Team rank) Name .............. total wu/new wu
The Race to Number 50:
55) cakin .................................13451 / 81
57) conjur ...............................12890 / 55
Team Toft/Vold's Second Bold Challenge - 12K by 12/9/2002:
69) Toft / Vold - DK ................10738 / 61
The Great 10K CountDown:
71) Basilisk420 ....................9902 / 55
72) Brutus ..............................9890 / 5
73) Alan J. Simpson ............9840 / 26
74) RedHorse .......................9824 / 1
76) LiveLongAndProsper ...9749 / 98
77) Rebel Alliance ................9737 / 80
78) Karsten ............................9488 / 45
80) MaxSiren .........................9366 / 25
82) tuffguy ..............................8805 / 13
84) Rowdy Ray ......................8730 / 46
85) GolfGeek .........................8724 / 29
87) mucman ..........................8628 / 27
89) Swanny ............................8583 / 38
The Crunch & Munch 10K
100)British Bulldog Racers ....7550 / 23
103)paf077 ...............................7306 / 18
108)minendo ............................6865 / 27
117)The Wildnet Team............6010 / 18
Race to 9000:
82) tuffguy ..............................8805 / 13
84) Rowdy Ray ......................8730 / 46
87) mucman ..........................8628 / 27
92) Domination .....................8369 / 33
94) Maku .................................8205 / 23
Gimme that 6th K-Key! Race to 6000:
119)thecool1 ...............................5976 / 5
120)ledzepp98 ...........................5970 / 0
132)clueless ...............................5448 / 4
Battle of the Ons - The Actaeon / Khyron Ion Run to 1500:
532)Actaeon ................................871 / 13
637)Khyron ..................................618 / 0
Race to Crunch 7500:
Smokeball ...........................43586 / 126 (6016)
m2kewl ................................21926 / 133 (5501)
SRL Heavyweight Title Fight to 5000:
LastKnight ...........................27668 / 299 (4834)
PieDerro ..............................51880 / 285 (4327)
The Century Stud Stomp to 5000:
The Federation ...................28520 / 179 (2357)
Smokeball ...........................43586 / 126 (2233)
Pazoo ...................................19916 / 131 (2080)
m2kewl ................................21926 / 133 (2032)
Crazee .................................18567 / 104 (1702)
LANMAN...............................15910 / 4 (1506)
Way Cool Race to Crunch 3000:
Soni ......................................36030 / 41 (2725)
TA Cube ...............................26079 / 38 (2461)
Snap! Crackle! Pop! 3000 WU's for Breakfast:
def .......................................18636 / 22 (2489)
Yield.....................................18852 / 69 (2243)
Basilisk420 .........................9902 / 55 (2165)
2000 WU Packet Blaster:
micron ..................................6845 / 63 (461)
jatwell .....................................1193 / 52 (420)
Soni ......................................36030 / 41 (390)
ReaganCRW ......................5530 / 40 (311)
EvilWobbles ......................15107 / 74 (117)
Plain Old Race to Crunch 1500:
marrkks.................................2976 / 21 (1110)
thawolfman ..........................1287 / 0 (587)
Serialized Burner Through the Stars to 1500:
Starrider .................................668 / 30 (403)
Hellburner .........................20777 / 31 (359)
Maku .....................................8205 / 23 (204)
Serialb ..................................5800 / 19 (115)
The KenTurkey Derby Thanksgiving Race to Crunch 1200: <----------------- neovan storms back into the lead!
neovan ..................................5146 / 43 (337)
minendo ...............................6865 / 27 (328)
panhead49...........................5834 / 20 (308)
teriba .....................................3949 / 25 (271)
JimMc ....................................6367 / 21 (223)
