Team rank) Name .............. total wu/new wu
The Race to Number 50:
53) cakin .................................14543 / 80
56) conjur ...............................13410 / 43
Team Toft/Vold's Second Bold Challenge - 12K by 12/9/2002:
68) Toft / Vold - DK ................11437 / 42
The Great 10K CountDown:
75) Karsten ............................10038 / 46
76) Brutus ..............................9940 / 5
78) MaxSiren .........................9712 / 10
80) tuffguy ..............................9410 / 18
81) Rowdy Ray ......................9305 / 38
83) Swanny ............................9081 / 29
84) GolfGeek .........................9015 / 13
86) mucman ..........................8924 / 27
The Crunch & Munch 10K
98) British Bulldog Racers ....7977 / 31
100)paf077 ...............................7721 / 18
107)minendo ............................7262 / 32
114)The Wildnet Team............6279 / 20
Race to 9000:
86) mucman ..........................8924 / 27
88) Domination .....................8729 / 25
92) Maku .................................8511 / 23
Gimme that 6th K-Key! Race to 6000:
123)ledzepp98 ...........................6003 / 4
134)clueless ...............................5523 / 7
178)Electrode .............................3569 / 24
Battle of the Ons - The Actaeon / Khyron Ion Run to 1500:
501)Actaeon ................................1007 / 12
642)Khyron ..................................618 / 0
The Century Stud Stomp to 5000: <--------------- Look out, Admiral! A cloud of Smoke is rolling in from the rear!
The Federation ...................30654 / 165 (4491)
Smokeball ...........................45618 / 184 (4265)
Pazoo ...................................21481 / 113 (3645)
m2kewl ................................23517 / 88 (3623)
LANMAN...............................17528 / 115 (3124)
Crazee .................................19955 / 93 (3090)
Snap! Crackle! Pop! 3000 WU's for Breakfast: <--------------------- Captain CAD shifts into high gear!
Basilisk420 .........................10669 / 66 (2932)
Yield.....................................19463 / 44 (2854)
2001: A WU Oddesy:
Darth Polo ..........................18160 / 10 (353)
Swanny .................................9081 / 29 (240)
conjur ..................................13410 / 43 (231)
WayneS ..............................16004 / 36 (213)
SoulAssassin ...................17158 / 33 (207)
British Bulldog Racers ......7977 / 31 (169)
2000 WU Packet Blaster: <------------------------------------ Evil retreats to the rear, again!
micron ..................................7571 / 58 (1187)
jatwell .....................................1881 / 61 (1108)
Soni ......................................36736 / 57 (1096)
ReaganCRW ......................6010 / 26 (791)
EvilWobbles ......................16236 / 107 (746) :Q
Wascally WU Whapper to 1500: <----------------------------- Last day for the Xeon booster for OD.
OhioDude ..........................17556 / 42 (277)
Starrider .................................1079 / 36 (268)
MaxSiren .............................9712 / 10 (195)
mucman ..............................8924 / 27 (183)
panhead49..........................6110 / 2 (162)
Serialized Burner Through the Stars to 1500:
Starrider .................................1079 / 36 (814)
Hellburner .........................21168 / 29 (750)
Maku .....................................8511 / 23 (510)
Serialb ..................................5971 / 17 (286)
The KenTurkey Derby Thanksgiving Race to Crunch 1200:
minendo ...............................7262 / 32 (725)
neovan ..................................5463 / 35 (654)
panhead49...........................6110 / 2 (584)
teriba .....................................4228 / 22 (550)
JimMc ....................................6564 / 15 (420)
1000 Workunit Blitz:
LyNx01 ..................................978 / 2 (594)
artemedes ........................12133 / 25 (556)
Spacehead ..........................1653 / 8 (497)
Maggotry ..............................4728 / 21 (487)
crt1530 ...............................12385 / 15 (410)
BigFatCow ..........................3497 / 17 (389)
Race to 750:
Evadman .............................4456 / 8 (700)
Lonely Racers:
6) PieDerro .........................55390 / 269
13) USS IsOs .......................42611 / 85
18) LastKnight .....................31454 / 290
30) IJump .............................24192 / 3
33) zodder ............................22714 / 75
37) Major Tom .......................20743 / 99 :Q
