Team rank) Name .............. total wu/new wu
Race to Catch the Race Coordinator:
37) OhioDude ........................14543 / 26
38) def .....................................14474 / 29
48) Major Tom........................12180 / 18
Turtle Wars: Episode II. The Tortoise Strikes Back at 15K:
37) Dude OhioWalker ..........14543 / 26
39) Darth Polo .......................14122 / 12
The Great 10K CountDown:
61) Baldy18 ............................9773 / 26
64) Conjur ...............................9389 / 39
65) EvilWobbles ....................9110 / 45
Race to 6000:
96) Eltano1 ..............................6008 / 23
98) Swanny ..............................5950 / 18
110)thecool1 ............................5199 / 9
111)Rowdy Ray .......................5147 / 38
112)minendo ...........................5057 / 11
116)JimMc ................................4912 / 12
119)paf077 ...............................4702 / 15
Another race to 6000:
107)ledzepp98 .........................5470 / 8
108)TeAm Confused Ai3x .....5409 / 5
Neovan's Scary Halloween Run to 4500:
148)neovan ..............................3460 / 0
162)Tetsuo316 ........................3144 / 11
230)ReaganCRW ...................2088 / 28
Summer Sizzler to 3500:
153)Ishmael2k .........................3304 / 7
156)sukhoi ................................3275 / 8
159)Maggotry ............................3236 / 12
161)pyxis ...................................3145 / 6
162)Tetsuo316 ........................3144 / 11
212)LiveLongAndProsper .....2290 / 57
Can Steve Shoot 2000 WU's by 8/19/2002?:
245)ShotgunSteve ..................1938 / 6
Clash of the Super WU Poopers - Race to Dump 10,000:
EvadMan ...........................3576 / 8 (9840)
IJump ..............................20190 / 15 (9460)
PieDerro .........................31213 / 137 (9251)
Robor ..............................93708 / 186 (9014)
Grant ...............................81049 / 181 (7575)
Hack ................................52504 / 106 (7306)
Captain's Crunch to 3000:
USS Pazoo ............................11254 / 47 (1512)
USS Phiton ..........................22833 / 41 (1412)
USS Jaws ............................31223 / 63 (1371)
USS Guid .............................21175 / 60 (902)
The Federation's Transwarp Traverse - 2500 by 8/4/2002:
The Federation ....................17705 / 48 (1503)
The Star-Studded Stellar Cluster Crunch to 2500:
wirelessenabled .................6579 / 94 (1629)
The Federation ..................17705 / 48 (1468)
EvilWobbles ........................9110 / 45 (1276)
SoulAssassin ....................12995 / 23 (1175)
WayneS ..............................12056 / 42 (1163)
Barbary ...............................25663 / 48 (1138)
Yield.....................................15219 / 32 (1075)
Conjur ...................................9389 / 39 (1071)
lane42 .................................13445 / 35 (1006)
ICXRa ....................................5485 / 28 (860)
GreatWhiteNorth ...............12747 / 23 (812)
Basilisk420 ..........................6381 / 39 (809)
Something to 2500:
zodder ...................................15231 / 49 (1437)
Soni .......................................31358 / 48 (1226)
DroolMAN! ............................13093 / 30 (1106)
Beeker35 .................................877 / 0 (183)
What's 2500 wu's Between Friends?:
WayneS .................................12056 / 42 (1663)
Yield........................................15219 / 32 (1553)
lane42 ...................................13445 / 35 (1524)
GreatWhiteNorth .................12747 / 23 (1455)
cakin ........................................10250 / 23 (1219)
crt1530 ..................................11251 / 8 (315)
The Crunch Bunch Munch to 1500:
Swanny ..................................5950 / 18 (1380)
ZeroEffect ............................10263 / 16 (1185)
MaxSiren ................................8663 / 5 (855)
1500 WU Tally Tagger:
minendo ...............................5057 / 11 (1382)
micron ...................................3939 / 12 (1196)
migroo ..................................3080 / 14 (1084)
IceCreamLtDan ..................6160 / 13 (1014)
Race to Crunch 1500 That I Can't Think Of A Name For:
Polo .....................................14122 / 12 (1035)
paf077 ...................................4702 / 15 (1000)
Toft / Vold - DK .....................7716 / 9 (886)
DDad's Wonderful Tuff Crabby Ass(imilator) Race to 750:
tuffguy ....................................6066 / 50 (771)
Assimilator1 .........................10512 / 17 (678)
DDad .....................................2745 / 0 (497)
ys ............................................1501 / 5 (377)
ElFenix ..................................7101 / 8 (292)
