Seti Race Stats and Milestones for 06/03


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2001
Team rank) Name .............. total wu/new wu

Assimilator1's Daring Dash to Dump Darkone:
60) Darkone .............................34814 / 21
63) Assimilator1 ......................32248 / 13

100K End-Of-SETI-Classic Challenge:
15) wirelessenabled ...............90529 / 167
16) Ronin ...................................86160 / 481 :)
17) zodder .................................86005 / 211 :)

Fabulous Funky Fifty-K Free-For-All:
42) MoFunk ................................49092 / 249 :Q:Q
43) Phiton ...................................48334 / 12
44) TenaciousT .........................47678 / 187 :)

Sporty Snorty Forty-Five-K Feener Fonner:
48) matchbok .......................43645 / 194
51) EvilWobbles ..................42364 / 15
52) LANMAN..........................42245 / 0

40K Monumental Multi-Man Mortifier :
54) cakin ...................................39076 / 8
56) CiSmAXz ............................37371 / 208 :)
58) amdxborg ..........................36059 / 284 :)
61) IHATEHUMANS ................33896 / 427 :Q

Takin' A Dive to Thiry-Five:
60) Darkone .............................34814 / 21
63) Assimilator1 .....................32248 / 13
64) Toft / Vold - DK .................31706 / 17
66) Conjur.................................31618 / 39 :)

Dirty Squirty Thirty-K Threesome Plus Several:
69) sduguid ..............................29901 / 5
70) MC^2-Lagrange ................29217 / 48 :)
72) King Karsten .....................28312 / 0
75) JimMc ..................................26874 / 35
76) Panhead49 ........................26168 / 24
81) baxsie ..................................25232 / 77 :)

25K Klinker Klunker Klobber Klout:
83) Basilisk420 .......................24153 / 26
84) Zaph ....................................23892 / 67 :)
86) Sofa King ...........................23553 / 40 :)
90) Fardringle ...........................22756 / 20
96) lhampel ..............................22141 / 26

The 20K Twinkle Toes Tinkle Tanker:
106)jjsetihead ............................18946 / 33 :)
107)Starrider ..............................18876 / 0
113)jdiddy ...................................18180 / 88 :)
117)Nasty Neovan .....................17670 / 56 :)
118)BMdoobieW ........................17408 / 40 :)
123)JonB ....................................15957 / 3
127)BigFatCow ..........................15462 / 25

Frickin' Frackin 15K Funky Frolic:
132)thepoolman ........................14717 / 31 :)
135)MarkP ...................................14137 / 55 :)
136)Ed Omega ...........................13989 / 37 :)

The Great 10K CountDown:
198)cherub .................................9880 / 17
199)Scott Schafer ......................9871 / 11
201)MrBadidea ..........................9797 / 0
202)Tech88 ................................9775 / 18
203)eric .......................................9770 / 10
204)ravana ..................................9657 / 152 :)
209)Soggysocks ........................9138 / 31
223)Rogue ..................................8235 / 14

5K Please-Don't-End-Before-We-Make-It Sprint:
343)CaMiX ...................................4823 / 4
349)cavdraco ..............................4777 / 9
351)BestJinjo .............................4760 / 15
369)jta-seti ..................................4393 / 22
391)Coquito ................................4119 / 4

1000 WU White Water Woad Wally:
TheEvil1 ...............................7943 / 21 (880) :)
Tychoseven .........................2410 / 13 (792)
Ketteringo ............................2310 / 0 (449)

Lonely Racers: :(
1) The Enterprise ............290814 / 314
2) Team BnT ....................200249 / 10
3) Robor ............................196031 / 332 :)
4) PieDerro .......................194051 / 492 :)
5) Rebel Alliance .............179040 / 417 :)
7) LastKnight ....................172196 / 129
9) IsOs ...............................138553 / 210 :)
24) Lean Lane42 ................60965 / 114 :Q
25) Swanny ...........................58680 / 103 :)
31) Jumpin' Jatwell .............55042 / 131 :)
33) SoulAssassin ...............53199 / 43
34) Ben98SentraSE ............53082 / 29
35) Team Tarca ...................52671 / 26
39) CraigRT ..........................50646 / 52
41) m2kewl ...........................50292 / 39
53) WayneS ..........................39429 / 43 :)
153)ys .......................................12039 / 1
169)Adul ...................................11056 / 0
213)Pyxis ..................................8997 / 6
214)Evadman ..........................8986 / 8
242)Shimmishim .....................7532 / 18
250)SWScorch .........................7221 / 3
319)vrmuds ...............................5288 / 261 :Q:Q
321)titanmiller ..........................5242 / 30 :)
378)Xemus ...............................4264 / 0
380)ScottSwingleComps .......4222 / 6
443)DaFinn ...............................3474 / 0
482)TA Beowulf ........................3100 / 0
580)Lithium381 ........................2484 / 0
672)Zippin' Zim Hosein ..........1950 / 0
767)JetsFanatic ........................1587 / 1

Milestones achieved on 6/3:

shuxclams - 99000 (99110)
Ronin - 86000 (86160)
zodder - 86000 (86005)
jatwell - TeamAnandtech - 55000 (55042)
TeAm * MoFunk - 49000 (49092)
amd.borg - 36000 (36059)
timmy knuckles - 1500 (1516)
Baluba - 750 (752)
CoreDex - 750 (752)
Technonut - 500 (508)

10 Most Recent Race Winners:

Baxsie - 25K Klinker Klunker Klobber Klout - 6/1/2004
Spacehead - The Great 10K Countdown - 5/31/2004
DoritoOfDeath - The 20K Twinkle Toes Tinkle Tanker - 5/31/2004
serialb - 25K Klinker Klunker Klobber Klout - 5/30/2004
Douglas Buchholz - The Great 10K Countdown - 5/29/2004
Darth Polo - Sporty Snorty Forty-Five-K Feener Fonner: - 5/29/2004
cherub - 1000 WU White Water Woad Wally - 5/29/2004
m2kewl - Fabulous Funky Fifty-K Free-For-All - 5/28/2004
Compudog - Frickin' Frackin 15K Funky Frolic - 5/26/2004
kerro - The Great 10K Countdown - 5/25/2004


Advancements among racers on 6/3 include Ronin up 2 to 16, CiSmAXz up 1 to 56, IHATEHUMANS up 1 to 61, jdiddy up 1 to 113, BigFatCow up 1 to 127, Tech88 up 1 to 202, ravana up 2 to 204, cavdraco up 1 to 349, BestJinjo up 1 to 351, jta-seti up 2 to 369, Coquito up 1 to 391, Swanny up 1 to 25, Shimmishim up 1 to 242, vrmuds up 18 to 319.

God Bless America!

Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.4


Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
Good Morning, TeAm Mates! :sun:


Thank you for the ?Seti Race Stats and Milestones?, OhioDude. :)


Senior member
Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: amdxborg
Thanx OD! ;)

Congrats to everyone! :beer:

I snuck up on you a little bit today amdxborg. Just a little though. We are usually pretty even.

Zim Hosein

Super Moderator | Elite Member
Super Moderator
Nov 27, 1999
WTC to all the racers & MM's :D

Thanks OhioDude :beer: