Seti Race Stats and Milestones for 04/08


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2001
Team rank) Name .............. total wu/new wu

Cakin's Quest to Make Bacon From Lean Lane42:
33) lane42 .................................28865 / 181 :Q
45) cakin ....................................24230 / 59

20,000 Before the Project Ends, or Else!:
57) LiveLongAndProsper .......19336 / 14
58) Toft / Vold - DK ...................18233 / 10
61) Karsten ...............................17873 / 84 :)
63) Assimilator1 ......................17591 / 28
64) Swanny ...............................17191 / 99 :)

The Great 10K CountDown:
111)JimMc ...................................9241 / 17
112)neovan .................................9109 / 44 :)
114)The Wildnet Team..............9041 / 14
115)serialb ..................................8806 / 29 :)
119)Reagan CRW .....................8445 / 37 :)

4000 WU Whacker Packer Roundup:
Swanny ...............................17191 / 99 (511) :)
lane42 .................................28865 / 181 (468) :Q
zodder ..................................34127 / 69 (392) :)
cakin ....................................24230 / 59 (365)

Beat the Race Coordinator (Over the Head) to 3000:
Yield ......................................27337 / 61 (2683) :)
MoFunk .................................14352 / 29 (2560)
WayneS .................................22475 / 44 (2276) :)
Mighty Micron .......................15108 / 23 (2246)
OhioDude .............................23579 / 40 (2191)
Panhead49 ............................10852 / 7 (2046)
Darth Polo .............................24258 / 10 (1910)

2000 WU Bump and Dump:
Minendo .................................11955 / 39 (395) :)
m2kewl ...................................33752 / 31 (274) :)
SoulAssassin .......................23143 / 21 (231)

Whack 'em Smack 'em 2000 Packet Pulverizer:
Wiz ...................................11555 / 32 (260) :)
serialb ...............................8806 / 29 (251) :)
Poopaskoopa ................21501 / 29 (245) :)
AstIsis ................................946 / 26 (244) :)
gistech1978 ....................3055 / 22 (197) :)
DAPUNISHER .................4593 / 6 (93)

Last One to 2000 is a WU Wimp!:
Marrkks .................................7542 / 28 (1876) :)
Major Tom ..........................25438 / 1 (1236)

1500 WU Dynamite Dumper:
neovan ...................................9109 / 44 (1205) :)
Wiz ........................................11555 / 32 (1175) :)
teriba ......................................7361 / 15 (835)
Kruptikos ...............................5923 / 8 (607)

Master Plaster WU Blaster to 1000:
TheEvil1 .................................1710 / 9 (779)
KCJeeper ............................7744 / 7 (598)

Last One to 750 is a Packet PowderPuff:
BigFatCow .........................5399 / 21 (128) :)
SWScorch ..........................3254 / 13 (74) :)
Adul .....................................4269 / 15 (70) :)
SoggySocks ........................321 / 12 (47) :)
JustStarting .......................4096 / 10 (32)

Whack Pack Packet Smack to 750:
crt1530 .............................14445 / 17 (677) :)
lobadobadingdong ..........1302 / 11 (596) :)
JustStarting ......................4096 / 10 (519)
TheEvil1 ............................1710 / 9 (488)
Pyxis ..................................5914 / 8 (470)

500 WU Whack-A-Packet Rally:
shimmishim ......................635 / 12 (482) :)
BobTheWizard ..................1411 / 9 (440) :)
Christof ...............................451 / 7 (300)
Zippin' Zim Hosein ..........1212 / 2 (195)

Lonely Racers: :(
3) PieDerro .........................86255 / 304 :)
6) LastKnight ......................71151 / 290 :)
7) Smokeball ......................70532 / 156
9) IsOs .................................58176 / 57
13) The Federation ..............49772 / 90
20) Pazoo ..............................39334 / 88
22) Crazee ............................35873 / 166 :)
26) Rebel Alliance ...............34195 / 100 :)
29) wirelessenabled ...........32021 / 137 :)
30) LANMAN..........................31348 / 80 :)
34) Ben98SentraSE ............28491 / 153 :)
35) Networkman ..................27997 / 21
43) IJump ..............................24482 / 0
51) EvilWobbles ..................22402 / 19
54) DroolMAN! ......................20087 / 4
68) Basilisk420 ....................16061 / 14
69) paf077 .............................15538 / 79 :)
76) jatwell ..............................14208 / 87 :)
78) Baldy18 ...........................14032 / 0
96) tuffguy ..............................11136 / 0
102)British Bulldog Racers ..10820 / 5
106)Old Geezer .......................10202 / 8
124)Slahr Dzhe .......................7510 / 0
139)Dazmite ............................6507 / 11
141)Evadman ..........................6413 / 16 :)
175)Ishmael2k ........................5127 / 0
188)sukhoi ...............................4737 / 7
200)ys ........................................4432 / 5
214)JonB ..................................4046 / 25 :)
231)Spacehead ......................3694 / 6
297)Logix .................................2710 / 1
410)Actaeon .............................1775 / 0
415)Lithium381 .......................1749 / 0
428)SpookyFish ......................1660 / 0
550)JetsFanatic .......................1099 / 1
710)titanmiller ............................697 / 2


