Team rank) Name .............. total wu/new wu
The Race to Number 50:
54) cakin .................................14038 / 92
57) conjur ...............................13179 / 42
Team Toft/Vold's Second Bold Challenge - 12K by 12/9/2002:
69) Toft / Vold - DK ................11144 / 72
The Great 10K CountDown:
74) Alan J. Simpson ............10022 / 29
75) RedHorse .......................9961 / 2
76) Brutus ..............................9916 / 4
77) Karsten ............................9829 / 35
79) MaxSiren .........................9577 / 29
82) tuffguy ..............................9116 / 23
83) Rowdy Ray ......................9043 / 48
84) GolfGeek .........................8911 / 20
86) Swanny ............................8841 / 73 :Q
87) mucman ..........................8787 / 21
The Crunch & Munch 10K
100)British Bulldog Racers ....7808 / 29
102)paf077 ...............................7541 / 30
109)minendo ............................7075 / 36
115)The Wildnet Team............6181 / 12
Race to 9000:
83) Rowdy Ray ......................9043 / 48
87) mucman ..........................8787 / 21
91) Domination .....................8545 / 20
94) Maku .................................8382 / 25
Gimme that 6th K-Key! Race to 6000:
124)ledzepp98 ...........................5979 / 2
135)clueless ...............................5479 / 8
181)Electrode .............................3436 / 24
Battle of the Ons - The Actaeon / Khyron Ion Run to 1500:
516)Actaeon ................................946 / 8
642)Khyron ..................................618 / 0
Race to Crunch 7500:
Smokeball ...........................44611 / 149 (7041)
m2kewl ................................22834 / 121 (6409)
The Century Stud Stomp to 5000:
The Federation ...................29664 / 127 (3501)
Smokeball ...........................44611 / 149 (3258)
Pazoo ...................................20795 / 123 (2959)
m2kewl ................................22834 / 121 (2940)
Crazee .................................19353 / 128 (2488)
LANMAN...............................16840 / 204 (2436) :Q
Way Cool Race to Crunch 3000:
Soni ......................................36398 / 64 (3093)
TA Cube ...............................26418 / 54 (2800)
Snap! Crackle! Pop! 3000 WU's for Breakfast:
def .......................................18961 / 43 (2814)
Basilisk420 .........................10333 / 73 (2596)
Yield.....................................19177 / 48 (2568)
2000 WU Packet Blaster:
micron ..................................7240 / 52 (856)
jatwell .....................................1543 / 47 (770)
Soni ......................................36398 / 64 (758)
EvilWobbles ......................15710 / 88 (720)
ReaganCRW ......................5814 / 23 (595)
Wascally WU Whapper to 1500:
MaxSiren .............................9577 / 29 (60)
Starrider .................................870 / 29 (59)
OhioDude ..........................17332 / 21 (53)
mucman ..............................8787 / 21 (46)
panhead49..........................5984 / 17 (36)
Serialized Burner Through the Stars to 1500:
Starrider .................................870 / 29 (605)
Hellburner .........................20988 / 29 (570)
Maku .....................................8382 / 25 (381)
Serialb ..................................5872 / 10 (187)
The KenTurkey Derby Thanksgiving Race to Crunch 1200:
minendo ...............................7075 / 36 (538)
neovan ..................................5299 / 14 (490)
panhead49...........................5984 / 17 (458)
teriba .....................................4100 / 20 (422)
JimMc ....................................6487 / 17 (343)
1000 Workunit Blitz:
LyNx01 ..................................854 / 25 (470)
artemedes ........................12005 / 28 (428)
Spacehead ..........................1562 / 25 (406)
Maggotry ..............................4619 / 19 (378)
crt1530 ...............................12286 / 17 (311)
BigFatCow ..........................3400 / 41 (292)
Race to 750:
Evadman .............................4393 / 19 (637) :Q <------------------- Go, Evadman! Go!
