WU's by 8/19/2002?:
245)ShotgunSteve ..................1943 / 4
Clash of the Super WU Poopers - Race to Dump 10,000:
EvadMan ...........................3593 / 9 (9857)
IJump ..............................20483 / 276 (9753)
PieDerro .........................31498 / 147 (9536)
Robor ..............................94052 / 179 (9358)
Grant ...............................81353 / 145 (7879)
Hack ................................52752 / 123 (7554)
Captain's Crunch to 3000:
USS Pazoo ............................11370 / 73 (1628)
USS Phiton ..........................22961 / 62 (1540)
USS Jaws ............................31349 / 66 (1497)
USS Guid .............................21213 / 10 (940)
The Federation's Transwarp Traverse - 2500 by 8/4/2002:
The Federation ....................17781 / 38 (1579)
The Star-Studded Stellar Cluster Crunch to 2500:
wirelessenabled .................6724 / 79 (1774)
The Federation ..................17781 / 38 (1544)
EvilWobbles ........................9284 / 48 (1450)
WayneS ..............................12140 / 45 (1247)
Barbary ...............................25744 / 42 (1219)
SoulAssassin ....................13026 / 16 (1206)
Yield.....................................15290 / 33 (1146)
Conjur ...................................9458 / 33 (1140)
lane42 .................................13533 / 15 (1094)
ICXRa ....................................5562 / 49 (937)
GreatWhiteNorth ...............12849 / 24 (914)
Basilisk420 ..........................6447 / 31 (875)
Something to 2500:
zodder ...................................15325 / 46 (1531)
Soni .......................................31491 / 77 (1359)
DroolMAN! ............................13196 / 51 (1209)
Beeker35 .................................877 / 0 (183)
What's 2500 wu's Between Friends?:
WayneS .................................12140 / 45 (1747)
Yield........................................15290 / 33 (1624)
lane42 ...................................13533 / 15 (1612)
GreatWhiteNorth .................12849 / 24 (1557)
cakin ........................................10301 / 23 (1270)
crt1530 ..................................11271 / 12 (335)
The Crunch Bunch Munch to 1500:
Swanny ..................................5982 / 16 (1412)
ZeroEffect ............................10281 / 7 (1203)
MaxSiren ................................8669 / 0 (861)
1500 WU Tally Tagger:
minendo ...............................5076 / 10 (1401)
micron ...................................3983 / 32 (1240)
migroo ..................................3114 / 16 (1118)
IceCreamLtDan ..................6189 / 16 (1043)
Race to Crunch 1500 That I Can't Think Of A Name For:
Polo .....................................14454 / 320 (1367) :Q:Q
paf077 ...................................4757 / 45 (1055)
Toft / Vold - DK .....................7772 / 27 (942)
DDad's Wonderful Tuff Crabby Ass(imilator) Race to 750:
Assimilator1 .........................10545 / 12 (711)
DDad .....................................2757 / 0 (509)
ys ............................................1529 / 4 (405)
ElFenix ..................................7115 / 7 (306)
The Other Team AnandTech SETI 500:
Dazmite ................................3883 / 8 (479)
Adul .........................................717 / 6 (389)
Fingers .................................2678 / 8 (329)
JustStarting .........................1710 / 8 (321)
PhotoLenny .........................4039 / 8 (318)
Team AnandTech SETI 500:
TeAm Confused Ai3x ........5463 / 3 (366)
ledzepp98 ...........................5482 / 5 (356)
Kruptikos .............................2317 / 9 (315)
Emos ...................................2544 / 6 (258)
Lonely Racers:
12) Smokeball .....................33100 / 102
13) USS IsOs .......................32300 / 61
34) USS Poop ......................17138 / 11
44) m2kewl ...........................13065 / 72
55) Crazee ............................10918 / 88
79) LANMAN ..........................7431 / 8
85) Slahr Dzhe ......................6981 / 7
92) Maku .................................6228 / 25
94) tuffguy ...............................6131 / 25
95) mucman ..........................6121 / 22
96) Eltano1 .............................6027 / 0
109)Jwyatt ................................5327 / 2
121)Freewolf ............................4598 / 41
122)Serialb ..............................4568 / 9
125)Panhead49 ......................4227 / 0
182)MoFunk .............................2760 / 11
209)BigFatCow .......................2319 / 0
215)Logix .................................2258 / 9
222)teriba .................................2189 / 33
259)Boogak .............................1793 / 10
265)marrkks.............................1737 / 0
279)SpookyFish ......................1660 / 0
411)JetsFanatic.......................1018 / 0
586)thawolfman .......................558 / 18
Milestones achieved on 7/29:
Robor - 94000 (94052)
TeAm Smokeball - 33000 (33100)
m2kewl - 13000 (13065)
Golfgeek - 4000 (4060)
RockeThrower - 4000 (4011)
SamuraiThy - 1500 (1504)
Dave_Toffling - 1000 (1000)
TeAm Geekenders - 1000 (1000)
milodon - 100 (106)
stevens - 100 (102)
10 Most Recent Race Winners:
Tuffguy - DDad's Wonderful Tuff Crabby Ass(imilator) Race to 750 - 7/28/2002
Eltano1 - Race to 6000 - 7/28/2002
Freewolf - 1500 WU Tally Tagger - 7/25/2002
SoulAssassin - Race to Crunch 1500 That I Can't Think Of A Name For - 7/23/2002
Jwyatt - Team Anandtech SETI 500 - 7/22/2002
Mucman - Race to 6000 - 7/22/2002
Simon Crooke - The Great 10K Countdown - 7/22/2002
Minendo - The Crunch Bunch Munch to 1500 - 7/22/2002
Crazee - The Great 10K Countdown - 7/19/2002
Teriba - Team Anandtech SETI 500 - 7/19/2002
Check out IJump's excellent race prediction analysis.