Milestones achieved on 4/8:

Pie Derro - 86000 (86255) :D
LastKnight - 71000 (71151) :D
wirelessenabled - 32000 (32021) :D
strider7 - 7000 (7017)
compudog - 4000 (4003)
MrBadidea - 1500 (1509)
James Cecil Francis - 1000 (1015)
Sean - 500 (616)

10 Most Recent Race Winners:

ys - 1000 WU Packet Pounder Derby - 4/8/2003
Jolly JonB - 1500 WU Dynamite Dumper - 4/8/2003
Poopsie - 1000 WU Bumpster Dumpster - 4/7/2003
Magnificent Maggotry - Master Plaster WU Blaster to 1000 - 4/7/2003
SWScorch - 500 WU Whack-A-Packet Rally - 4/2/2003
DAPUNISHER - 1000 WU Bumpster Dumpster - 4/2/2003
crt1530 - 1000 WU Packet Pounder Derby - 4/1/2003
Swanny - Last One to 2000 is a WU Wimp! - 4/1/2003
ElFenix - The Great 10K Countdown - 4/1/2003
Sizzlin' Soni - Wild and Wooly WU Whomper to 3500 - 4/1/2003

Suprising the crowd and race judges throughout Seti racing land, Lane42 has laid waste to the track so far in Cakin's Quest to Make Bacon From Lean Lane42. Allowing himself a short respite from tending the powerplant in his powerful rig, Lane flips the switch on his dash that enables the external bullhorn mounted atop every SRL racing rig for just such occassions, picks up the microphone and shouts, "It's hard to make bacon from extra lean lane42! Buwahahahahahahaha!!!" For his part, Makin' Bacon Cakin smiles and turns his attention back to assembling the turbo chargers for his racing fleet that should be brought online soon.

20,000 Before the Project Ends, or Else! has become a bit crowded overnight. Joining the 20K party are some old friends and racing veterans who have been off of the SRL circuit for some time. Hopping into the number two slot is that intrepid team of Great Danes, Toft / Vold - DK, lead by the dashing and daring Captain Toft the Terrific, whose terrific teammates are running the fort while their leader is currently in the midst of a move. Also joining the ranks racing for the Holy Grail times two is our good friend Assimilator1, the Guildford Gentleman, who last graced the racing pages on his way to 10K. These new additions to the throng should give Karsten, LL&P, and Swell Swanny all they can handle on their journey.

It would appear that Mighty Micron has developed some rather severe maladies with his munching machinery in Beat the Race Coordinator (Over the Head) to 3000. Challenging for the lead only weeks ago, the Mighty Mite has fallen to the fourth position and is in danger of being passed by (horror of horrors!) OD! Meanwhile, Yellin' Yield lets out a deafening whoop through his bullhorn as he watches his lead grow to 123 over Captain MoFunk in the psychadelic Funky Bus. Things are still hot and heavy in the Whack 'em Smack 'em 2000 Packet Pulverizer where Whackin Wiz has whacked his way into the lead by 11 over serialb. Poopsie and AstIsis are locked in a stupendous struggle for third, trading dirty looks and something less than five fingered waves as they battle it out only one wu apart. Meanwhile to their rear, gistech1978 is ramping up his racing rig and trying to get back into the race after running his fleet on auto-pilot for a while.

Nasty Neovan constructs a nice neat pile of 44 cracked packets to stretch his lead to 30 over the second place Whackin' Wiz in the 1500 WU Dynamite Dumper. Opening the lower exhaust bay in his racer, Nasty Neo dumps a box of roofing nails on the track in an attempt to slow down Wiz's hard-charging fleet. BigFatCow is out to a big fat lead over Scorchie in Last One to 750 is a Packet PowderPuff, trampling all over bunches of packets as they crack and snap loudly beneath his hooves. Meanwhile, Scorchie has found that following BigFatCow can be a bit tricky on the maneuvering jets since he must watch out for the occassional cow patty on the track. Those things can really foul up an engine (as well as the air) if you hit 'em at the wrong angle.

Advancements among racers on 4/8 include neovan up 1 to 112, Evadman up 1 to 141, JetsFanatic up 1 to 550, titanmiller up 1 to 710.

God Bless America!

Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.3 :cool:
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it. :D


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2000
No fair!! I'm just getting back online here. My rigs were without any production for 3-4 days, due to power outage from an Ice Storm.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Thanx for the stats OD :)

Great commentary today! :beer:


Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
Thanks OD:)

who last graced the racing pages on his way to 10K.
It was that far back!?:Q

Hmm , me gives Toft a thrashing today:D