Seti Race Stats and Milestones for 04/13


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2001
Team rank) Name .............. total wu/new wu

Cakin's Quest to Make Bacon From Lean Lane42: <----------------- Makin' Bacon is ramping up!
33) lane42 .................................29111 / 20
44) cakin ....................................24527 / 75 :)

20,000 Before the Project Ends, or Else!:
57) LiveLongAndProsper .......19408 / 14
58) Toft / Vold - DK ...................18382 / 21
59) Karsten ...............................18279 / 75 :)
63) Assimilator1 ......................17752 / 24
64) Swanny ...............................17660 / 88 :)

The Great 10K CountDown:
111)JimMc ...................................9328 / 22 :)
112)neovan .................................9207 / 6
113)The Wildnet Team..............9124 / 25 :)
115)serialb ..................................8939 / 25 :)
117)Reagan CRW .....................8724 / 127 :Q

4000 WU Whacker Packer Roundup: <---------------------------- Can anybody catch Swell Swanny?!?
Swanny ...............................17660 / 88 (980) :)
zodder ..................................34491 / 66 (756)
lane42 .................................29111 / 20 (714)
cakin ....................................24527 / 75 (662) :)

Beat the Race Coordinator (Over the Head) to 3000: <---------------- Darth Polo thunder dumps past Panhead49!
Yield ......................................27604 / 48 (2950) :)
MoFunk .................................14636 / 43 (2844)
WayneS .................................22716 / 43 (2517)
OhioDude .............................23797 / 41 (2409)
Mighty Micron .......................15206 / 18 (2344)
Darth Polo .............................24620 / 312 (2272) :Q:Q
Panhead49 ............................11071 / 0 (2265)

2000 WU Bump and Dump: <-------------------------------- SoulAssassin power purges his way into second!
Minendo .................................12168 / 44 (608) :)
SoulAssassin .......................23384 / 95 (472) :Q
m2kewl ...................................33925 / 36 (447) :)

Whack 'em Smack 'em 2000 Packet Pulverizer: <--------------- Gistech pulls to within 37 of AstIsis!
Wiz ...................................11705 / 23 (410) :)
serialb ...............................8939 / 25 (384) :)
Poopaskoopa ................21622 / 18 (366)
AstIsis ................................1049 / 20 (347) :)
gistech1978 ....................3168 / 25 (310) :)
DAPUNISHER .................4610 / 0 (110)

Last One to 2000 is a WU Wimp!:
Marrkks .................................7654 / 17 (1988)
Major Tom ..........................25511 / 4 (1309)

1500 WU Dynamite Dumper: <----------------------------------- Whackin' Wiz pulls away from Nasty Neovan!
Wiz ........................................11705 / 23 (1325) :)
neovan ...................................9207 / 6 (1303)
teriba ......................................7431 / 10 (905)
Kruptikos ...............................5969 / 11 (653)

Master Plaster WU Blaster to 1000:
TheEvil1 .................................1757 / 9 (826)
KCJeeper ............................7777 / 6 (631)

Last One to 750 is a Packet PowderPuff:
BigFatCow .........................5512 / 18 (241) :)
Adul .....................................4394 / 15 (195) :)
SWScorch ..........................3327 / 16 (147) :)
SoggySocks ........................372 / 10 (98)
JustStarting .......................4155 / 14 (91)

Whack Pack Packet Smack to 750:
crt1530 .............................14527 / 16 (759) :beer: :beer:
lobadobadingdong ..........1355 / 9 (649)
JustStarting ......................4155 / 14 (578) :)
TheEvil1 ............................1757 / 9 (535)
Pyxis ..................................5961 / 10 (517)

500 WU Whack-A-Packet Rally: <--------------------- Bullet Bob heads down the home stretch!
BobTheWizard ..................1457 / 11 (486) :)
Christof ...............................489 / 8 (338)
Zippin' Zim Hosein ..........1221 / 2 (204)