42) def ....................................19354 / 40
43) lane42 .............................18865 / 16
44) USS Poop ......................18425 / 16
46) DroolMAN! ......................17696 / 49
52) wirelessenabled ...........14797 / 75
64) Baldy18 ............................11907 / 19
65) ZeroEffect .......................11875 / 20
69) LiveLongAndProsper ...11114 / 107
71) Rebel Alliance ...............10813 / 84
80) tuffguy ..............................9410 / 18
94) ElFenix .............................8330 / 15
104)Slahr Dzhe .......................7482 / 2
110)MoFunk .............................6962 / 11
115)Eltano1 .............................6263 / 0
121)thecool1 .............................6042 / 7
144)Dazmite ............................4770 / 8
154)Ishmael2k .........................4311 / 9
158)migroo ...............................4161 / 0
161)sukhoi ...............................3901 / 6
182)Kruptikos ..........................3497 / 14
203)Emos ................................3103 / 6
238)ys .......................................2601 / 3
249)Logix .................................2496 / 0
322)Boogak .............................1845 / 0
349)dmcowen ..........................1693 / 7
354)Adul ....................................1661 / 13
355)SpookyFish ......................1660 / 0
498)JetsFanatic .......................1019 / 0
Milestones achieved on 11/5:
Robor - 112000 (112039)
Barbary - 30000 (30028)
Wayne S - 16000 (16004)
Karsten - 10000 (10038)
GhettoFob - 7000 (7027)
Reagan CRW - 6000 (6010)
ledzepp98 - 6000 (6003)
Niege - 2000 (2002)
Rainsford - 2000 (2002)
BGod - 1500 (1539)
kris - 1000 (1014)
Actaeon - 1000 (1007)
Steven Ables - 500 (501)
TitansFury - 500 (501)
bilsi - 250 (252)
tontod - 250 (251)
Eok Ngo - 250 (250)
10 Most Recent Race Winners:
defster - Snap! Crackle! Pop! 3000 WU's for Breakfast - 11/5/2002
Smokeball - Race to Crunch 7500 - 11/2/2002
RedHorse - The Great 10K Countdown - 11/1/2002
Rowdy Ray - Race to 9000 - 10/31/2002
Alan J. Simpson - The Great 10K Countdown - 10/31/2002
Sizzlin' Soni - Way Cool Race to Crunch 3000 - 10/30/2002
thecool1 - Gimme that 6th K-Key! Race to 6000 -10/17/2002
Rebel Alliance - The Great 10K Countdown - 10/16/2002
LiveLongAndProsper - The Great 10K Countdown - 10/27/2002
Tuffguy - Race to 9000 - 10/26/2002
Number 75 crosses over from four digits to five in the Great 10K Countdown. The King of Karnage Karsten becomes the 75th Team AnandTecher to break the lofty 10K barrier and earn the adortion and admiration of his peers. Coming on very strong as of late, and increasing his electric bill considerably as a result, Karsten was able to mount and impressive charge to the line, passing a number of fellow 10K chasers in the process, allowing him to improve his standing at the moment of morphing. After picking up his 10th K-Key and his final Berkeley certificate, Karsten heads over to the 10K lounge, unlocks the door, and gasps at the lavish spread of beer, multi-flavored Oreo's, beer, sourdough pretzel nuggets, and beer that is layed out on the SRL buffet table. And just as he chomps into a chocolate-peanut butter Oreo, the babes emerge from their dressing room to escort him to the hottub room for a relaxing dip and a thrilling lesson on muons, gluons, and quarks. Congratulations, Karsten!
Also earning a little relaxing R & R in an official SRL lounge, ledzepp98 takes the checkered flag in Gimme that 6th K-Key! Race to 6000. Having stalled his rigs near the final turn, the Long Island Rocker struggled with a mysterious engine malady for days while a couple of his competitors passed him on their way to the 6K lounge. Eventually, the problem was discovered to be a tiny piece of wu cartridge caught between the enunciator gear and the major and minor combobulatory stanchion bits. Using a spare spanner key to loosen the high-low Raine's adjuster arm and then applying slight pressure to the inside torque stabilizer toggle while maintaining minimum play in the gap cluster, ledzepp was able to pop that little sucker free and get back on his way to 6000. Man, these Seti racing rigs can be pretty complicated! Congratulations, ledzepp98 and welcome to the 6K club!
Advancements among racers on 11/5 include Rowdy Ray up 1 to 81, minendo up 1 to 107, The Wildnet Team up 1 to 114, Actaeon up 5 to 501, Khyron up 3 to 642, PieDerro up 1 to 6, zodder up 1 to 33, Emos up 1 to 203, dmcowen up 1 to 349, Adul up 1 to 354, JetsFanatic up 2 to 498.
God Bless America!
Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.3
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it.
The Race to Number 50:
53) cakin .................................14543 / 80
56) conjur ...............................13410 / 43
Team Toft/Vold's Second Bold Challenge - 12K by 12/9/2002:
68) Toft / Vold - DK ................11437 / 42
The Great 10K CountDown:
75) Karsten ............................10038 / 46
76) Brutus ..............................9940 / 5
78) MaxSiren .........................9712 / 10
80) tuffguy ..............................9410 / 18
81) Rowdy Ray ......................9305 / 38
83) Swanny ............................9081 / 29
84) GolfGeek .........................9015 / 13
86) mucman ..........................8924 / 27
The Crunch & Munch 10K
98) British Bulldog Racers ....7977 / 31
100)paf077 ...............................7721 / 18
107)minendo ............................7262 / 32
114)The Wildnet Team............6279 / 20
Race to 9000:
86) mucman ..........................8924 / 27
88) Domination .....................8729 / 25
92) Maku .................................8511 / 23
Gimme that 6th K-Key! Race to 6000:
123)ledzepp98 ...........................6003 / 4
134)clueless ...............................5523 / 7
178)Electrode .............................3569 / 24
Battle of the Ons - The Actaeon / Khyron Ion Run to 1500:
501)Actaeon ................................1007 / 12
642)Khyron ..................................618 / 0
The Century Stud Stomp to 5000: <--------------- Look out, Admiral! A cloud of Smoke is rolling in from the rear!
The Federation ...................30654 / 165 (4491)
Smokeball ...........................45618 / 184 (4265)
Pazoo ...................................21481 / 113 (3645)
m2kewl ................................23517 / 88 (3623)
LANMAN...............................17528 / 115 (3124)
Crazee .................................19955 / 93 (3090)
Snap! Crackle! Pop! 3000 WU's for Breakfast: <--------------------- Captain CAD shifts into high gear!
Basilisk420 .........................10669 / 66 (2932)
Yield.....................................19463 / 44 (2854)
2001: A WU Oddesy:
Darth Polo ..........................18160 / 10 (353)
Swanny .................................9081 / 29 (240)
conjur ..................................13410 / 43 (231)
WayneS ..............................16004 / 36 (213)
SoulAssassin ...................17158 / 33 (207)
British Bulldog Racers ......7977 / 31 (169)
2000 WU Packet Blaster: <------------------------------------ Evil retreats to the rear, again!
micron ..................................7571 / 58 (1187)
jatwell .....................................1881 / 61 (1108)
Soni ......................................36736 / 57 (1096)
ReaganCRW ......................6010 / 26 (791)
EvilWobbles ......................16236 / 107 (746) :Q
Wascally WU Whapper to 1500: <----------------------------- Last day for the Xeon booster for OD.
OhioDude ..........................17556 / 42 (277)
Starrider .................................1079 / 36 (268)
MaxSiren .............................9712 / 10 (195)
mucman ..............................8924 / 27 (183)
panhead49..........................6110 / 2 (162)
Serialized Burner Through the Stars to 1500:
Starrider .................................1079 / 36 (814)
Hellburner .........................21168 / 29 (750)
Maku .....................................8511 / 23 (510)
Serialb ..................................5971 / 17 (286)
The KenTurkey Derby Thanksgiving Race to Crunch 1200:
minendo ...............................7262 / 32 (725)
neovan ..................................5463 / 35 (654)
panhead49...........................6110 / 2 (584)
teriba .....................................4228 / 22 (550)
JimMc ....................................6564 / 15 (420)
1000 Workunit Blitz:
LyNx01 ..................................978 / 2 (594)
artemedes ........................12133 / 25 (556)
Spacehead ..........................1653 / 8 (497)
Maggotry ..............................4728 / 21 (487)
crt1530 ...............................12385 / 15 (410)
BigFatCow ..........................3497 / 17 (389)
Race to 750:
Evadman .............................4456 / 8 (700)
Lonely Racers:
6) PieDerro .........................55390 / 269
13) USS IsOs .......................42611 / 85
18) LastKnight .....................31454 / 290
30) IJump .............................24192 / 3
33) zodder ............................22714 / 75
37) Major Tom .......................20743 / 99 :Q
