Team rank) Name .............. total wu/new wu
Polo's Challenge to the Turtle: 10,000 by 2/14/02 or You're Soup:
35) Polo ..................................9881 / 4
Race to 10,000:
50) lane42 ..............................7541 / 11
51) def .....................................7213 / 24
60) GreatWhiteNorth .............5833 / 33
The Very Very Loooonnnnggg Race to 10,000:
122)EvilWobbles ....................2638 / 22
127)Bigwoofer ........................2482 / 17
Race to 8000: < ----------------------------------- Look out, Rowdy Ray! :Q
46) TWTA .................................7865 / 65
47) The Federation ................7834 / 81 :Q:Q
49) zodder ...............................7576 / 19
Another Race to 8000:
52) ZeroEffect .........................7054 / 22
63) DroolMAN! ........................5663 / 0
65) crt1530 ..............................5534 / 117 :Q:Q
Fardy vs the Cardy - Part Deux:
66) Gul Dukat .........................5522 / 42
68) Fardringle ........................5417 / 13
April Fool's 6000:
69) cakin ..................................5106 / 20
74) Baldy18 .............................4716 / 26
87) PieDerro ...........................3880 / 35
Another Race to 6000:
61) MaxSiren ...........................5824 / 12
63) DroolMAN! .........................5663 / 0
70) ElFenix ...............................5095 / 1
71) Slahr Dzhe ........................5063 / 21
Free-For-All to 3000:
115)Electrode ...........................2936 / 10
116)Pabster ..............................2829 / 14
3000 WU Romp:
123)JimMc ................................2585 / 3
127)Bigwoofer .........................2482 / 17
143)Eltano1 .............................2308 / 80 :Q:Q
Race to 3000:
157)KCJeeper ..........................2013 / 16
217)conjur .................................1368 / 28
228)m2kewl ..............................1274 / 14
243)Domination .......................1178 / 36
A Photograph of Confusion at 3000:
120)PhotoLenny .......................2749 / 0
129)ConfusedBW ....................2421 / 5
Another Race to 2500:
130)Serialb ..............................2417 / 14
135)DarkMajiq .........................2376 / 15
Race to 2000:
183)pyxis .................................1723 / 1
194)EvadMan ..........................1581 / 9
243)Domination .......................1178 / 36
March March to 2000:
197)Ishmael2k ........................1573 / 15
240)neovan ..............................1204 / 7
287)Karsten .............................991 / 18
Y.A.R.T. 1500:
208)Emos .................................1460 / 7
Fabulous February 1500:
241)ShotgunSteve ..................1186 / 5
245)Avenger01 ........................1174 / 6
Race to 1400:
219)Logix .................................1353 / 8
240)neovan ...............................1204 / 7
Team AnandTech SETI 1000:
328)JetsFanatic ..........................808 / 2
342)frglss ....................................757 / 0
Team AnandTech SETI 500:
425)teriba .....................................499 / 2
502)Jerboy ....................................364 / 7
Race to Crunch 1000:
Time2Kill ..................................661 / 0 (544)
migroo ......................................521 / 1 (454)
WHSLacrosseKid ..................199 / 2 (184)
Race to Crunch 100:
Jerboy .......................................364 / 7 (92)
Lonely Racers:
27) USS Guid .......................12979 / 17
28) USS Poop ......................12932 / 38
41) Yield ..................................8300 / 12
72) Tarca .................................4915 / 65
81) ledzepp98 ........................4091 / 45
82) Ai3x ....................................4063 / 2
83) Toft ......................................4016 / 13
91) mucman ...........................3694 / 13
94) Maku .................................3605 / 0
96) IceCreamLtDan ..............3538 / 17
100)Jwyatt ................................3450 / 15
106)thecool1 ............................3103 / 15
107)Swanny .............................3091 / 17
141)sukhoi ...............................2329 / 1
149)Dazmite ............................2169 / 2
179)Panhead49 ......................1764 / 0
190)Rowdy Ray .......................1621 / 0
221)medic ................................1333 / 10
239)Boogak .............................1207 / 7
253)Bleep .................................1106 / 0
262)Kruptikos ..........................1059 / 16
276)BigFatCow .......................1021 / 6