The Other Team AnandTech SETI 500:
Dazmite ................................3862 / 14 (458)
Adul .........................................698 / 15 (370)
Fingers .................................2665 / 4 (316)
JustStarting .........................1693 / 10 (304)
PhotoLenny .........................4022 / 9 (301)
Team AnandTech SETI 500:
ledzepp98 ...........................5470 / 8 (344)
TeAm Confused Ai3x ........5409 / 5 (312)
Kruptikos .............................2298 / 8 (296)
Emos ...................................2520 / 0 (234)
Lonely Racers:
13) USS IsOs .......................32166 / 117
34) USS Poop ......................17117 / 12
45) m2kewl ...........................12935 / 72
56) Crazee ............................10744 / 108 :Q
78) LANMAN ..........................7418 / 8
85) Slahr Dzhe ......................6961 / 11
92) Maku .................................6176 / 24
94) mucman ..........................6084 / 14
109)Jwyatt ................................5323 / 2
121)Serialb ..............................4548 / 9
123)Freewolf ............................4529 / 41
125)Panhead49 ......................4227 / 0
184)MoFunk .............................2739 / 9
208)BigFatCow .......................2319 / 0
214)Logix .................................2246 / 0
223)teriba .................................2147 / 16
260)Boogak .............................1775 / 8
268)marrkks.............................1718 / 17
278)SpookyFish ......................1660 / 0
411)JetsFanatic.......................1018 / 0
611)thawolfman .......................511 / 20
Milestones achieved on 7/27:
Grant - 81000 (81049)
Eltano - 6000 (6008)
yswonder - 1500 (1501)
ThaWolfMan - 500 (511)
Hamo - 500 (500)
Computerfix - 100 (105)
tekk - 100 (100)
10 Most Recent Race Winners:
Freewolf - 1500 WU Tally Tagger - 7/25/2002
SoulAssassin - Race to Crunch 1500 That I Can't Think Of A Name For - 7/23/2002
Jwyatt - Team Anandtech SETI 500 - 7/22/2002
Mucman - Race to 6000 - 7/22/2002
Simon Crooke - The Great 10K Countdown - 7/22/2002
Minendo - The Crunch Bunch Munch to 1500 - 7/22/2002
Crazee - The Great 10K Countdown - 7/19/2002
Teriba - Team Anandtech SETI 500 - 7/19/2002
LANMAN - Race to Crunch 1500 That I Can't Think Of A Name For - 7/16/2002
cakin - The Great 10K Countdown - 7/15/2002
Check out IJump's excellent race prediction analysis.
After a long layoff, Eltano1, the Man from Miami, just recently back on the active racing circuit, will once again know the thrill of standing on the awards stand and being handed a beautiful gold plated K-Key. Storming across the finish line in the Race to 6000, Eltano1 was able to hold of a hard charging Aquatic White Bird to take the checkered flag and earn some face time on the SRL Wall of Fame. Now it's time to take that sparkling brand new K-Key and unlock the door to the 6K Lounge where your party is just about to begin. The fridge is stocked with ice cold sody pop, the water in the tub is hot and so are the babes, who have prepared an especially fascinating lecture on the interaction of highly charged particles in an electromagnetic plasma. Wish I could be there! Congratulations on the race win and the excellent milestone, Eltano1!
Our second winner today has taken the SRL by storm, having developed quite a following during his short time on the SRL tour. This rookie crunching phenom lit up the track and gave one of our most resepected racing veterans more than he could handle. We're speaking of none other than Tuffguy, who slams across the finish line in DDad's Wonderful Tuff Crabby Ass(imilator) Race to 750 to the wild and deafening cheers of the adoring crowd. The fans love an underdog, especially a rookie underdog, and Tuffy's run to the wire was thrilling indeed. Tuffy and Assimilator1 gave the crowd their money's worth, fighting a see-saw back and forth battle at the top of the bracket, neither giving an inch until the newcomer's sustained power became just a little too much for the Guildford Gentleman to overcome. I'd just like to point out that the qualifying crunch level for this race was nine to twelve wu's per day. By the midpoint, both Tuffguy and Assim Man were averaging well over twenty per day. Pretty impressive assimilation techniques! Pretty impressive, indeed! Now it's time to "PAR-TAY"! The brew and babes await. Congratulations, Tuffguy! And thanks for a valiant race, Assimilator1!
The remotes are calling. Gotta run.
Advancements among racers on 7/27 include Baldy18 up 1 to 61, EvilWobbles up 1 to 65, Eltano1 up 1 to 96, Ishmael2k up 1 to 153, sukhoi up 1 to 156, LiveLongAndProsper up 3 to 212, Boogak up 3 to 260, marrkks up 1 to 268, thawolfman up 11 to 611.
God Bless America!
Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.3
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it.
Race to Catch the Race Coordinator:
37) OhioDude ........................14543 / 26
38) def .....................................14474 / 29
48) Major Tom........................12180 / 18
Turtle Wars: Episode II. The Tortoise Strikes Back at 15K:
37) Dude OhioWalker ..........14543 / 26
39) Darth Polo .......................14122 / 12
The Great 10K CountDown:
61) Baldy18 ............................9773 / 26
64) Conjur ...............................9389 / 39
65) EvilWobbles ....................9110 / 45
Race to 6000:
96) Eltano1 ..............................6008 / 23
98) Swanny ..............................5950 / 18
110)thecool1 ............................5199 / 9
111)Rowdy Ray .......................5147 / 38
112)minendo ...........................5057 / 11
116)JimMc ................................4912 / 12
119)paf077 ...............................4702 / 15
Another race to 6000:
107)ledzepp98 .........................5470 / 8
108)TeAm Confused Ai3x .....5409 / 5
Neovan's Scary Halloween Run to 4500:
148)neovan ..............................3460 / 0
162)Tetsuo316 ........................3144 / 11
230)ReaganCRW ...................2088 / 28
Summer Sizzler to 3500:
153)Ishmael2k .........................3304 / 7
156)sukhoi ................................3275 / 8
159)Maggotry ............................3236 / 12
161)pyxis ...................................3145 / 6
162)Tetsuo316 ........................3144 / 11
212)LiveLongAndProsper .....2290 / 57
Can Steve Shoot 2000 WU's by 8/19/2002?:
245)ShotgunSteve ..................1938 / 6
Clash of the Super WU Poopers - Race to Dump 10,000:
EvadMan ...........................3576 / 8 (9840)
IJump ..............................20190 / 15 (9460)
PieDerro .........................31213 / 137 (9251)
Robor ..............................93708 / 186 (9014)
Grant ...............................81049 / 181 (7575)
Hack ................................52504 / 106 (7306)
Captain's Crunch to 3000:
USS Pazoo ............................11254 / 47 (1512)
USS Phiton ..........................22833 / 41 (1412)
USS Jaws ............................31223 / 63 (1371)
USS Guid .............................21175 / 60 (902)
The Federation's Transwarp Traverse - 2500 by 8/4/2002:
The Federation ....................17705 / 48 (1503)
The Star-Studded Stellar Cluster Crunch to 2500:
wirelessenabled .................6579 / 94 (1629)
The Federation ..................17705 / 48 (1468)
EvilWobbles ........................9110 / 45 (1276)
SoulAssassin ....................12995 / 23 (1175)
WayneS ..............................12056 / 42 (1163)
Barbary ...............................25663 / 48 (1138)
Yield.....................................15219 / 32 (1075)
Conjur ...................................9389 / 39 (1071)
lane42 .................................13445 / 35 (1006)
ICXRa ....................................5485 / 28 (860)
GreatWhiteNorth ...............12747 / 23 (812)
Basilisk420 ..........................6381 / 39 (809)
Something to 2500:
zodder ...................................15231 / 49 (1437)
Soni .......................................31358 / 48 (1226)
DroolMAN! ............................13093 / 30 (1106)
Beeker35 .................................877 / 0 (183)
What's 2500 wu's Between Friends?:
WayneS .................................12056 / 42 (1663)
Yield........................................15219 / 32 (1553)
lane42 ...................................13445 / 35 (1524)
GreatWhiteNorth .................12747 / 23 (1455)
cakin ........................................10250 / 23 (1219)
crt1530 ..................................11251 / 8 (315)
The Crunch Bunch Munch to 1500:
Swanny ..................................5950 / 18 (1380)
ZeroEffect ............................10263 / 16 (1185)
MaxSiren ................................8663 / 5 (855)
1500 WU Tally Tagger:
minendo ...............................5057 / 11 (1382)
micron ...................................3939 / 12 (1196)
migroo ..................................3080 / 14 (1084)
IceCreamLtDan ..................6160 / 13 (1014)
Race to Crunch 1500 That I Can't Think Of A Name For:
Polo .....................................14122 / 12 (1035)
paf077 ...................................4702 / 15 (1000)
Toft / Vold - DK .....................7716 / 9 (886)
DDad's Wonderful Tuff Crabby Ass(imilator) Race to 750:
tuffguy ....................................6066 / 50 (771)
Assimilator1 .........................10512 / 17 (678)
DDad .....................................2745 / 0 (497)
ys ............................................1501 / 5 (377)
ElFenix ..................................7101 / 8 (292)
The Other Team AnandTech SETI 500:
