Team rank) Name .............. total wu/new wu
Cakin's Quest to Make Bacon From Lean Lane42:
33) lane42 .................................33672 / 11
38) cakin ....................................28679 / 28
20,000 Before the Project Ends, or Else!:
67) jatwell .................................19495 / 55
68) MoFunk ..............................19388 / 157
69) conjur..................................19297 / 30
71) Ammocan ..........................18710 / 39
74) Mighty Micron ....................18528 / 55
The Great 10K CountDown:
114)The Wildnet Team..............9951 / 13
115)Steell ....................................9913 / 16
117)Marrkks.................................9214 / 9
122)Dewey ..................................8819 / 305 :Q:Q
Funky Bunch Packet Mauler to 5000: <------------------------- Smilies all around!
paf077 .................................21270 / 100 (3945)
MoFunk ...............................19388 / 157 (3754)
soni .....................................49563 / 65 (3087)
CraigRT ..............................31803 / 54 (3034)
JonB .....................................7326 / 64 (2246)
3000 WU Whappin' Flappin' No Nappin' Workunit Wipe Out: <------- Back! Back, I say! You two stay back!
OhioDude ............................27279 / 51 (2664)
WayneS ................................26265 / 66 (2626)
Mighty Micron .......................18528 / 55 (2226)
2500 WU Packet Crapper: <---------------------------------- Is Poundin' Pannie piling up for a prodigious poop?
adeno ...................................2682 / 39 (1191)
Ammocan ...........................18710 / 39 (1125)
Panhead49 ........................13750 / 0 (1068)
Poopaskoopa ....................23949 / 34 (1006)
Networkman ......................29533 / 34 (545)
Rock 'em Sock 'em Workunit Wipe Out to 2000: <---------------- Sassy Bassy still in the lead!
Basilisk420 ......................17284 / 24 (411)
BigFatCow .........................6732 / 28 (391)
Shimmishim .....................1539 / 14 (365)
Spacehead ........................4670 / 1 (307)
lobadobadingdong ..........2160 / 11 (281)
Ameesh .............................2218 / 0 (78)
2000 Workunit Wonderland WU Whopper: <----------------- King Karsten flexes his dump muscles!
Karsten ............................21819 / 53 (363)
JimMc ..............................10926 / 34 (319)
onebadv6 ..........................7608 / 27 (287)
strider7 ..............................8944 / 23 (273)
jjsetihead ..........................7380 / 25 (251)
Adul ...................................5913 / 4 (146)
Domination ....................14968 / 10 (141)
Whack 'em Smack 'em 2000 Packet Pulverizer: <------------- Serialb only 22 wu's out!
gistech1978 .....................4628 / 5 (1770)
serialb .............................10303 / 10 (1748)
1500 WU Power Pack Packet Pounder: <------------------------- Z-Bombs are still flying!
Tarca .................................26646 / 19 (597)
teriba ..................................8660 / 18 (408)
cismaxZ ...............................2211 / 20 (357)
DDad ..................................5919 / 0 (300)
Fingers ...............................6768 / 5 (283)
Neurodog ...........................5627 / 5 (73)
