Seti Race Stats and Milestones for 11/03


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2001
Team rank) Name .............. total wu/new wu

The Race to Number 50:
53) cakin .................................14373 / 81 :)
56) conjur ...............................13339 / 40

Team Toft/Vold's Second Bold Challenge - 12K by 12/9/2002:
68) Toft / Vold - DK ................11329 / 34

The Great 10K CountDown:
75) Karsten ............................9964 / 29
76) Brutus ..............................9931 / 2
78) MaxSiren .........................9680 / 20
80) tuffguy ..............................9378 / 15
82) Rowdy Ray ......................9223 / 50 :)
83) Swanny ............................9016 / 46 :)
84) GolfGeek .........................8988 / 20
86) mucman ..........................8875 / 19

The Crunch & Munch 10K
98) British Bulldog Racers ....7908 / 25
100)paf077 ...............................7633 / 14
108)minendo ............................7197 / 32 :)
115)The Wildnet Team............6226 / 6

Race to 9000:
86) mucman ..........................8875 / 19
88) Domination .....................8670 / 38 :)
92) Maku .................................8466 / 20

Gimme that 6th K-Key! Race to 6000:
123)ledzepp98 ...........................5993 / 1
134)clueless ...............................5508 / 6
178)Electrode .............................3519 / 16

Battle of the Ons - The Actaeon / Khyron Ion Run to 1500:
508)Actaeon ................................985 / 9
644)Khyron ..................................618 / 0

B]The Century Stud Stomp to 5000:[/b] <---------------------------------- Smokie keeps hangin' in there!
The Federation ...................30350 / 154 (4187) :)
Smokeball ...........................45259 / 146 (3906) :)
m2kewl ................................23317 / 126 (3423) :)
Pazoo ...................................21255 / 118 (3419) :)
LANMAN...............................17298 / 96 (2894)
Crazee .................................19756 / 102 (2891) :)

Snap! Crackle! Pop! 3000 WU's for Breakfast:
def .......................................19101 / 32 (2954)
Basilisk420 .........................10551 / 52 (2814) :)
Yield.....................................19374 / 65 (2765) :Q

2001: A WU Oddesy: <------------------------------------ Nifty battle between Swanny and Conjur!
Swanny .................................9016 / 46 (175) :)
conjur ..................................13339 / 40 (160)
WayneS ..............................15936 / 37 (145)
SoulAssassin ...................17094 / 31 (143)
British Bulldog Racers ......7908 / 25 (100)
Darth Polo ..........................17852 / 10 (45)

2000 WU Packet Blaster: <------------------------------------ Look out Mighty Micron! Something Evil approaches!
micron ..................................7446 / 48 (1062) :)
EvilWobbles ......................16043 / 83 (1053) :)
Soni ......................................36625 / 55 (985) :)
jatwell .....................................1755 / 62 (982) :)
ReaganCRW ......................5955 / 32 (736)

Wascally WU Whapper to 1500: <------------------------------- Buwahahahahahahaha!
OhioDude ..........................17479 / 41 (200) :)
Starrider ................................1008 / 37 (197) :)
MaxSiren .............................9680 / 20 (163)
panhead49..........................6083 / 9 (135)
mucman ..............................8875 / 19 (134)

Serialized Burner Through the Stars to 1500:
Starrider ................................1008 / 37 (743) :)
Hellburner .........................21106 / 29 (688)
Maku .....................................8466 / 20 (465)
Serialb ..................................5935 / 21 (250)

The KenTurkey Derby Thanksgiving Race to Crunch 1200: <----------------- Look at Minnie go!
minendo ...............................7197 / 32 (660) :)
neovan ..................................5389 / 0 (580)
panhead49...........................6083 / 9 (557)
teriba .....................................4186 / 23 (508) :)
JimMc ....................................6534 / 13 (390)

1000 Workunit Blitz: <--------------------------------------- Spacehead is makin' a move!
LyNx01 ..................................951 / 25 (567) :)
artemedes ........................12080 / 14 (503)
Spacehead ..........................1628 / 44 (472) :Q
Maggotry ..............................4689 / 17 (448) :)
crt1530 ...............................12355 / 14 (380)
BigFatCow ..........................3463 / 17 (355) :)

