Seti Race Stats and Milestones for 12/7...


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2001
Team rank) Name .............. total wu/new wu

Clash of the Titans, The Sequel (21,000):
8) JW.Middleton ...................21010 / 25 :D
9) soni ...................................20066 / 25
10) IBHacknU ......................19189 / 137
11) Bazilla ............................17705 / 22

Polo's Challenge to the Turtle: 10,000 by 2/14/02 or You're Soup:
35) Polo ..................................8111 / 136 :Q:Q

Race to 6000:
44) Lane42 ...........................5767 / 22
45) ZeroEffect .......................5638 / 28 :)
54) The Federation ..............4624 / 42

Race to 5000:
49) zodder .............................4979 / 40 :)
50) Wiz ....................................4876 / 13
54) The Federation ..............4624 / 42

Race to Catch def:
43) def ....................................5802 / 15
46) TWTA ...............................5388 / 51 :)
49) zodder .............................4979 / 40 :)
51) MaxSiren .........................4841 / 24 :)
54) The Federation ..............4624 / 42
55) mgpaulus .......................4550 / 19

Race to 4000:
65) cakin ................................3825 / 20 :)
70) Gul Dukat ........................3593 / 37 :)
78) GreatWhiteNorth ............3246 / 37 :)

Quickie to 3000:
86) Slahr Dzhe .......................3017 / 35 :D
90) Baldy18 ............................2933 / 25
91) Toft ....................................2867 / 31 :)
92) Ai3x ....................................2859 / 18 :)
93) crt1530 .............................2801 / 35
96) Jwyatt ................................2713 / 21

Race to 3000:
94) mucman ............................2768 / 12
101)IceCreamLtDan ..............2567 / 18 :)
119)sparks ..............................2129 / 40 :)

Race to 2500:
108)PhotoLenny ....................2389 / 7
113)Electrode ........................2280 / 11

Race to 2250:
133)thecool1 ..........................1890 / 18 :)
143)svrblues00 ......................1768 / 4
145)Tarca ...............................1742 / 29
161)PieDerro .........................1550 / 13

Race to 2000:
132)ConfusedBW ..................1896 / 8
134)Super Sukhoi ..................1887 / 8
154)Pabster ............................1612 / 21 :)

Y.A.R.T. 1500:
197)Eltano1 ............................1147 / 11
201)EvadMan .........................1125 / 8
210)Emos ...............................1056 / 7

Race to 1250:
192)Clueless .........................1215 / 19 :)
194)muadib ............................1161 / 9
195)pyxis .................................1158 / 9

Race to 1100:
216)Logix .................................1039 / 0
234)Bunker ..............................907 / 1
251)Ishmael2k .......................848 / 11

Race to 1000:
279)CRV .....................................701 / 11 :)
284)ShotgunSteve ....................683 / 2

Marathon to 1000:
228)Panhead49 ........................960 / 23 :)
285)Kruptikos ............................681 / 6

Sprint to 1000:
255)Maggotry .............................833 / 11
275)EvilWobbles .......................712 / 21 :)

Race to 750:
294)Boogak ...............................630 / 10
296)Bigwoofer ...........................622 / 31 :)
300)Hoober ...............................613 / 10
313)JetsFanatic ........................573 / 6

Lonely Racers: :(
25) sduguid ..........................11057 / 29
27) USS IsOs .......................10481 / 31
28) USS Poop ......................10258 / 43
41) Yield .................................6166 / 40 :)
77) Maku .................................3251 / 8
85) ledzepp98 ........................3041 / 9
123)Swanny ............................2043 / 19
163)DarkMajiq ........................1527 / 13
164)Dazmite ............................1519 / 10
249)Dingas ...............................855 / 0
301)Bleep ..................................605 / 11
403)Corsairpro .........................352 / 0


Milestones achieved on 12/7:

jw.middleton - 21000 (21010) :D
shuxclams - 15000 (15021)
Polo - 8000 (8111) :D
Fardringle - 4000 (4004)
Slahr Dzhe - 3000 (3017) :D
JHutch - 2500 (2515)
CnV - 500 (800)
Jfur - 500 (504)
Shane - 250 (338)
kidkong - 250 (251)