Lonely Racers: :(
3) PieDerro .........................87546 / 226
6) LastKnight ......................72595 / 285 :)
7) Smokeball ......................71399 / 152
9) IsOs .................................58450 / 51
13) The Federation ..............50192 / 73
19) Pazoo ..............................39799 / 97
22) Crazee ............................36449 / 108 :)
25) Rebel Alliance ...............34726 / 103 :)
29) wirelessenabled ...........32592 / 103 :)
30) LANMAN..........................31535 / 2
32) Ben98SentraSE ............29261 / 159 :)
35) Networkman ..................28037 / 8
45) IJump ..............................24482 / 0
51) EvilWobbles ..................22540 / 29
54) DroolMAN! ......................20104 / 6
68) Basilisk420 ....................16168 / 25
69) paf077 .............................15847 / 46 :)
74) jatwell ..............................14603 / 60
78) Baldy18 ...........................14034 / 0
97) tuffguy ..............................11136 / 0
102)British Bulldog Racers ..10831 / 3
106)Old Geezer .......................10236 / 9
124)Slahr Dzhe .......................7510 / 0
140)Dazmite ............................6550 / 7
141)Evadman ..........................6484 / 8
176)Ishmael2k ........................5127 / 0
189)sukhoi ...............................4769 / 7
200)ys ........................................4484 / 14 :)
209)JonB ..................................4212 / 31 :)
231)Spacehead ......................3732 / 9
299)Logix .................................2715 / 1
409)Lithium381 .......................1801 / 0
413)Actaeon .............................1775 / 0
429)SpookyFish ......................1660 / 0
552)JetsFanatic .......................1106 / 1
703)titanmiller ............................718 / 3


Milestones achieved on 4/13:

Grant - 122000 (122101) :)
Collective Element - 14000 (14007)
Slaughter - 3000 (3002)
Looker2000 - 1000 (1002)
prontospyder - 500 (501)
Phoenix - 100 (150)

10 Most Recent Race Winners:

Shimmishim - 500 WU Whack-A-Packet Rally - 4/11/2003
ys - 1000 WU Packet Pounder Derby - 4/8/2003
Jolly JonB - 1500 WU Dynamite Dumper - 4/8/2003
Poopsie - 1000 WU Bumpster Dumpster - 4/7/2003
Magnificent Maggotry - Master Plaster WU Blaster to 1000 - 4/7/2003
SWScorch - 500 WU Whack-A-Packet Rally - 4/2/2003
DAPUNISHER - 1000 WU Bumpster Dumpster - 4/2/2003
crt1530 - 1000 WU Packet Pounder Derby - 4/1/2003
Swanny - Last One to 2000 is a WU Wimp! - 4/1/2003
ElFenix - The Great 10K Countdown - 4/1/2003

Clink! Clink! Glub, glub, glub! Clink! Buuuuuurrrrppppp! "Excuse me!" Clink! Chomp, chomp, chomp! Glub, glub, B e l c h ! ... Those are the sounds emanating from the Victory Lounge this morning because the party for crt1530 is in full swing. Folks are toasting the new champion, stuffing Oreos down their throats, and allowing various gases to escape from their bodies as they celebrate a victory for one of TA Seti's long time racing veterans who dashed across the finish line in the Whack Pack Packet Smack to 750. Holding off a strong charge from the rookie lobadobadingdong, crt1530 used his wiley wits and veteran savvy to pull out the victory over this very strong field. Pretty soon, the celebratory group will retire to the hottub where the race babes will deliver one of their famous particle physics lectures to the new champ while he soaks his tired, aching dump muscles in the warm soothing waters. Just remember the one simple SRL lounge rule... Blowing methane bubbles in the hottub is frowned upon. Congratulations, crt1530!

Gotta run!

Advancements among racers on 4/13 include titanmiller up 1 to 703.

God Bless America!

Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.3 :cool:
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it. :D


Senior member
Feb 21, 2003
Congratz 2 All . . . <click>:camera:<click>
Thanks OD . . . :cool::wine:<clink>

'Top of the morn' to ya SIr!'


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
Thanks OD.....

And an early congrats to Yield who will be taking the win in our race within moments. Congrats!


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2001
Moved a little before the race started and I still have two machines that aren't crunching, had another plugged in but with no net connection. Drug it upstairs and put it on the net for a little bit cause the cache was getting low. Gotta get off my @ss and configure the wireless bridge one of these days. :)

Just remembered I got a PIII/500 to replace the 350 in my DC I need to throw in, too. I need more time in the day. :frown: Getting a house is a PITA.

Zim Hosein

Super Moderator | Elite Member
Super Moderator
Nov 27, 1999
WTG racers & MM's, especially BobTheWizard :)

Thanks OhioDude :beer: