Team rank) Name .............. total wu/new wu
Clash of the Titans, The Sequel (21,000):
9) soni ...................................20134 / 42
10) IBHacknU ......................19482 / 147
11) Bazilla ............................17751 / 23
Race to 12,000:
25) USS Guid .......................11110 / 25
27) USS IsOs .......................10570 / 43
Polo's Challenge to the Turtle: 10,000 by 2/14/02 or You're Soup:
35) Polo ..................................8124 / 7
Race to 6000:
44) Lane42 ...........................5797 / 10
45) ZeroEffect .......................5691 / 28
52) The Federation ..............4729 / 56
Race to 5000:
50) Wiz ....................................4900 / 13
51) MaxSiren .........................4864 / 11
52) The Federation ..............4729 / 56
Race to Catch def:
43) def ....................................5834 / 13
46) TWTA ...............................5480 / 44
48) zodder .............................5072 / 44
52) The Federation ..............4729 / 56
55) mgpaulus .......................4599 / 26
Race to 4000:
65) cakin ................................3861 / 17
69) Gul Dukat ........................3680 / 44
73) GreatWhiteNorth ............3389 / 64 :Q
Quickie to 3000:
89) Baldy18 ............................2968 / 16
91) Toft ....................................2921 / 44 :Q
92) Ai3x ....................................2882 / 7
93) crt1530 .............................2834 / 16
96) Jwyatt ................................2734 / 13
100)DroolMAN! ......................2655 / 127 :Q:Q
Race to 3000:
94) mucman ............................2794 / 14
102)IceCreamLtDan ..............2599 / 15
116)sparks ..............................2216 / 42
Race to 2500:
108)PhotoLenny ....................2394 / 3
113)Electrode ........................2300 / 10
Race to 2250:
128)thecool1 ..........................1921 / 14
139)Tarca ...............................1819 / 27
145)svrblues00 ......................1776 / 4
149)PieDerro .........................1710 / 148 :Q:Q
Race to 2000:
131)ConfusedBW ..................1914 / 10
134)Super Sukhoi ..................1900 / 7
152)Pabster ............................1654 / 20
Y.A.R.T. 1500:
196)Eltano1 ............................1158 / 5
199)EvadMan .........................1144 / 10
209)Emos ...............................1069 / 5
Race to 1250:
188)Clueless .........................1251 / 18
193)pyxis .................................1179 / 11
195)muadib ............................1176 / 9
Race to 1100:
211)Logix .................................1055 / 3
233)Bunker ..............................918 / 11
245)Ishmael2k .......................875 / 11
Race to 1000:
276)CRV .....................................718 / 9
284)ShotgunSteve ....................693 / 3
309)r0tt3n1 .................................588 / 7
Marathon to 1000:
226)Panhead49 ........................975 / 9
283)Kruptikos ............................694 / 6
Sprint to 1000:
248)Maggotry .............................859 / 15
268)EvilWobbles .......................756 / 22
Race to 750:
282)Bigwoofer ...........................698 / 38
294)Boogak ...............................649 / 10
297)Hoober ...............................627 / 7
311)JetsFanatic ........................583 / 5
Lonely Racers:
28) USS Poop ......................10345 / 45
41) Yield .................................6240 / 34
79) Maku .................................3262 / 7
84) ledzepp98 ........................3061 / 10
121)Swanny ............................2087 / 23
162)DarkMajiq ........................1553 / 13
166)Dazmite ............................1535 / 7
250)Dingas ...............................859 / 4
300)Bleep ..................................623 / 15
403)Corsairpro .........................353 / 1
Milestones achieved on 12/9:
Robor - 57000 (57071)
Michael and the Cuppies - 11000 (11000)
RazeOrc - 250 (252)
Dzerzhinski - 250 (250)
10 Most Recent Race Winners:
Zodder - Race to 5000 - 12/9/2001
JW.Middleton - Clash of the Titans - 12/8/2001
DroolMAN! - Race to 2500 - 12/7/2001
JimMc - Race to 1500 - 12/7/2001
serialb - Race to 1500- 12/7/2001
ledzepp98 - Quickie to 3000 - 12/6/2001
Swanny - Race to 2000 - 12/6/2001
Dark Majiq - Race to 1500 - 12/6/2001
Dazmite - Battle Royale to 1500 - 12/6/2001
Wilder - Race to 1500 - 12/2/2001
As expected, Clueless powers his way across the finish line in the Race to 1250, taking the checkered flag with a very comfortable 72 wu cushion over his competitor. The Californian began this race in last place and through persistance and perserverance, worked his way through the pack, passing first Pyxis, and then the early race dominator Muadib, and cruised effortlessly to a victory. We will be sending the beer over shortly but SRL racing rules prohibit babes in the hottub for races not run to an official milestone, but you can hop in there by yourself for a bit if you'd like. Congratulations, Clueless! This race is far from over though because Muadib and Pyxis are still on the track and separated by only three tiny wu's.