Race to 750:
Evadman .............................4436 / 10 (680) :)

Lonely Racers: :(
7) PieDerro .........................54833 / 708 :Q
13) USS IsOs .......................42303 / 232 :Q
18) LastKnight .....................30878 / 300 :)
30) IJump .............................24187 / 5
34) zodder ............................22570 / 58 :)
37) Major Tom .......................20549 / 57 :)
43) lane42 .............................18749 / 18
44) USS Poop ......................18392 / 17
46) DroolMAN! ......................17611 / 1
52) wirelessenabled ...........14618 / 94 :)
64) Baldy18 ............................11874 / 15
65) ZeroEffect .......................11834 / 19 :)
69) LiveLongAndProsper ...10903 / 107 :)
71) Rebel Alliance ...............10625 / 87 :)
80) tuffguy ..............................9378 / 15
94) ElFenix .............................8300 / 15 :)
103)Slahr Dzhe .......................7477 / 3
109)MoFunk .............................6937 / 15
114)Eltano1 .............................6263 / 0
121)thecool1 .............................6029 / 2
144)Dazmite ............................4752 / 9
153)Ishmael2k .........................4290 / 10 :)
158)migroo ...............................4143 / 0
161)sukhoi ...............................3890 / 6
181)Kruptikos ..........................3467 / 18 :)
204)Emos ................................3089 / 5
237)ys .......................................2590 / 7
249)Logix .................................2494 / 1
320)Boogak .............................1845 / 0
350)dmcowen ..........................1675 / 22 :)
353)SpookyFish ......................1660 / 0
358)Adul ....................................1637 / 12 :)
499)JetsFanatic .......................1019 / 0


Milestones achieved on 11/3:

EvilWobbles - 16000 (16043) :D
Swanny - 9000 (9016) :D
Insane3D - 8000 (8011)
stone - 2500 (2503)
chd3rd - 2000 (2015)
Star Rider - 1000 (1008) :D
ViRGE - Team AnandTech - 500 (504)
Zim Hosein - 500 (501)
Jon - 250 (251)
KingNothing - 100 (100)

10 Most Recent Race Winners:

Smokeball - Race to Crunch 7500 - 11/2/2002
RedHorse - The Great 10K Countdown - 11/1/2002
Rowdy Ray - Race to 9000 - 10/31/2002
Alan J. Simpson - The Great 10K Countdown - 10/31/2002
Sizzlin' Soni - Way Cool Race to Crunch 3000 - 10/30/2002
thecool1 - Gimme that 6th K-Key! Race to 6000 -10/17/2002
Rebel Alliance - The Great 10K Countdown - 10/16/2002
LiveLongAndProsper - The Great 10K Countdown - 10/27/2002
Tuffguy - Race to 9000 - 10/26/2002
Basilisk420 - The Great 10K Countdown - 10/26/2002


No time for commentary this morning. :( Sorry!

I'm in the lead! I'm in the lead! ;):)

Advancements among racers on 11/3 include Electrode up 1 to 178, Actaeon up 4 to 508, LiveLongAndProsper up 1 to 69, dmcowen up 2 to 350, Adul up 1 to 358.

God Bless America!

Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.3 :cool:
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it. :D


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
Oh... someone is going to get their hands slapped..! :|

I just found one of my servers (1.26Ghz) shutdown over the weekend!

Time to increase power.... I need a comfort buffer. :D


Thanks for the listing OD. No commentary means your working too hard. ;)

Wha, I hit 17000!! Cool !! :)

Nice DUMP PieDerro!! ---> Send in the cleaning crew!!


Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
Storm last night caused a power outage that lasted long enough to deplete all of the UPS units that weren't on the generator. :(

So I lost a few WUs and the TS Q was out of action from 4:31 AM to almost 8:00 AM.

No big deal but I do need to get my son (an electrician) to run me one addition line to my Work Shop so the Crack Rack and the Q will have the benefit of the 30KW generator. ;)

Zim Hosein

Super Moderator | Elite Member
Super Moderator
Nov 27, 1999
Congrats to all the racers and MM's :)

Thanks OhioDude :)