750 WU Master Muncher Marathon: <----------------------- Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!!!!!
lobadobadingdong ..........2160 / 11 (668)
ManWithPlan .....................2281 / 8 (514)
Pyxis ....................................6609 / 9 (500)
BobTheWizard ..................2022 / 7 (405)
GasPath2 ...........................4962 / 5 (311)
Lonely Racers:
3) PieDerro .........................110707 / 488
4) LastKnight ......................92617 / 266
6) Smokeball ......................86115 / 271
9) IsOs .................................66177 / 101
11) The Federation ..............58681 / 145
19) Rebel Alliance ...............46567 / 179
20) Crazee ............................45974 / 67
22) zodder .............................42599 / 139
23) wirelessenabled ...........40885 / 83
28) m2kewl ...........................36750 / 42
30) Ben98SentraSE ............35625 / 77
31) LANMAN..........................35250 / 27
45) EvilWobbles ...................26796 / 34
50) IJump ...............................25462 / 125
51) SoulAssassin ................25414 / 38
53) Swanny ...........................24056 / 77
58) Toft / Vold - DK ...............21480 / 62
64) Assimilator1 ..................20287 / 18
84) Minendo ..........................14176 / 14
105)British Bulldog Racers ..11326 / 0
109)neovan .............................10810 / 0
141)Dazmite ............................7284 / 11
146)Evadman ..........................6884 / 0
194)sukhoi ...............................5270 / 10
199)ys ........................................5032 / 7
260)SWScorch .........................3699 / 11
332)TheEvil1 .............................2596 / 12
384)Lithium381 ........................2212 / 0
518)Zippin' Zim Hosein ..........1425 / 1
519)SoggySocks ......................1425 / 9
558)titanmiller ...........................1243 / 27 :Q
566)JetsFanatic ........................1206 / 2
628)Christof ...............................995 / 6
Milestones achieved on 6/26:
TeAm Smokeball - 86000 (86115)
Swanny - 24000 (24056)
prvteye2002 - 100 (105)
AunixM3 - 100 (100)
10 Most Recent Race Winners:
Sammael - 20,000 Before the Project Ends, or Else! - 6/24/03
JustStarting - Last One to 750 is a Packet PowderPuff - 6/23/2003
AstIsis - Whack 'em Smack 'em 2000 Packet Pulverizer - 6/20/2003
Wiz - Whack 'em Smack 'em 2000 Packet Pulverizer - 6/20/2003
EvilWobbles - 3000 WU Whappin' Flappin' No Nappin' Workunit Wipe Out - 6/19/2003
Minendo - 20,000 Before the Project Ends, or Else! - 6/16/2003
Zodder - 5000 WU Queue Buster - 6/16/2003
paf007 - 20,000 Before the Project Ends, or Else! - 6/12/03
serialb - The Great 10K CountDown - 6/11/03
Reagan CRW - 3000 WU Whappin' Flappin' No Nappin' Workunit Wipe Out - 6/10/03
No time for commentary this morning. Sorry!
Advancements among racers on 6/26 include MoFunk up 1 to 68, Dewey up 2 to 122, Crazee up 1 to 20, IJump up 1 to 50, titanmiller up 3 to 558, JetsFanatic up 1 to 566, Christof up 1 to 628.
God Bless America!
Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.3
Cakin's Quest to Make Bacon From Lean Lane42:
33) lane42 .................................33672 / 11
38) cakin ....................................28679 / 28
20,000 Before the Project Ends, or Else!:
67) jatwell .................................19495 / 55
68) MoFunk ..............................19388 / 157
69) conjur..................................19297 / 30
71) Ammocan ..........................18710 / 39
74) Mighty Micron ....................18528 / 55
The Great 10K CountDown:
114)The Wildnet Team..............9951 / 13
115)Steell ....................................9913 / 16
117)Marrkks.................................9214 / 9
122)Dewey ..................................8819 / 305 :Q:Q
Funky Bunch Packet Mauler to 5000: <------------------------- Smilies all around!
paf077 .................................21270 / 100 (3945)
MoFunk ...............................19388 / 157 (3754)
soni .....................................49563 / 65 (3087)
CraigRT ..............................31803 / 54 (3034)
JonB .....................................7326 / 64 (2246)
3000 WU Whappin' Flappin' No Nappin' Workunit Wipe Out: <------- Back! Back, I say! You two stay back!
OhioDude ............................27279 / 51 (2664)
WayneS ................................26265 / 66 (2626)
Mighty Micron .......................18528 / 55 (2226)
2500 WU Packet Crapper: <---------------------------------- Is Poundin' Pannie piling up for a prodigious poop?
adeno ...................................2682 / 39 (1191)
Ammocan ...........................18710 / 39 (1125)
Panhead49 ........................13750 / 0 (1068)
Poopaskoopa ....................23949 / 34 (1006)
Networkman ......................29533 / 34 (545)
Rock 'em Sock 'em Workunit Wipe Out to 2000: <---------------- Sassy Bassy still in the lead!