1000 Workunit Blitz: <------------------------------------------------ Jim Dandy of a race!
artemedes ........................11869 / 21 (292)
LyNx01 ..................................672 / 22 (288)
Spacehead ..........................1409 / 15 (253)
Maggotry ..............................4492 / 11 (251)
crt1530 ...............................12176 / 17 (201)
BigFatCow ..........................3283 / 16 (175)
Race to 750:
Evadman .............................4330 / 10 (574)
Lonely Racers:
13) USS IsOs .......................40696 / 107
28) IJump .............................24127 / 5
34) zodder ............................21706 / 82
38) Major Tom .......................19621 / 83
43) USS Poop ......................18218 / 16
44) lane42 .............................18053 / 55
45) Darth Polo .....................17511 / 10
46) DroolMAN! ......................17247 / 92
48) SoulAssassin ...............16708 / 43
50) WayneS ..........................15518 / 37
53) wirelessenabled ...........13585 / 105
65) Baldy18 ............................11671 / 22
66) ZeroEffect .......................11629 / 19
96) ElFenix .............................8135 / 14
101)Slahr Dzhe .......................7446 / 2
110)MoFunk .............................6634 / 20
114)Eltano1 .............................6263 / 0
145)Dazmite ............................4641 / 9
151)Ishmael2k .........................4175 / 10
153)migroo ...............................4129 / 0
162)sukhoi ...............................3828 / 0
190)Kruptikos ..........................3291 / 19
205)Emos ................................3019 / 7
240)ys .......................................2483 / 18
242)Logix .................................2470 / 3
311)Boogak .............................1845 / 0
344)SpookyFish ......................1660 / 0
361)dmcowen ..........................1580 / 11
371)Adul ....................................1546 / 3
494)JetsFanatic .......................1018 / 0
Milestones achieved on 10/23:
soni - 36000 (36030)
Simon Crooke - 19000 (19020)
Lane42 - 18000 (18053)
The Wildnet TeAm - 6000 (6010)
skiznots - 1000 (1001)
wxman - 250 (261)
Blue Weasel - 250 (257)
10 Most Recent Race Winners:
Kruptikos - Race to 750 - 10/22/2002
Terrible Teriba - PORC 1500 - 10/18/2002
Spacehead - Race to 1500 - 10/18/2002
DroolMAN! - The Race to Catch the Race Coordinator - 10/4/2002
LiveLongAndProsper - Race to 9000 -10/17/2002
Karsten - Race to 9000 - 10/16/2002
EvilWobbles - Way Cool Race to Crunch 6000 - 10/4/2002
micron - Gimme that 6th K-Key! Race to 6000 - 10/10/2002
Swanny - Race to 8000 - 10/9/2002
Zodder - Way Cool Race to Crunch 3000 - 10/8/2002
Check out IJump's excellent race prediction analysis.
The Race to 750 has only one participant left but true to SRL fan spirit, no one has left the arena. The crowd remains on its feet, stomping, cheering, whistling, and passing gas in fine SRL rowdy fan tradition. Excellent Evadman still circles the track, head down, eyes riveted on the road ahead, his spirits bouyed by the boisterous ovation coming from the crowd. Cracking double digits for the second day in a row, Evaderman may be the last racer on the track, but you'd never know it from the thunderous wave after thunderous wave of cacaphony (and the methane cloud) emanating from the mass of humanity cheering on their hero. Hang in there, Evadman!
The 1000 Workunit Blitz has ladies and gentlemen of both sexes
passing out from the excitement they are witnessing. Nursing a four wu lead, Awesome Artie still leads by the slimest of margins over the rookie LyNx01, whose determination in his SRL debut has been nothing short of inspiring. Only 30-odd wu's behind the leaders, Space Noggin and Magnificent Maggotry duke it out for the number three spot with Spacey holding onto a two wu lead over MaggotMan. Neovan pulverizes 43 big workunits to shove his way to the front of the line like a fat lady at the desert table at an all-you-can-eat buffet. Minnie Minendo falls into the two hole as he formulates a strategy for his next assault on the lead position. Meanwhile, Starrider keeps the pressure on Hellburner in the Serialized Burner Through the Stars to 1500, forcing HB to continue to produce in the 30-range to stay in contention for first.
Mighty Micron continues his mighty pace in the 2000 WU Packet Blaster. Yesterday saw TA-Seti's milestone stats master thrill the crowd with 63 to extend his lead to 41 over Jumpin' Jatwell. Both Yielder and Captain CAD are making up some serious ground on the rogue racer piloting the El Camino in Snap! Crackle! Pop! 3000 WU's for Breakfast. With just about 500 wu's to go in the race, the defster had best keep that big-block V8 humming, or he'll find himself sniffing someone else's exhaust. The Feds are beginning to wear down the competition in The Century Stud Stomp to 5000 with continual production runs over 150, forcing Commander Smoke, Team Pazoo, Kewlie, and Crazee to run at max just to keep up. In the meantime, I'd be willing to bet that LANMAN is just about to let rip with a huge queue buster. He's been hanging back in the tail-end Charlie position for just a little too long. The Great 10K CountDown has a new leader as Team Basilisk420 lead by the aforementioned Captain CAD stakes their claim on being the 71st Anandtecher to reach the 10K Holy Grail milestone and both Makin' Bacon cakin and Killer Conjur click off a placement spot in their quest to reach the 50th position in TA-Seti standings.