277)micron ...............................1016 / 11
297)Dingas ................................937 / 0
377)zeruty ...................................612 / 17
397)Corsairpro ..........................558 / 4
968)Team Geekender ...............86 / 3
Milestones achieved on 2/9:
SoulAssassin - 6000 (6017)
KCjeeper - 2000 (2013)
Mihai - 1000 (1025)
Jeff7 - 500 (502)
marksman87 - 500 (500)
Rodrigo Rezende - 250 (250)
Steell - 250 (250)
schmotze - 100 (114)
DaiSHi - 100 (100)
10 Most Recent Race Winners:
Micron - Team AnandTech SETI 1000 - 2/9/2002
Toft - Battle to 4000 - 2/9/2002
BigFatCow - Team AnandTech SETI 1000 - 2/8/2002
conjur - Race to Crunch 1000 - 2/8/2002
ZeroEffect - Race to 7000 - 2/8/2002
EvilWobbles - Another Race to 2500 - 2/7/2002
Zeruty - Team AnandTech SETI 500 - 2/7/2002
Migroo - Race to Crunch 100 - 2/6/2002
Swanny - Free-For-All to 3000 - 2/6/2002
thecool1 - Free-For-All to 3000 - 2/6/2002
For the first day in quite a while, we have no race winners, but we've added five, count 'em, five brand new races to the SRL racing docket. Many of the participants in the new donneybrooks have been recycled from the growing list of lonely racers, but we do welcome one brand new rookie racer to the fray. Let's start at the top and introduce the new battles added to this morning's race thread:
The magical, almost sprirtual, goal of 10,000 workunits is one that draws many veteran Seti crunchers to the long lonely pilgrimage to add a fifth digit to one's crunch total. With two brackets already devoted to that shining pinnacle of cracking achievement, a third one begins today. Three long-time crunchers and racing veterans, lane42, the one and only defster, and GreatWhiteNorth start their journey towards the glorious holy grail we know as 10K. GWN begins the scrimmage well behind the leaders, more than 4000 wu's from the ultimate goal but with a history of strong production power and racing prowess that give him more than a fighting chance to come out on top.
Our second new contest is a race to 8000 between three grizzled racing veterans, one of them a two-timer who is also currently racing to 6000 wu's. Fresh off his protracted struggle to 7000, ZeroEffect continues his climb up the TA-Seti standings in his quest for the next K-Key against the famous wave of Seti moisture better known as DroolMAN! and the soon to be famous crt1530. Beginning the race well back in the pack, crt1530 is capable of throwing down some impressive numbers to which his 117 from yesterday most certainly attests. We've all seen what Droolie can do and this matchup between the man from Malaysia and crt1530 at the rear of the pack should prove fascinating.
Three more recycled Lonely Racers find their way back into active duty in a nasty little encounter to 6000 that should end sometime around April Fool's day. cakin, the misplaced Aggie finds himself leading the likes of Baldy18, the good ambassador, and PieDerro, the Awesome Aussie himself chasing their sixth K-Key. Admittedly a long shot, cakin needs to keep his average well above the 20 wu mark to have a shot at crossing the finish line in front of his two race mates. Also recycled for another go are JimMc, Eltano1, and another two-timer, BigWoofer as they jockey back and forth for positon on the road to 3000. Eltano1's impressive 80 right out of the blocks sends a little message to his competitors that he doesn't plan on remaining in third place for the entire duration of the contest.
Our final new competition is a March March to 2000 between two veteran pugilists and a brand spanking new rookie to the Seti racing league. Let's everybody give Karsten a hearty welcome to the SRL and wish him the best of luck as he endeavors to overtake neovan and Ishmael2K, the heavyweight whose toe-to-toe battles with Hoober became the stuff of legend. Good luck to all three racers and a big warm welcome to Karsten.
Advancements among racers on 2/9 include GreatWhiteNorth up 1 to 60, crt1530 up 2 to 65, cakin up 1 to 69, Pabster up 1 to 116, Eltano1 up 2 to 143, KCJeeper up 2 to 157, conjur up 2 to 217, Domination up 7 to 243, Serialb up 1 to 130, DarkMajiq up 3 to 135, EvadMan up 2 to 194, Domination up 7 to 243, Ishmael2k up 1 to 197, Karsten up 1 to 287, medic up 1 to 221, JetsFanatic up 1 to 328, Jerboy up 1 to 502, ledzepp98 up 1 to 81, IceCreamLtDan up 2 to 96, Kruptikos up 5 to 262, micron up 3 to 277, zeruty up 7 to 377, Team Geekender up 11 to 968.
God Bless America!
Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.2
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it.
Polo's Challenge to the Turtle: 10,000 by 2/14/02 or You're Soup:
35) Polo ..................................9881 / 4
Race to 10,000:
50) lane42 ..............................7541 / 11
51) def .....................................7213 / 24
60) GreatWhiteNorth .............5833 / 33
The Very Very Loooonnnnggg Race to 10,000:
122)EvilWobbles ....................2638 / 22
127)Bigwoofer ........................2482 / 17
Race to 8000: < ----------------------------------- Look out, Rowdy Ray! :Q
46) TWTA .................................7865 / 65
47) The Federation ................7834 / 81 :Q:Q
49) zodder ...............................7576 / 19
Another Race to 8000:
52) ZeroEffect .........................7054 / 22
63) DroolMAN! ........................5663 / 0
65) crt1530 ..............................5534 / 117 :Q:Q
Fardy vs the Cardy - Part Deux:
66) Gul Dukat .........................5522 / 42
68) Fardringle ........................5417 / 13
April Fool's 6000:
69) cakin ..................................5106 / 20
74) Baldy18 .............................4716 / 26
87) PieDerro ...........................3880 / 35
Another Race to 6000:
61) MaxSiren ...........................5824 / 12
63) DroolMAN! .........................5663 / 0
70) ElFenix ...............................5095 / 1
71) Slahr Dzhe ........................5063 / 21
Free-For-All to 3000:
115)Electrode ...........................2936 / 10
116)Pabster ..............................2829 / 14
3000 WU Romp:
123)JimMc ................................2585 / 3
127)Bigwoofer .........................2482 / 17
143)Eltano1 .............................2308 / 80 :Q:Q
Race to 3000:
157)KCJeeper ..........................2013 / 16
217)conjur .................................1368 / 28
228)m2kewl ..............................1274 / 14
243)Domination .......................1178 / 36
A Photograph of Confusion at 3000:
120)PhotoLenny .......................2749 / 0
129)ConfusedBW ....................2421 / 5
Another Race to 2500:
130)Serialb ..............................2417 / 14
135)DarkMajiq .........................2376 / 15
Race to 2000:
183)pyxis .................................1723 / 1
194)EvadMan ..........................1581 / 9
243)Domination .......................1178 / 36
March March to 2000:
197)Ishmael2k ........................1573 / 15
240)neovan ..............................1204 / 7
287)Karsten .............................991 / 18
Y.A.R.T. 1500:
208)Emos .................................1460 / 7
Fabulous February 1500:
241)ShotgunSteve ..................1186 / 5
245)Avenger01 ........................1174 / 6
Race to 1400:
219)Logix .................................1353 / 8
240)neovan ...............................1204 / 7
Team AnandTech SETI 1000:
328)JetsFanatic ..........................808 / 2
342)frglss ....................................757 / 0
Team AnandTech SETI 500:
425)teriba .....................................499 / 2
502)Jerboy ....................................364 / 7
Race to Crunch 1000:
Time2Kill ..................................661 / 0 (544)
migroo ......................................521 / 1 (454)
WHSLacrosseKid ..................199 / 2 (184)
Race to Crunch 100:
Jerboy .......................................364 / 7 (92)
Lonely Racers:
27) USS Guid .......................12979 / 17
28) USS Poop ......................12932 / 38
41) Yield ..................................8300 / 12
72) Tarca .................................4915 / 65
81) ledzepp98 ........................4091 / 45
82) Ai3x ....................................4063 / 2
83) Toft ......................................4016 / 13
91) mucman ...........................3694 / 13
94) Maku .................................3605 / 0
96) IceCreamLtDan ..............3538 / 17
100)Jwyatt ................................3450 / 15
106)thecool1 ............................3103 / 15
107)Swanny .............................3091 / 17
141)sukhoi ...............................2329 / 1
149)Dazmite ............................2169 / 2
179)Panhead49 ......................1764 / 0
190)Rowdy Ray .......................1621 / 0
221)medic ................................1333 / 10
239)Boogak .............................1207 / 7
253)Bleep .................................1106 / 0
262)Kruptikos ..........................1059 / 16
276)BigFatCow .......................1021 / 6
277)micron ...............................1016 / 11