Basilisk420 ......................17284 / 24 (411)
BigFatCow .........................6732 / 28 (391)
Shimmishim .....................1539 / 14 (365)
Spacehead ........................4670 / 1 (307)
lobadobadingdong ..........2160 / 11 (281)
Ameesh .............................2218 / 0 (78)
2000 Workunit Wonderland WU Whopper: <----------------- King Karsten flexes his dump muscles!
Karsten ............................21819 / 53 (363)
JimMc ..............................10926 / 34 (319)
onebadv6 ..........................7608 / 27 (287)
strider7 ..............................8944 / 23 (273)
jjsetihead ..........................7380 / 25 (251)
Adul ...................................5913 / 4 (146)
Domination ....................14968 / 10 (141)
Whack 'em Smack 'em 2000 Packet Pulverizer: <------------- Serialb only 22 wu's out!
gistech1978 .....................4628 / 5 (1770)
serialb .............................10303 / 10 (1748)
1500 WU Power Pack Packet Pounder: <------------------------- Z-Bombs are still flying!
Tarca .................................26646 / 19 (597)
teriba ..................................8660 / 18 (408)
cismaxZ ...............................2211 / 20 (357)
DDad ..................................5919 / 0 (300)
Fingers ...............................6768 / 5 (283)
Neurodog ...........................5627 / 5 (73)
750 WU Master Muncher Marathon: <----------------------- Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!!!!!
lobadobadingdong ..........2160 / 11 (668)
ManWithPlan .....................2281 / 8 (514)
Pyxis ....................................6609 / 9 (500)
BobTheWizard ..................2022 / 7 (405)
GasPath2 ...........................4962 / 5 (311)
Lonely Racers:
3) PieDerro .........................110707 / 488
4) LastKnight ......................92617 / 266
6) Smokeball ......................86115 / 271
9) IsOs .................................66177 / 101
11) The Federation ..............58681 / 145
19) Rebel Alliance ...............46567 / 179
20) Crazee ............................45974 / 67
22) zodder .............................42599 / 139
23) wirelessenabled ...........40885 / 83
28) m2kewl ...........................36750 / 42
30) Ben98SentraSE ............35625 / 77
31) LANMAN..........................35250 / 27
45) EvilWobbles ...................26796 / 34
50) IJump ...............................25462 / 125
51) SoulAssassin ................25414 / 38
53) Swanny ...........................24056 / 77
58) Toft / Vold - DK ...............21480 / 62
64) Assimilator1 ..................20287 / 18
84) Minendo ..........................14176 / 14
105)British Bulldog Racers ..11326 / 0
109)neovan .............................10810 / 0
141)Dazmite ............................7284 / 11
146)Evadman ..........................6884 / 0
194)sukhoi ...............................5270 / 10
199)ys ........................................5032 / 7
260)SWScorch .........................3699 / 11
332)TheEvil1 .............................2596 / 12
384)Lithium381 ........................2212 / 0
518)Zippin' Zim Hosein ..........1425 / 1
519)SoggySocks ......................1425 / 9
558)titanmiller ...........................1243 / 27 :Q
566)JetsFanatic ........................1206 / 2
628)Christof ...............................995 / 6
Milestones achieved on 6/26:
TeAm Smokeball - 86000 (86115)
Swanny - 24000 (24056)
prvteye2002 - 100 (105)
AunixM3 - 100 (100)
10 Most Recent Race Winners:
Sammael - 20,000 Before the Project Ends, or Else! - 6/24/03
JustStarting - Last One to 750 is a Packet PowderPuff - 6/23/2003
AstIsis - Whack 'em Smack 'em 2000 Packet Pulverizer - 6/20/2003
Wiz - Whack 'em Smack 'em 2000 Packet Pulverizer - 6/20/2003
EvilWobbles - 3000 WU Whappin' Flappin' No Nappin' Workunit Wipe Out - 6/19/2003
Minendo - 20,000 Before the Project Ends, or Else! - 6/16/2003
Zodder - 5000 WU Queue Buster - 6/16/2003
paf007 - 20,000 Before the Project Ends, or Else! - 6/12/03
serialb - The Great 10K CountDown - 6/11/03
Reagan CRW - 3000 WU Whappin' Flappin' No Nappin' Workunit Wipe Out - 6/10/03
No time for commentary this morning. Sorry!
Advancements among racers on 6/26 include MoFunk up 1 to 68, Dewey up 2 to 122, Crazee up 1 to 20, IJump up 1 to 50, titanmiller up 3 to 558, JetsFanatic up 1 to 566, Christof up 1 to 628.
God Bless America!
Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.3