Lame commentary will return tomorrow. I'm teaching another customer training class this morning and I need to prepare something to teach them! :Q Help!!!!
Nice turtle dump, Darth Polo! But my hyper-drive augmentation system has been engaged. Strong is the pull of the Dark Side. Yet I shall resist!
Advancements among racers on 7/29 include neovan up 1 to 147, ReaganCRW up 3 to 225, Ishmael2k up 1 to 152, LiveLongAndProsper up 3 to 205, m2kewl up 1 to 44, Freewolf up 1 to 121, MoFunk up 2 to 182, teriba up 1 to 222, Boogak up 1 to 259, thawolfman up 5 to 586.
God Bless America!
Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.3
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it.
Race to Catch the Race Coordinator:
37) OhioDude ........................14603 / 29
38) def .....................................14579 / 63
48) Major Tom........................12216 / 19
Turtle Wars: Episode II. The Tortoise Strikes Back at 15K:
37) Dude OhioWalker ..........14603 / 29
39) Darth Polo .......................14454 / 320 :Q:Q
The Great 10K CountDown:
61) Baldy18 ............................9785 / 2
64) Conjur ...............................9458 / 33
65) EvilWobbles ....................9284 / 48
Race to 6000:
98) Swanny ..............................5982 / 16
110)thecool1 ............................5218 / 10
111)Rowdy Ray .......................5213 / 33
112)minendo ...........................5076 / 10
116)JimMc ................................4935 / 10
119)paf077 ...............................4757 / 45
Another race to 6000:
107)ledzepp98 .........................5482 / 5
108)TeAm Confused Ai3x .....5463 / 3
Neovan's Scary Halloween Run to 4500:
147)neovan ..............................3527 / 58 :Q
161)Tetsuo316 ........................3172 / 12
225)ReaganCRW ...................2134 / 21
Summer Sizzler to 3500:
152)Ishmael2k .........................3341 / 37
156)sukhoi ................................3294 / 9
158)Maggotry ............................3257 / 9
161)Tetsuo316 ........................3172 / 12
162)pyxis ...................................3159 / 8
205)LiveLongAndProsper .....2400 / 50
Can Steve Shoot 2000 WU's by 8/19/2002?:
245)ShotgunSteve ..................1943 / 4
Clash of the Super WU Poopers - Race to Dump 10,000:
EvadMan ...........................3593 / 9 (9857)
IJump ..............................20483 / 276 (9753)
PieDerro .........................31498 / 147 (9536)
Robor ..............................94052 / 179 (9358)
Grant ...............................81353 / 145 (7879)
Hack ................................52752 / 123 (7554)
Captain's Crunch to 3000:
USS Pazoo ............................11370 / 73 (1628)
USS Phiton ..........................22961 / 62 (1540)
USS Jaws ............................31349 / 66 (1497)
USS Guid .............................21213 / 10 (940)
The Federation's Transwarp Traverse - 2500 by 8/4/2002:
The Federation ....................17781 / 38 (1579)
The Star-Studded Stellar Cluster Crunch to 2500:
wirelessenabled .................6724 / 79 (1774)
The Federation ..................17781 / 38 (1544)
EvilWobbles ........................9284 / 48 (1450)
WayneS ..............................12140 / 45 (1247)
Barbary ...............................25744 / 42 (1219)
SoulAssassin ....................13026 / 16 (1206)
Yield.....................................15290 / 33 (1146)
Conjur ...................................9458 / 33 (1140)
lane42 .................................13533 / 15 (1094)
ICXRa ....................................5562 / 49 (937)
GreatWhiteNorth ...............12849 / 24 (914)
Basilisk420 ..........................6447 / 31 (875)
Something to 2500:
zodder ...................................15325 / 46 (1531)
Soni .......................................31491 / 77 (1359)
DroolMAN! ............................13196 / 51 (1209)
Beeker35 .................................877 / 0 (183)
What's 2500 wu's Between Friends?:
WayneS .................................12140 / 45 (1747)
Yield........................................15290 / 33 (1624)
lane42 ...................................13533 / 15 (1612)
GreatWhiteNorth .................12849 / 24 (1557)
cakin ........................................10301 / 23 (1270)
crt1530 ..................................11271 / 12 (335)