Dazmite ................................3862 / 14 (458)
Adul .........................................698 / 15 (370)
Fingers .................................2665 / 4 (316)
JustStarting .........................1693 / 10 (304)
PhotoLenny .........................4022 / 9 (301)
Team AnandTech SETI 500:
ledzepp98 ...........................5470 / 8 (344)
TeAm Confused Ai3x ........5409 / 5 (312)
Kruptikos .............................2298 / 8 (296)
Emos ...................................2520 / 0 (234)
Lonely Racers:
13) USS IsOs .......................32166 / 117
34) USS Poop ......................17117 / 12
45) m2kewl ...........................12935 / 72
56) Crazee ............................10744 / 108 :Q
78) LANMAN ..........................7418 / 8
85) Slahr Dzhe ......................6961 / 11
92) Maku .................................6176 / 24
94) mucman ..........................6084 / 14
109)Jwyatt ................................5323 / 2
121)Serialb ..............................4548 / 9
123)Freewolf ............................4529 / 41
125)Panhead49 ......................4227 / 0
184)MoFunk .............................2739 / 9
208)BigFatCow .......................2319 / 0
214)Logix .................................2246 / 0
223)teriba .................................2147 / 16
260)Boogak .............................1775 / 8
268)marrkks.............................1718 / 17
278)SpookyFish ......................1660 / 0
411)JetsFanatic.......................1018 / 0
611)thawolfman .......................511 / 20
Milestones achieved on 7/27:
Grant - 81000 (81049)
Eltano - 6000 (6008)
yswonder - 1500 (1501)
ThaWolfMan - 500 (511)
Hamo - 500 (500)
Computerfix - 100 (105)
tekk - 100 (100)
10 Most Recent Race Winners:
Freewolf - 1500 WU Tally Tagger - 7/25/2002
SoulAssassin - Race to Crunch 1500 That I Can't Think Of A Name For - 7/23/2002
Jwyatt - Team Anandtech SETI 500 - 7/22/2002
Mucman - Race to 6000 - 7/22/2002
Simon Crooke - The Great 10K Countdown - 7/22/2002
Minendo - The Crunch Bunch Munch to 1500 - 7/22/2002
Crazee - The Great 10K Countdown - 7/19/2002
Teriba - Team Anandtech SETI 500 - 7/19/2002
LANMAN - Race to Crunch 1500 That I Can't Think Of A Name For - 7/16/2002
cakin - The Great 10K Countdown - 7/15/2002
Check out IJump's excellent race prediction analysis.
After a long layoff, Eltano1, the Man from Miami, just recently back on the active racing circuit, will once again know the thrill of standing on the awards stand and being handed a beautiful gold plated K-Key. Storming across the finish line in the Race to 6000, Eltano1 was able to hold of a hard charging Aquatic White Bird to take the checkered flag and earn some face time on the SRL Wall of Fame. Now it's time to take that sparkling brand new K-Key and unlock the door to the 6K Lounge where your party is just about to begin. The fridge is stocked with ice cold sody pop, the water in the tub is hot and so are the babes, who have prepared an especially fascinating lecture on the interaction of highly charged particles in an electromagnetic plasma. Wish I could be there! Congratulations on the race win and the excellent milestone, Eltano1!
Our second winner today has taken the SRL by storm, having developed quite a following during his short time on the SRL tour. This rookie crunching phenom lit up the track and gave one of our most resepected racing veterans more than he could handle. We're speaking of none other than Tuffguy, who slams across the finish line in DDad's Wonderful Tuff Crabby Ass(imilator) Race to 750 to the wild and deafening cheers of the adoring crowd. The fans love an underdog, especially a rookie underdog, and Tuffy's run to the wire was thrilling indeed. Tuffy and Assimilator1 gave the crowd their money's worth, fighting a see-saw back and forth battle at the top of the bracket, neither giving an inch until the newcomer's sustained power became just a little too much for the Guildford Gentleman to overcome. I'd just like to point out that the qualifying crunch level for this race was nine to twelve wu's per day. By the midpoint, both Tuffguy and Assim Man were averaging well over twenty per day. Pretty impressive assimilation techniques! Pretty impressive, indeed! Now it's time to "PAR-TAY"! The brew and babes await. Congratulations, Tuffguy! And thanks for a valiant race, Assimilator1!
The remotes are calling. Gotta run.
Advancements among racers on 7/27 include Baldy18 up 1 to 61, EvilWobbles up 1 to 65, Eltano1 up 1 to 96, Ishmael2k up 1 to 153, sukhoi up 1 to 156, LiveLongAndProsper up 3 to 212, Boogak up 3 to 260, marrkks up 1 to 268, thawolfman up 11 to 611.
God Bless America!
Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.3
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it.