Sorry to disappoint y'all but I'm afraid that's all the time I have this morning. Got a personal matter to attend to. I'll try to be back with a full slate of race coverage tomorrow.
Advancements among racers on 12/9 include zodder up 1 to 48, The Federation up 1 to 52, GreatWhiteNorth up 3 to 73, sparks up 2 to 116, DroolMAN! up 3 to 100, thecool1 up 3 to 128, Tarca up 2 to 139, PieDerro up 12 to 149, ConfusedBW up 1 to 131, JimMc up 1 to 163, serialb up 1 to 165, EvadMan up 2 to 199, Clueless up 2 to 188, pyxis up 1 to 193, Logix up 1 to 211, Bunker up 1 to 233, Ishmael2k up 1 to 245, CRV up 1 to 276, r0tt3n1 up 1 to 309, Panhead49 up 1 to 226, Kruptikos up 1 to 283, Maggotry up 6 to 248, EvilWobbles up 5 to 268, Bigwoofer up 8 to 282, Hoober up 2 to 297, JetsFanatic up 1 to 311, Bleep up 1 to 300.
God Bless America!
Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.2
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it.
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Clash of the Titans, The Sequel (21,000):
9) soni ...................................20134 / 42
10) IBHacknU ......................19482 / 147
11) Bazilla ............................17751 / 23
Race to 12,000:
25) USS Guid .......................11110 / 25
27) USS IsOs .......................10570 / 43
Polo's Challenge to the Turtle: 10,000 by 2/14/02 or You're Soup:
35) Polo ..................................8124 / 7
Race to 6000:
44) Lane42 ...........................5797 / 10
45) ZeroEffect .......................5691 / 28
52) The Federation ..............4729 / 56
Race to 5000:
50) Wiz ....................................4900 / 13
51) MaxSiren .........................4864 / 11
52) The Federation ..............4729 / 56
Race to Catch def:
43) def ....................................5834 / 13
46) TWTA ...............................5480 / 44
48) zodder .............................5072 / 44
52) The Federation ..............4729 / 56
55) mgpaulus .......................4599 / 26
Race to 4000:
65) cakin ................................3861 / 17
69) Gul Dukat ........................3680 / 44
73) GreatWhiteNorth ............3389 / 64 :Q
Quickie to 3000:
89) Baldy18 ............................2968 / 16
91) Toft ....................................2921 / 44 :Q
92) Ai3x ....................................2882 / 7
93) crt1530 .............................2834 / 16
96) Jwyatt ................................2734 / 13
100)DroolMAN! ......................2655 / 127 :Q:Q
Race to 3000:
94) mucman ............................2794 / 14
102)IceCreamLtDan ..............2599 / 15
116)sparks ..............................2216 / 42
Race to 2500:
108)PhotoLenny ....................2394 / 3
113)Electrode ........................2300 / 10
Race to 2250:
128)thecool1 ..........................1921 / 14
139)Tarca ...............................1819 / 27
145)svrblues00 ......................1776 / 4
149)PieDerro .........................1710 / 148 :Q:Q
Race to 2000:
131)ConfusedBW ..................1914 / 10
134)Super Sukhoi ..................1900 / 7
152)Pabster ............................1654 / 20
Y.A.R.T. 1500:
196)Eltano1 ............................1158 / 5
199)EvadMan .........................1144 / 10
209)Emos ...............................1069 / 5
Race to 1250:
188)Clueless .........................1251 / 18
193)pyxis .................................1179 / 11
195)muadib ............................1176 / 9
Race to 1100:
211)Logix .................................1055 / 3