The Crunch Bunch Munch to 1500:
Swanny ..................................5982 / 16 (1412)
ZeroEffect ............................10281 / 7 (1203)
MaxSiren ................................8669 / 0 (861)
1500 WU Tally Tagger:
minendo ...............................5076 / 10 (1401)
micron ...................................3983 / 32 (1240)
migroo ..................................3114 / 16 (1118)
IceCreamLtDan ..................6189 / 16 (1043)
Race to Crunch 1500 That I Can't Think Of A Name For:
Polo .....................................14454 / 320 (1367) :Q:Q
paf077 ...................................4757 / 45 (1055)
Toft / Vold - DK .....................7772 / 27 (942)
DDad's Wonderful Tuff Crabby Ass(imilator) Race to 750:
Assimilator1 .........................10545 / 12 (711)
DDad .....................................2757 / 0 (509)
ys ............................................1529 / 4 (405)
ElFenix ..................................7115 / 7 (306)
The Other Team AnandTech SETI 500:
Dazmite ................................3883 / 8 (479)
Adul .........................................717 / 6 (389)
Fingers .................................2678 / 8 (329)
JustStarting .........................1710 / 8 (321)
PhotoLenny .........................4039 / 8 (318)
Team AnandTech SETI 500:
TeAm Confused Ai3x ........5463 / 3 (366)
ledzepp98 ...........................5482 / 5 (356)
Kruptikos .............................2317 / 9 (315)
Emos ...................................2544 / 6 (258)
Lonely Racers:
12) Smokeball .....................33100 / 102
13) USS IsOs .......................32300 / 61
34) USS Poop ......................17138 / 11
44) m2kewl ...........................13065 / 72
55) Crazee ............................10918 / 88
79) LANMAN ..........................7431 / 8
85) Slahr Dzhe ......................6981 / 7
92) Maku .................................6228 / 25
94) tuffguy ...............................6131 / 25
95) mucman ..........................6121 / 22
96) Eltano1 .............................6027 / 0
109)Jwyatt ................................5327 / 2
121)Freewolf ............................4598 / 41
122)Serialb ..............................4568 / 9
125)Panhead49 ......................4227 / 0
182)MoFunk .............................2760 / 11
209)BigFatCow .......................2319 / 0
215)Logix .................................2258 / 9
222)teriba .................................2189 / 33
259)Boogak .............................1793 / 10
265)marrkks.............................1737 / 0
279)SpookyFish ......................1660 / 0
411)JetsFanatic.......................1018 / 0
586)thawolfman .......................558 / 18
Milestones achieved on 7/29:
Robor - 94000 (94052)
TeAm Smokeball - 33000 (33100)
m2kewl - 13000 (13065)
Golfgeek - 4000 (4060)
RockeThrower - 4000 (4011)
SamuraiThy - 1500 (1504)
Dave_Toffling - 1000 (1000)
TeAm Geekenders - 1000 (1000)
milodon - 100 (106)
stevens - 100 (102)
10 Most Recent Race Winners:
Tuffguy - DDad's Wonderful Tuff Crabby Ass(imilator) Race to 750 - 7/28/2002
Eltano1 - Race to 6000 - 7/28/2002
Freewolf - 1500 WU Tally Tagger - 7/25/2002
SoulAssassin - Race to Crunch 1500 That I Can't Think Of A Name For - 7/23/2002
Jwyatt - Team Anandtech SETI 500 - 7/22/2002
Mucman - Race to 6000 - 7/22/2002
Simon Crooke - The Great 10K Countdown - 7/22/2002
Minendo - The Crunch Bunch Munch to 1500 - 7/22/2002
Crazee - The Great 10K Countdown - 7/19/2002
Teriba - Team Anandtech SETI 500 - 7/19/2002
Check out IJump's excellent race prediction analysis.
Lame commentary will return tomorrow. I'm teaching another customer training class this morning and I need to prepare something to teach them! :Q Help!!!!
Nice turtle dump, Darth Polo! But my hyper-drive augmentation system has been engaged. Strong is the pull of the Dark Side. Yet I shall resist!
Advancements among racers on 7/29 include neovan up 1 to 147, ReaganCRW up 3 to 225, Ishmael2k up 1 to 152, LiveLongAndProsper up 3 to 205, m2kewl up 1 to 44, Freewolf up 1 to 121, MoFunk up 2 to 182, teriba up 1 to 222, Boogak up 1 to 259, thawolfman up 5 to 586.
God Bless America!
Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.3
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it.