Advancements among racers on 10/23 include cakin up 1 to 55, conjur up 1 to 57, Basilisk420 up 1 to 71, Alan J. Simpson up 1 to 73, LiveLongAndProsper up 1 to 76, Rowdy Ray up 1 to 84, paf077 up 1 to 103, The Wildnet Team up 1 to 117, Domination up 1 to 92, Actaeon up 3 to 532, MoFunk up 2 to 110, Ishmael2k up 1 to 151, Kruptikos up 1 to 190, ys up 2 to 240, dmcowen up 3 to 361.
God Bless America!
Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.3
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it.
The Race to Number 50:
55) cakin .................................13451 / 81
57) conjur ...............................12890 / 55
Team Toft/Vold's Second Bold Challenge - 12K by 12/9/2002:
69) Toft / Vold - DK ................10738 / 61
The Great 10K CountDown:
71) Basilisk420 ....................9902 / 55
72) Brutus ..............................9890 / 5
73) Alan J. Simpson ............9840 / 26
74) RedHorse .......................9824 / 1
76) LiveLongAndProsper ...9749 / 98
77) Rebel Alliance ................9737 / 80
78) Karsten ............................9488 / 45
80) MaxSiren .........................9366 / 25
82) tuffguy ..............................8805 / 13
84) Rowdy Ray ......................8730 / 46
85) GolfGeek .........................8724 / 29
87) mucman ..........................8628 / 27
89) Swanny ............................8583 / 38
The Crunch & Munch 10K
100)British Bulldog Racers ....7550 / 23
103)paf077 ...............................7306 / 18
108)minendo ............................6865 / 27
117)The Wildnet Team............6010 / 18
Race to 9000:
82) tuffguy ..............................8805 / 13
84) Rowdy Ray ......................8730 / 46
87) mucman ..........................8628 / 27
92) Domination .....................8369 / 33
94) Maku .................................8205 / 23
Gimme that 6th K-Key! Race to 6000:
119)thecool1 ...............................5976 / 5
120)ledzepp98 ...........................5970 / 0
132)clueless ...............................5448 / 4
Battle of the Ons - The Actaeon / Khyron Ion Run to 1500:
532)Actaeon ................................871 / 13
637)Khyron ..................................618 / 0
Race to Crunch 7500:
Smokeball ...........................43586 / 126 (6016)
m2kewl ................................21926 / 133 (5501)
SRL Heavyweight Title Fight to 5000:
LastKnight ...........................27668 / 299 (4834)
PieDerro ..............................51880 / 285 (4327)
The Century Stud Stomp to 5000:
The Federation ...................28520 / 179 (2357)
Smokeball ...........................43586 / 126 (2233)
Pazoo ...................................19916 / 131 (2080)
m2kewl ................................21926 / 133 (2032)
Crazee .................................18567 / 104 (1702)
LANMAN...............................15910 / 4 (1506)
Way Cool Race to Crunch 3000:
Soni ......................................36030 / 41 (2725)
TA Cube ...............................26079 / 38 (2461)
Snap! Crackle! Pop! 3000 WU's for Breakfast:
def .......................................18636 / 22 (2489)
Yield.....................................18852 / 69 (2243)
Basilisk420 .........................9902 / 55 (2165)
2000 WU Packet Blaster:
micron ..................................6845 / 63 (461)
jatwell .....................................1193 / 52 (420)
Soni ......................................36030 / 41 (390)
ReaganCRW ......................5530 / 40 (311)
EvilWobbles ......................15107 / 74 (117)
Plain Old Race to Crunch 1500:
marrkks.................................2976 / 21 (1110)
thawolfman ..........................1287 / 0 (587)
Serialized Burner Through the Stars to 1500:
Starrider .................................668 / 30 (403)
Hellburner .........................20777 / 31 (359)
Maku .....................................8205 / 23 (204)
Serialb ..................................5800 / 19 (115)
The KenTurkey Derby Thanksgiving Race to Crunch 1200: <----------------- neovan storms back into the lead!
neovan ..................................5146 / 43 (337)
minendo ...............................6865 / 27 (328)
panhead49...........................5834 / 20 (308)
teriba .....................................3949 / 25 (271)
JimMc ....................................6367 / 21 (223)