297)Dingas ................................937 / 0
377)zeruty ...................................612 / 17
397)Corsairpro ..........................558 / 4
968)Team Geekender ...............86 / 3
Milestones achieved on 2/9:
SoulAssassin - 6000 (6017)
KCjeeper - 2000 (2013)
Mihai - 1000 (1025)
Jeff7 - 500 (502)
marksman87 - 500 (500)
Rodrigo Rezende - 250 (250)
Steell - 250 (250)
schmotze - 100 (114)
DaiSHi - 100 (100)
10 Most Recent Race Winners:
Micron - Team AnandTech SETI 1000 - 2/9/2002
Toft - Battle to 4000 - 2/9/2002
BigFatCow - Team AnandTech SETI 1000 - 2/8/2002
conjur - Race to Crunch 1000 - 2/8/2002
ZeroEffect - Race to 7000 - 2/8/2002
EvilWobbles - Another Race to 2500 - 2/7/2002
Zeruty - Team AnandTech SETI 500 - 2/7/2002
Migroo - Race to Crunch 100 - 2/6/2002
Swanny - Free-For-All to 3000 - 2/6/2002
thecool1 - Free-For-All to 3000 - 2/6/2002
For the first day in quite a while, we have no race winners, but we've added five, count 'em, five brand new races to the SRL racing docket. Many of the participants in the new donneybrooks have been recycled from the growing list of lonely racers, but we do welcome one brand new rookie racer to the fray. Let's start at the top and introduce the new battles added to this morning's race thread:
The magical, almost sprirtual, goal of 10,000 workunits is one that draws many veteran Seti crunchers to the long lonely pilgrimage to add a fifth digit to one's crunch total. With two brackets already devoted to that shining pinnacle of cracking achievement, a third one begins today. Three long-time crunchers and racing veterans, lane42, the one and only defster, and GreatWhiteNorth start their journey towards the glorious holy grail we know as 10K. GWN begins the scrimmage well behind the leaders, more than 4000 wu's from the ultimate goal but with a history of strong production power and racing prowess that give him more than a fighting chance to come out on top.
Our second new contest is a race to 8000 between three grizzled racing veterans, one of them a two-timer who is also currently racing to 6000 wu's. Fresh off his protracted struggle to 7000, ZeroEffect continues his climb up the TA-Seti standings in his quest for the next K-Key against the famous wave of Seti moisture better known as DroolMAN! and the soon to be famous crt1530. Beginning the race well back in the pack, crt1530 is capable of throwing down some impressive numbers to which his 117 from yesterday most certainly attests. We've all seen what Droolie can do and this matchup between the man from Malaysia and crt1530 at the rear of the pack should prove fascinating.
Three more recycled Lonely Racers find their way back into active duty in a nasty little encounter to 6000 that should end sometime around April Fool's day. cakin, the misplaced Aggie finds himself leading the likes of Baldy18, the good ambassador, and PieDerro, the Awesome Aussie himself chasing their sixth K-Key. Admittedly a long shot, cakin needs to keep his average well above the 20 wu mark to have a shot at crossing the finish line in front of his two race mates. Also recycled for another go are JimMc, Eltano1, and another two-timer, BigWoofer as they jockey back and forth for positon on the road to 3000. Eltano1's impressive 80 right out of the blocks sends a little message to his competitors that he doesn't plan on remaining in third place for the entire duration of the contest.
Our final new competition is a March March to 2000 between two veteran pugilists and a brand spanking new rookie to the Seti racing league. Let's everybody give Karsten a hearty welcome to the SRL and wish him the best of luck as he endeavors to overtake neovan and Ishmael2K, the heavyweight whose toe-to-toe battles with Hoober became the stuff of legend. Good luck to all three racers and a big warm welcome to Karsten.
Advancements among racers on 2/9 include GreatWhiteNorth up 1 to 60, crt1530 up 2 to 65, cakin up 1 to 69, Pabster up 1 to 116, Eltano1 up 2 to 143, KCJeeper up 2 to 157, conjur up 2 to 217, Domination up 7 to 243, Serialb up 1 to 130, DarkMajiq up 3 to 135, EvadMan up 2 to 194, Domination up 7 to 243, Ishmael2k up 1 to 197, Karsten up 1 to 287, medic up 1 to 221, JetsFanatic up 1 to 328, Jerboy up 1 to 502, ledzepp98 up 1 to 81, IceCreamLtDan up 2 to 96, Kruptikos up 5 to 262, micron up 3 to 277, zeruty up 7 to 377, Team Geekender up 11 to 968.
God Bless America!
Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.2
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it.