Lonely Racers:
7) PieDerro .........................53830 / 294
13) USS IsOs .......................41643 / 92
19) LastKnight .....................29708 / 304
28) IJump .............................24163 / 4
34) zodder ............................22310 / 79
37) Major Tom .......................20257 / 114 :Q
43) lane42 .............................18520 / 37
44) USS Poop ......................18334 / 17
46) DroolMAN! ......................17605 / 59
53) wirelessenabled ...........14265 / 99
64) Baldy18 ............................11800 / 21
67) ZeroEffect .......................11759 / 21
71) LiveLongAndProsper ...10485 / 109
73) Rebel Alliance ...............10251 / 219 :Q
82) tuffguy ..............................9116 / 23
95) ElFenix .............................8237 / 14
103)Slahr Dzhe .......................7466 / 2
110)MoFunk .............................6838 / 19
114)Eltano1 .............................6263 / 0
120)thecool1 .............................6009 / 4
145)Dazmite ............................4716 / 11
153)Ishmael2k .........................4249 / 10
158)migroo ...............................4143 / 0
162)sukhoi ...............................3858 / 18
184)Kruptikos ..........................3400 / 15
205)Emos ................................3064 / 7
239)ys .......................................2553 / 15
249)Logix .................................2487 / 2
317)Boogak .............................1845 / 0
350)SpookyFish ......................1660 / 0
351)dmcowen ..........................1645 / 10
359)Adul ....................................1605 / 7
497)JetsFanatic .......................1019 / 0
Milestones achieved on 10/30:
IBhacknU - 65000 (65001)
Home_of_Akin - 14000 (14038)
artemedes - 12000 (12005)
Alan J. Simpson - 10000 (10022)
Old Geezer - 9000 (9043)
GhettoFob - 6000 (6152)
Reedo - 3000 (3002)
jatwell - TeamAnandtech - 1500 (1543)
DoctorBooze - 500 (504)
havoc - 250 (483)
10 Most Recent Race Winners:
thecool1 - Gimme that 6th K-Key! Race to 6000 -10/17/2002
Rebel Alliance - The Great 10K Countdown - 10/16/2002
LiveLongAndProsper - The Great 10K Countdown - 10/27/2002
Tuffguy - Race to 9000 - 10/26/2002
Basilisk420 - The Great 10K Countdown - 10/26/2002
LastKnight - SRL Heavyweight Title Fight to 5000 - 10/25/2002
Kruptikos - Race to 750 - 10/22/2002
Terrible Teriba - PORC 1500 - 10/18/2002
Spacehead - Race to 1500 - 10/18/2002
DroolMAN! - The Race to Catch the Race Coordinator - 10/4/2002
Check out IJump's excellent race prediction analysis.
The lame commentator missed a race winner so today's lame commentary starts off with a winner from yesterday receiving his due kudos and congrats. That race winner would be TA-Seti's beloved stats keeper, Sizzlin' Soni who blistered his way across the finish line in the Way Cool Race to Crunch 3000. OK, so the first racer crossed the finish line a month ago in this race, but as I always say, everyone's a winner in the SRL, especially those whose persistence and consistency are the hallmarks of their game and Sizzlin' Soni epitomizes the TA-Seti spirit. With quite a dedicated following in the SRL, Soni's fans were highly upset with SRL officials that their hero was snubbed in yesterday's awards ceremonies and the dastardly official who was derelict in his duty will be assigned to dump cleanup duty for the next three weeks. Congratulations, Sizzlin' Soni! Enjoy an extra day in the hottub with an extra babe on me.
The 10K lounge is the hot party place this week as another prodigious purger piles up the packets to the tune of 10,000. Alan J. Simpson reaches that Holy Grail of milestones and receives his final Berkeley certificate along with the admiration and adoration of millions of fans and friends. Tis a special moment when a teammate steps up to the awards stand to the roar of the crowd to receive his solid gold 10K Key with the diamond studs arranged in the shape of the number indicating his team position at the moment of his crossing over. In AJ's case, that would be a huge numeral 74 as only 73 Anandtechers have crossed before him. Congratulations, AJ! Head on into the 10K lounge and join Captain CAD and the Rebel Alliance who are still celebrating their 10K morphs in the hottub.
Standing the red Rascal Rider up on its rear wheels, the SRL's original bad boy Rowdy Ray zings across the finish line in the Race to 9000, the little hell on wheels scooter screaming it's high-pitched overclocked whine while the Rayster twirls the Cane of Victory over his head with a huge grin on his face. Breaking into a spontaneous chant of "WooHoo! Whack a WU!", the crowd twirls their plastic replicas of the official Rowdy Ray Cane of Carnage (on sale at all SRL souvenier stands) over their heads in celebration. Taking it all in, Ray laps the winner's circle, still standing the howling little red scooter on it's rear wheels, stopping only momentarily to Whack! the awards presenter with his cane, (and the sound technician, and the awards babe, and the race commentator, and anybody else within cane range). Rowdy Ray zips the Rascal Rider into the "Cracker for the Day" parking space outside the 9K lounge and, eschewing the door, leaps through the window and right into the lap of one of the hottub babes who begins his physics lesson right then and there. Congratulations, Rowdy Ray! Just remember... You make a mess in the lounge, you clean it up!
Advancements among racers on 10/30 include Domination up 1 to 91, Actaeon up 1 to 516, LastKnight up 1 to 19, sukhoi up 1 to 162, Kruptikos up 1 to 184, dmcowen up 3 to 351, Adul up 2 to 359.
God Bless America!
Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.3
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it.
The Race to Number 50:
54) cakin .................................14038 / 92
57) conjur ...............................13179 / 42
Team Toft/Vold's Second Bold Challenge - 12K by 12/9/2002:
69) Toft / Vold - DK ................11144 / 72
The Great 10K CountDown:
74) Alan J. Simpson ............10022 / 29
75) RedHorse .......................9961 / 2
76) Brutus ..............................9916 / 4
77) Karsten ............................9829 / 35
79) MaxSiren .........................9577 / 29
82) tuffguy ..............................9116 / 23
83) Rowdy Ray ......................9043 / 48
84) GolfGeek .........................8911 / 20
86) Swanny ............................8841 / 73 :Q
87) mucman ..........................8787 / 21
The Crunch & Munch 10K
100)British Bulldog Racers ....7808 / 29
102)paf077 ...............................7541 / 30
109)minendo ............................7075 / 36
115)The Wildnet Team............6181 / 12
Race to 9000:
83) Rowdy Ray ......................9043 / 48
87) mucman ..........................8787 / 21
91) Domination .....................8545 / 20
94) Maku .................................8382 / 25
Gimme that 6th K-Key! Race to 6000:
124)ledzepp98 ...........................5979 / 2
135)clueless ...............................5479 / 8
181)Electrode .............................3436 / 24
Battle of the Ons - The Actaeon / Khyron Ion Run to 1500:
516)Actaeon ................................946 / 8
642)Khyron ..................................618 / 0
Race to Crunch 7500:
Smokeball ...........................44611 / 149 (7041)
m2kewl ................................22834 / 121 (6409)
The Century Stud Stomp to 5000:
The Federation ...................29664 / 127 (3501)
Smokeball ...........................44611 / 149 (3258)
Pazoo ...................................20795 / 123 (2959)
m2kewl ................................22834 / 121 (2940)
Crazee .................................19353 / 128 (2488)
LANMAN...............................16840 / 204 (2436) :Q
Way Cool Race to Crunch 3000:
Soni ......................................36398 / 64 (3093)
TA Cube ...............................26418 / 54 (2800)
Snap! Crackle! Pop! 3000 WU's for Breakfast:
def .......................................18961 / 43 (2814)
Basilisk420 .........................10333 / 73 (2596)
Yield.....................................19177 / 48 (2568)
2000 WU Packet Blaster:
micron ..................................7240 / 52 (856)
jatwell .....................................1543 / 47 (770)
Soni ......................................36398 / 64 (758)
EvilWobbles ......................15710 / 88 (720)
ReaganCRW ......................5814 / 23 (595)
Wascally WU Whapper to 1500:
MaxSiren .............................9577 / 29 (60)
Starrider .................................870 / 29 (59)
OhioDude ..........................17332 / 21 (53)
mucman ..............................8787 / 21 (46)
panhead49..........................5984 / 17 (36)
Serialized Burner Through the Stars to 1500:
Starrider .................................870 / 29 (605)
Hellburner .........................20988 / 29 (570)
Maku .....................................8382 / 25 (381)
Serialb ..................................5872 / 10 (187)
The KenTurkey Derby Thanksgiving Race to Crunch 1200:
minendo ...............................7075 / 36 (538)
neovan ..................................5299 / 14 (490)
panhead49...........................5984 / 17 (458)
teriba .....................................4100 / 20 (422)
JimMc ....................................6487 / 17 (343)
1000 Workunit Blitz:
LyNx01 ..................................854 / 25 (470)
artemedes ........................12005 / 28 (428)
Spacehead ..........................1562 / 25 (406)
Maggotry ..............................4619 / 19 (378)
crt1530 ...............................12286 / 17 (311)
BigFatCow ..........................3400 / 41 (292)
Race to 750:
Evadman .............................4393 / 19 (637) :Q <------------------- Go, Evadman! Go!