42) def ....................................19354 / 40
43) lane42 .............................18865 / 16
44) USS Poop ......................18425 / 16
46) DroolMAN! ......................17696 / 49
52) wirelessenabled ...........14797 / 75
64) Baldy18 ............................11907 / 19
65) ZeroEffect .......................11875 / 20
69) LiveLongAndProsper ...11114 / 107
71) Rebel Alliance ...............10813 / 84
80) tuffguy ..............................9410 / 18
94) ElFenix .............................8330 / 15
104)Slahr Dzhe .......................7482 / 2
110)MoFunk .............................6962 / 11
115)Eltano1 .............................6263 / 0
121)thecool1 .............................6042 / 7
144)Dazmite ............................4770 / 8
154)Ishmael2k .........................4311 / 9
158)migroo ...............................4161 / 0
161)sukhoi ...............................3901 / 6
182)Kruptikos ..........................3497 / 14
203)Emos ................................3103 / 6
238)ys .......................................2601 / 3
249)Logix .................................2496 / 0
322)Boogak .............................1845 / 0
349)dmcowen ..........................1693 / 7
354)Adul ....................................1661 / 13
355)SpookyFish ......................1660 / 0
498)JetsFanatic .......................1019 / 0
Milestones achieved on 11/5:
Robor - 112000 (112039)
Barbary - 30000 (30028)
Wayne S - 16000 (16004)
Karsten - 10000 (10038)
GhettoFob - 7000 (7027)
Reagan CRW - 6000 (6010)
ledzepp98 - 6000 (6003)
Niege - 2000 (2002)
Rainsford - 2000 (2002)
BGod - 1500 (1539)
kris - 1000 (1014)
Actaeon - 1000 (1007)
Steven Ables - 500 (501)
TitansFury - 500 (501)
bilsi - 250 (252)
tontod - 250 (251)
Eok Ngo - 250 (250)
10 Most Recent Race Winners:
defster - Snap! Crackle! Pop! 3000 WU's for Breakfast - 11/5/2002
Smokeball - Race to Crunch 7500 - 11/2/2002
RedHorse - The Great 10K Countdown - 11/1/2002
Rowdy Ray - Race to 9000 - 10/31/2002
Alan J. Simpson - The Great 10K Countdown - 10/31/2002
Sizzlin' Soni - Way Cool Race to Crunch 3000 - 10/30/2002
thecool1 - Gimme that 6th K-Key! Race to 6000 -10/17/2002
Rebel Alliance - The Great 10K Countdown - 10/16/2002
LiveLongAndProsper - The Great 10K Countdown - 10/27/2002
Tuffguy - Race to 9000 - 10/26/2002
Number 75 crosses over from four digits to five in the Great 10K Countdown. The King of Karnage Karsten becomes the 75th Team AnandTecher to break the lofty 10K barrier and earn the adortion and admiration of his peers. Coming on very strong as of late, and increasing his electric bill considerably as a result, Karsten was able to mount and impressive charge to the line, passing a number of fellow 10K chasers in the process, allowing him to improve his standing at the moment of morphing. After picking up his 10th K-Key and his final Berkeley certificate, Karsten heads over to the 10K lounge, unlocks the door, and gasps at the lavish spread of beer, multi-flavored Oreo's, beer, sourdough pretzel nuggets, and beer that is layed out on the SRL buffet table. And just as he chomps into a chocolate-peanut butter Oreo, the babes emerge from their dressing room to escort him to the hottub room for a relaxing dip and a thrilling lesson on muons, gluons, and quarks. Congratulations, Karsten!
Also earning a little relaxing R & R in an official SRL lounge, ledzepp98 takes the checkered flag in Gimme that 6th K-Key! Race to 6000. Having stalled his rigs near the final turn, the Long Island Rocker struggled with a mysterious engine malady for days while a couple of his competitors passed him on their way to the 6K lounge. Eventually, the problem was discovered to be a tiny piece of wu cartridge caught between the enunciator gear and the major and minor combobulatory stanchion bits. Using a spare spanner key to loosen the high-low Raine's adjuster arm and then applying slight pressure to the inside torque stabilizer toggle while maintaining minimum play in the gap cluster, ledzepp was able to pop that little sucker free and get back on his way to 6000. Man, these Seti racing rigs can be pretty complicated! Congratulations, ledzepp98 and welcome to the 6K club!
Advancements among racers on 11/5 include Rowdy Ray up 1 to 81, minendo up 1 to 107, The Wildnet Team up 1 to 114, Actaeon up 5 to 501, Khyron up 3 to 642, PieDerro up 1 to 6, zodder up 1 to 33, Emos up 1 to 203, dmcowen up 1 to 349, Adul up 1 to 354, JetsFanatic up 2 to 498.
God Bless America!
Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.3
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it.