10 Most Recent Race Winners:

DroolMAN! - Race to 2500 - 12/7/2001
JimMc - Race to 1500 - 12/7/2001
serialb - Race to 1500- 12/7/2001
ledzepp98 - Quickie to 3000 - 12/6/2001
Swanny - Race to 2000 - 12/6/2001
Dark Majiq - Race to 1500 - 12/6/2001
Dazmite - Battle Royale to 1500 - 12/6/2001
Wilder - Race to 1500 - 12/2/2001
TWTA - Race to 5000 - 12/1/2001
USS IsOs - Race to Ceti Alpha 7 - 11/30/2001

For an enormous titan who thundered through the ranks in the Clash of the Titans, a model of consistency in the 80-90 wu range day in and day out, Titan JW rather meekly crosses the finish line this morning with a 25 wu day. But regardless of how far passed the 21,000 wu marker a racer travels, it's still a victory and JW's was an impressive one none the less. Stringing together near century dailies throughout, with a number of days on the other side of the 100 mark, JW cemented his position as one of the Top Titans on Team AnandTech. Congratulations, JW! Congratulations to the other Seti Titans as well.

The same string of heroes that thrilled racing fans in the Great Race to 2500 are now continuing to stream across the finish line in the Quickie to 3000. This morning, Slahr Dzhe scoots his rigs passed the wu marker at 3000 to take the checkered flag two days after the Rocker from Long Island. Beginning the race well back in the pack, SD consistently produced above his normal daily averages to pass competitors right and left and would have undoubtedly earned a first place trophy were it not for the suprisingly strong showing by ledzepp98. Congratulations, SD!

Down in the Race to 750, the Big Dawg threads his way through the pack, yesterday passing JetsFanatic and today leaving Hoobs eating some dust and sniffing a little doggie-doo as Big Woofer dumps 31 to blast everybody else in his bracket. Beginning this race in dead last place, trailing the other racers by a large margin Woof, who had just graduated from Tarca's Seti school of GUI and CLI theory earning his diploma after learning that CLI is better than GUI, was a huge underdog. Thrusting his dailies over the thirty wu mark, Woofer began to make his move, scratching and clawing his way past fellow combatants right and left, hoping to make this an "exciting come from behind race". Now only eight cracked packets behind the leader Boogak, the Big Dawg is on the verge of doing just that.

Just like clockwork, Polo's little turtle's intestinal tract processes the high-fibre diet of Berkeley workunits and releases another patented Turtle Dump right on schedule. The most recent purge propels our French friend and his little reptile across the 8000 wu mark, earning them yet another milestone trophy on their quest to reach 10K. Things are still shaping up for a close finish in the Race to 4000 despite protestations from the other racers of possible foul play by the Cardassian entry. Something appears to be somewhat amiss with the Rogue Racer's ride in the Race to Catch def. With his second consecutive day below the twenty mark, the El Camino's naturally aspirated powerplant is beginning to sound a bit rough. Some quick mechanical wizardry by the defster is most definitely in order because kicking up dirt, dust, and desert sand only 400 wu's and change to the rear is the super-turbo-charged and massively overclocked red Rascal Rider. Perched on the scooters black seat is none other than Rowdy Ray, now with both hands clenched about the rascal's handlebars, knuckles white, with his cane clenched between his teeth, a picture of resolute, albeit somewhat silly, determination.

Mucman, Icecream, and the Sparkler continue on to their date with Destiny at the 3000 wu marker and let me tell you, Destiny is one fine looking woman! The Mucster still cruises with the lead but this is anybody's ballgame as the Lieutenant and Sparks chop away at the stagger. Two are left in the Race to 2500 and the remaining duo are locked up in a dandy with PhotoLenny trying to hold off the relentlessly consistent charge of the Electric Man. The Chilly Digit pads his lead over the Blues Brother in the Race to 2250 while Commander Tarca and the Pie Guy catch their breath after a number of days that saw them blister the track at the rear. The Race to 2000 is becoming a barn burner with the British Bulldog and Super Sukhoi racing in tandem only nine wu's apart as Pabster storms in for the kill from the rear. Yesterday it was Bunker's turn to catch his breath in the Race to 1100. Today, it appears to be Logix's turn. The current leader sits gasping for breath at 1039 wu's, only 61 from pay dirt. Let's hope it is only a stuck queue and not a more serious malady inflicting his rigs.