233)Bunker ..............................918 / 11
245)Ishmael2k .......................875 / 11
Race to 1000:
276)CRV .....................................718 / 9
284)ShotgunSteve ....................693 / 3
309)r0tt3n1 .................................588 / 7
Marathon to 1000:
226)Panhead49 ........................975 / 9
283)Kruptikos ............................694 / 6
Sprint to 1000:
248)Maggotry .............................859 / 15
268)EvilWobbles .......................756 / 22
Race to 750:
282)Bigwoofer ...........................698 / 38
294)Boogak ...............................649 / 10
297)Hoober ...............................627 / 7
311)JetsFanatic ........................583 / 5
Lonely Racers:
28) USS Poop ......................10345 / 45
41) Yield .................................6240 / 34
79) Maku .................................3262 / 7
84) ledzepp98 ........................3061 / 10
121)Swanny ............................2087 / 23
162)DarkMajiq ........................1553 / 13
166)Dazmite ............................1535 / 7
250)Dingas ...............................859 / 4
300)Bleep ..................................623 / 15
403)Corsairpro .........................353 / 1
Milestones achieved on 12/9:
Robor - 57000 (57071)
Michael and the Cuppies - 11000 (11000)
RazeOrc - 250 (252)
Dzerzhinski - 250 (250)
10 Most Recent Race Winners:
Zodder - Race to 5000 - 12/9/2001
JW.Middleton - Clash of the Titans - 12/8/2001
DroolMAN! - Race to 2500 - 12/7/2001
JimMc - Race to 1500 - 12/7/2001
serialb - Race to 1500- 12/7/2001
ledzepp98 - Quickie to 3000 - 12/6/2001
Swanny - Race to 2000 - 12/6/2001
Dark Majiq - Race to 1500 - 12/6/2001
Dazmite - Battle Royale to 1500 - 12/6/2001
Wilder - Race to 1500 - 12/2/2001
As expected, Clueless powers his way across the finish line in the Race to 1250, taking the checkered flag with a very comfortable 72 wu cushion over his competitor. The Californian began this race in last place and through persistance and perserverance, worked his way through the pack, passing first Pyxis, and then the early race dominator Muadib, and cruised effortlessly to a victory. We will be sending the beer over shortly but SRL racing rules prohibit babes in the hottub for races not run to an official milestone, but you can hop in there by yourself for a bit if you'd like. Congratulations, Clueless! This race is far from over though because Muadib and Pyxis are still on the track and separated by only three tiny wu's.
Sorry to disappoint y'all but I'm afraid that's all the time I have this morning. Got a personal matter to attend to. I'll try to be back with a full slate of race coverage tomorrow.
Advancements among racers on 12/9 include zodder up 1 to 48, The Federation up 1 to 52, GreatWhiteNorth up 3 to 73, sparks up 2 to 116, DroolMAN! up 3 to 100, thecool1 up 3 to 128, Tarca up 2 to 139, PieDerro up 12 to 149, ConfusedBW up 1 to 131, JimMc up 1 to 163, serialb up 1 to 165, EvadMan up 2 to 199, Clueless up 2 to 188, pyxis up 1 to 193, Logix up 1 to 211, Bunker up 1 to 233, Ishmael2k up 1 to 245, CRV up 1 to 276, r0tt3n1 up 1 to 309, Panhead49 up 1 to 226, Kruptikos up 1 to 283, Maggotry up 6 to 248, EvilWobbles up 5 to 268, Bigwoofer up 8 to 282, Hoober up 2 to 297, JetsFanatic up 1 to 311, Bleep up 1 to 300.
God Bless America!
Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.2
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it.
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