Lonely Racers:
7) PieDerro .........................53830 / 294
13) USS IsOs .......................41643 / 92
19) LastKnight .....................29708 / 304
28) IJump .............................24163 / 4
34) zodder ............................22310 / 79
37) Major Tom .......................20257 / 114 :Q
43) lane42 .............................18520 / 37
44) USS Poop ......................18334 / 17
46) DroolMAN! ......................17605 / 59
53) wirelessenabled ...........14265 / 99
64) Baldy18 ............................11800 / 21
67) ZeroEffect .......................11759 / 21
71) LiveLongAndProsper ...10485 / 109
73) Rebel Alliance ...............10251 / 219 :Q
82) tuffguy ..............................9116 / 23
95) ElFenix .............................8237 / 14
103)Slahr Dzhe .......................7466 / 2
110)MoFunk .............................6838 / 19
114)Eltano1 .............................6263 / 0
120)thecool1 .............................6009 / 4
145)Dazmite ............................4716 / 11
153)Ishmael2k .........................4249 / 10
158)migroo ...............................4143 / 0
162)sukhoi ...............................3858 / 18
184)Kruptikos ..........................3400 / 15
205)Emos ................................3064 / 7
239)ys .......................................2553 / 15
249)Logix .................................2487 / 2
317)Boogak .............................1845 / 0
350)SpookyFish ......................1660 / 0
351)dmcowen ..........................1645 / 10
359)Adul ....................................1605 / 7
497)JetsFanatic .......................1019 / 0
Milestones achieved on 10/30:
IBhacknU - 65000 (65001)
Home_of_Akin - 14000 (14038)
artemedes - 12000 (12005)
Alan J. Simpson - 10000 (10022)
Old Geezer - 9000 (9043)
GhettoFob - 6000 (6152)
Reedo - 3000 (3002)
jatwell - TeamAnandtech - 1500 (1543)
DoctorBooze - 500 (504)
havoc - 250 (483)
10 Most Recent Race Winners:
thecool1 - Gimme that 6th K-Key! Race to 6000 -10/17/2002
Rebel Alliance - The Great 10K Countdown - 10/16/2002
LiveLongAndProsper - The Great 10K Countdown - 10/27/2002
Tuffguy - Race to 9000 - 10/26/2002
Basilisk420 - The Great 10K Countdown - 10/26/2002
LastKnight - SRL Heavyweight Title Fight to 5000 - 10/25/2002
Kruptikos - Race to 750 - 10/22/2002
Terrible Teriba - PORC 1500 - 10/18/2002
Spacehead - Race to 1500 - 10/18/2002
DroolMAN! - The Race to Catch the Race Coordinator - 10/4/2002
Check out IJump's excellent race prediction analysis.
The lame commentator missed a race winner so today's lame commentary starts off with a winner from yesterday receiving his due kudos and congrats. That race winner would be TA-Seti's beloved stats keeper, Sizzlin' Soni who blistered his way across the finish line in the Way Cool Race to Crunch 3000. OK, so the first racer crossed the finish line a month ago in this race, but as I always say, everyone's a winner in the SRL, especially those whose persistence and consistency are the hallmarks of their game and Sizzlin' Soni epitomizes the TA-Seti spirit. With quite a dedicated following in the SRL, Soni's fans were highly upset with SRL officials that their hero was snubbed in yesterday's awards ceremonies and the dastardly official who was derelict in his duty will be assigned to dump cleanup duty for the next three weeks. Congratulations, Sizzlin' Soni! Enjoy an extra day in the hottub with an extra babe on me.
The 10K lounge is the hot party place this week as another prodigious purger piles up the packets to the tune of 10,000. Alan J. Simpson reaches that Holy Grail of milestones and receives his final Berkeley certificate along with the admiration and adoration of millions of fans and friends. Tis a special moment when a teammate steps up to the awards stand to the roar of the crowd to receive his solid gold 10K Key with the diamond studs arranged in the shape of the number indicating his team position at the moment of his crossing over. In AJ's case, that would be a huge numeral 74 as only 73 Anandtechers have crossed before him. Congratulations, AJ! Head on into the 10K lounge and join Captain CAD and the Rebel Alliance who are still celebrating their 10K morphs in the hottub.
Standing the red Rascal Rider up on its rear wheels, the SRL's original bad boy Rowdy Ray zings across the finish line in the Race to 9000, the little hell on wheels scooter screaming it's high-pitched overclocked whine while the Rayster twirls the Cane of Victory over his head with a huge grin on his face. Breaking into a spontaneous chant of "WooHoo! Whack a WU!", the crowd twirls their plastic replicas of the official Rowdy Ray Cane of Carnage (on sale at all SRL souvenier stands) over their heads in celebration. Taking it all in, Ray laps the winner's circle, still standing the howling little red scooter on it's rear wheels, stopping only momentarily to Whack! the awards presenter with his cane, (and the sound technician, and the awards babe, and the race commentator, and anybody else within cane range). Rowdy Ray zips the Rascal Rider into the "Cracker for the Day" parking space outside the 9K lounge and, eschewing the door, leaps through the window and right into the lap of one of the hottub babes who begins his physics lesson right then and there. Congratulations, Rowdy Ray! Just remember... You make a mess in the lounge, you clean it up!
Advancements among racers on 10/30 include Domination up 1 to 91, Actaeon up 1 to 516, LastKnight up 1 to 19, sukhoi up 1 to 162, Kruptikos up 1 to 184, dmcowen up 3 to 351, Adul up 2 to 359.
God Bless America!
Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.3
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it.