1000 Workunit Blitz: <------------------------------------------------ Jim Dandy of a race!
artemedes ........................11869 / 21 (292)
LyNx01 ..................................672 / 22 (288)
Spacehead ..........................1409 / 15 (253)
Maggotry ..............................4492 / 11 (251)
crt1530 ...............................12176 / 17 (201)
BigFatCow ..........................3283 / 16 (175)
Race to 750:
Evadman .............................4330 / 10 (574)
Lonely Racers:
13) USS IsOs .......................40696 / 107
28) IJump .............................24127 / 5
34) zodder ............................21706 / 82
38) Major Tom .......................19621 / 83
43) USS Poop ......................18218 / 16
44) lane42 .............................18053 / 55
45) Darth Polo .....................17511 / 10
46) DroolMAN! ......................17247 / 92
48) SoulAssassin ...............16708 / 43
50) WayneS ..........................15518 / 37
53) wirelessenabled ...........13585 / 105
65) Baldy18 ............................11671 / 22
66) ZeroEffect .......................11629 / 19
96) ElFenix .............................8135 / 14
101)Slahr Dzhe .......................7446 / 2
110)MoFunk .............................6634 / 20
114)Eltano1 .............................6263 / 0
145)Dazmite ............................4641 / 9
151)Ishmael2k .........................4175 / 10
153)migroo ...............................4129 / 0
162)sukhoi ...............................3828 / 0
190)Kruptikos ..........................3291 / 19
205)Emos ................................3019 / 7
240)ys .......................................2483 / 18
242)Logix .................................2470 / 3
311)Boogak .............................1845 / 0
344)SpookyFish ......................1660 / 0
361)dmcowen ..........................1580 / 11
371)Adul ....................................1546 / 3
494)JetsFanatic .......................1018 / 0
Milestones achieved on 10/23:
soni - 36000 (36030)
Simon Crooke - 19000 (19020)
Lane42 - 18000 (18053)
The Wildnet TeAm - 6000 (6010)
skiznots - 1000 (1001)
wxman - 250 (261)
Blue Weasel - 250 (257)
10 Most Recent Race Winners:
Kruptikos - Race to 750 - 10/22/2002
Terrible Teriba - PORC 1500 - 10/18/2002
Spacehead - Race to 1500 - 10/18/2002
DroolMAN! - The Race to Catch the Race Coordinator - 10/4/2002
LiveLongAndProsper - Race to 9000 -10/17/2002
Karsten - Race to 9000 - 10/16/2002
EvilWobbles - Way Cool Race to Crunch 6000 - 10/4/2002
micron - Gimme that 6th K-Key! Race to 6000 - 10/10/2002
Swanny - Race to 8000 - 10/9/2002
Zodder - Way Cool Race to Crunch 3000 - 10/8/2002
Check out IJump's excellent race prediction analysis.
The Race to 750 has only one participant left but true to SRL fan spirit, no one has left the arena. The crowd remains on its feet, stomping, cheering, whistling, and passing gas in fine SRL rowdy fan tradition. Excellent Evadman still circles the track, head down, eyes riveted on the road ahead, his spirits bouyed by the boisterous ovation coming from the crowd. Cracking double digits for the second day in a row, Evaderman may be the last racer on the track, but you'd never know it from the thunderous wave after thunderous wave of cacaphony (and the methane cloud) emanating from the mass of humanity cheering on their hero. Hang in there, Evadman!
The 1000 Workunit Blitz has ladies and gentlemen of both sexes
Mighty Micron continues his mighty pace in the 2000 WU Packet Blaster. Yesterday saw TA-Seti's milestone stats master thrill the crowd with 63 to extend his lead to 41 over Jumpin' Jatwell. Both Yielder and Captain CAD are making up some serious ground on the rogue racer piloting the El Camino in Snap! Crackle! Pop! 3000 WU's for Breakfast. With just about 500 wu's to go in the race, the defster had best keep that big-block V8 humming, or he'll find himself sniffing someone else's exhaust. The Feds are beginning to wear down the competition in The Century Stud Stomp to 5000 with continual production runs over 150, forcing Commander Smoke, Team Pazoo, Kewlie, and Crazee to run at max just to keep up. In the meantime, I'd be willing to bet that LANMAN is just about to let rip with a huge queue buster. He's been hanging back in the tail-end Charlie position for just a little too long. The Great 10K CountDown has a new leader as Team Basilisk420 lead by the aforementioned Captain CAD stakes their claim on being the 71st Anandtecher to reach the 10K Holy Grail milestone and both Makin' Bacon cakin and Killer Conjur click off a placement spot in their quest to reach the 50th position in TA-Seti standings.
Advancements among racers on 10/23 include cakin up 1 to 55, conjur up 1 to 57, Basilisk420 up 1 to 71, Alan J. Simpson up 1 to 73, LiveLongAndProsper up 1 to 76, Rowdy Ray up 1 to 84, paf077 up 1 to 103, The Wildnet Team up 1 to 117, Domination up 1 to 92, Actaeon up 3 to 532, MoFunk up 2 to 110, Ishmael2k up 1 to 151, Kruptikos up 1 to 190, ys up 2 to 240, dmcowen up 3 to 361.
God Bless America!
Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.3
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it.