Gotta run!

Advancements among racers on 12/7 include GreatWhiteNorth up 2 to 78, Slahr Dzhe up 1 to 86, Toft up 1 to 91, sparks up 1 to 119, thecool1 up 1 to 133, Tarca up 2 to 145, Pabster up 4 to 154, serialb up 1 to 166, JimMc up 2 to 167, Eltano1 up 2 to 197, Emos up 2 to 210, Ishmael2k up 3 to 251, CRV up 2 to 279, Maggotry up 3 to 255, EvilWobbles up 5 to 275, Bigwoofer up 6 to 296, DarkMajiq up 1 to 163, Dazmite up 2 to 164.

God Bless America!

Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.2 :cool:
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it. :D

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Diamond Member
May 4, 2001
2nd! :)

Thanks OD. There are other places to get stats, but the commentary makes this thread something special. :)


Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
Well, we have a couple of Race Winners this morning. Way to go guys! :D

The rest of you keep racing because we are watching. ;)

Congrats to the Milestone Makers and thanks Ohio Dude. :)


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Congrats to JWMiddleton and Slahr Dzhe for winning their races!:) Congrats to all the milestones makers:)

Thanks for the stats update and commentary


Diamond Member
May 29, 2000
Thanks OD:)

A special congrats to JWMiddleton, sorry I couldnt give you more of a race :eek:

Congrats also goes to the other Race-Winners and MM's ;)


Diamond Member
Oct 21, 1999
Thanks for the stats and comments OhioDude :)

Congrats to the racewinners and MM's:


Senior member
Jun 28, 2001
Thanks for the stats and the great commentary, OD!!

Things are still shaping up for a close finish in the Race to 4000 despite protestations from the other racers of possible foul play by the Cardassian entry.

Hey, what are a few photon grenades among friends???




Senior member
May 8, 2000
15th! Whoohoo! =)

Thanks again OD!

I am getting two extra PCs for a week. Anything will help at this point. I *must* catch Gul Dukat!



Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Thanks OD! :D

LOL @ Gul Dukat....

Speaking of Dukat.....look for an alliance coming soon to a Galaxy near you...:Q:Q:Q



Elite Member
Nov 13, 2000
ooh, 9 WUs in front of Sukhoi. i wonder if this stability testing will help me pull away, or will i need to assimilate some more computers at college (or swap a few over from Aiex's account ;))!! :)

Congrats to the race winners and milestone makers :)

Thanks for the stats and elite commentry OD :)



Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2001
Thanks for the stats, OD! :)

Congrats to the race winners and milestone makers! :D

Tomorrow should be a good day for me after today's respite. ;):D


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Can't wait to see tommorrows stats... Just recruited a T-bird 800 and a PII266. Soon my boss will have it on his 1 gig laptop... :)


Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2000
Thanks for the stats and commentary OD.

Congrats to the race winners and milestoners especially Slahr Dzhe.


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2000
Thanks OD!

Thanks everyone! I have been to the cabin without Interent Access. I guess something happened to my Apartment Fleet in Shreveport. I flew out Friday morning, and had it flush then. It seems that it hasn't flushed since. Hope it was a comms problem! I'll find out late tonight!

Congrats to all the Milestone Maker and the other Race Winner!


Oct 10, 1999
Congrats! to the Milestone Makers! :D

Congrats! to the Race Winners! :D

Thanks! for the stats, OD! :D

<Some quick mechanical wizardry by the defster is most definitely in order because kicking up dirt, dust, and desert sand only 400 wu's and change to the rear is the super-turbo-charged and massively overclocked red Rascal Rider. Perched on the scooters black seat is none other than Rowdy Ray, now with both hands clenched about the rascal's handlebars, knuckles white, with his cane clenched between his teeth, a picture of resolute, albeit somewhat silly, determination.>


DEF, it doesn't matter how much dust you kick up, I'm determined to catch ya:

Rowdy Ray prepares to get on the Red Rascal Rider!

(wife won't let me get on it without my safety equipment.... ;););))
