Team rank) Name .............. total wu/new wu
Assimilator1's Daring Dash to Dump Darkone:
56) Darkone .............................32759 / 12
62) Assimilator1 ......................29160 / 18
Fabulous Funky Fifty-K Free-For-All:
29) BadThad .............................49398 / 63
30) Swanny ...............................48926 / 92
32) Ben98SentraSE ................48321 / 58
33) Team Tarca ........................47291 / 95
34) m2kewl ...............................46872 / 21
35) Ronin ..................................46431 / 386
37) CraigRT ...............................45672 / 36
38) OhioDude ...........................45019 / 2
Sporty Snorty Forty-Five-K Feener Fonner:
39) SoulAssassin ................44637 / 105 :Q
41) paf077 ...............................43305 / 30
43) MoFunk ...........................42964 / 36
44) Jumpin' Jatwell .............42797 / 83
Funny Farty Forty-K Fun Fest:
47) EvilWobbles ..................39731 / 9
48) Darth Polo ......................39269 / 30
49) LANMAN..........................38412 / 0
Takin' A Dive to Thiry-Five:
53) TenaciousT .......................34709 / 613 :Q:Q
59) Toft / Vold - DK .................30498 / 8
Dirty Squirty Thirty-K Threesome Plus One:
60) Poopaskoopa ..................29534 / 9
62) Assimilator1 .....................29160 / 18
64) Conjur.................................28060 / 39
65) King Karsten .....................28054 / 4
25K Klinker Klunker Klobber Klout:
79) JimMc ..................................22328 / 52
80) GSmith ................................22034 / 0
83) Fardringle ...........................20708 / 8
The 20K Twinkle Toes Tinkle Tanker:
88) serialb .................................19856 / 47
90) lhampel ..............................19582 / 26
91) Sofa King ............................19540 / 39
92) baxsie .................................19423 / 69
94) CiSmAXz ............................18793 / 188
95) Chris S ...............................18689 / 35
96) Rav[666] .............................18570 / 0
98) matchbok ............................18488 / 209
101)amdxborg ............................17584 / 157
110)Arlen .....................................16437 / 147 :Q
115)Nasty Neovan .....................15758 / 12
118)JonB ....................................15421 / 8
The Great 10K CountDown:
175)GaryAlcorn ...........................9970 / 19
176)PK709394 ...........................9920 / 20
178)Doomer ...............................9849 / 22
179)kerro .....................................9802 / 4
180)silverthorne ........................9640 / 63
181)MrBadidea ..........................9486 / 2
187)Ingleside .............................9000 / 0
192)the melon ...........................8721 / 95
198)seticruncher .......................8577 / 58
204)ys ..........................................8389 / 117
220)adeno ..................................7715 / 6
Rip Roarin' Rump Roaster to 5000:
309)Skyman .............................4960 / 7
311)Boo ....................................4895 / 5
316)SoggySocks ......................4796 / 19
317)cthulhu ...............................4788 / 37
323)Rogue ................................4737 / 24
3K Wild and Wooly WU Whumpus:
458)b1er ....................................2958 / 0
482)vrmuds ..............................2770 / 14
489)Heretik ...............................2730 / 17
493)prontospyder ....................2723 / 17
530)DaFinn ...............................2468 / 35
540)Xemus ...............................2387 / 12
558)Thoreau .............................2308 / 25
The 2000 WU Randy Rowdy Raunchy Rookie Roundup:
639)Ketteringo ............................1833 / 13
719)gibler666 ..............................1510 / 4
Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em, Trip 'Em, Kick 'Em Blast-Off to the Bitter End:
101)amdxborg .............................17584 / 157
120)dkvamme .............................15035 / 93
Lonely Racers:
1) Crazee Smoke ............254720 / 342
2) Team BnT ....................192067 / 47
5) PieDerro .......................160806 / 266
6) LastKnight ....................155618 / 221
7) Rebel Alliance .............137926 / 410
8) The Federation ............121594 / 263
9) IsOs ...............................118476 / 168
16) wirelessenabled ..........76090 / 116
17) zodder ............................70492 / 109
20) soni .................................60928 / 30
24) Lean Lane42 ................52977 / 27
26) GhettoFob ......................52474 / 46
51) cakin ...............................36290 / 31
76) Panhead49 ....................22946 / 148 :Q
105)Minendo ...........................17073 / 13
113)Starrider ...........................16146 / 70
132)BigFatCow .......................13028 / 12
135)thepoolman .....................12555 / 17
160)Adul ..................................10485 / 8
194)Spacehead .......................8708 / 30
201)Evadman ..........................8466 / 9
202)Pyxis ..................................8461 / 5
203)lobadobadingdong .........8438 / 30
234)TheEvil1 ............................7022 / 9
253)SWScorch .........................6468 / 6
277)Shimmishim .....................5676 / 15
353)titanmiller ..........................4171 / 18
361)Deerslayer ........................4049 / 0
407)SOB's for TA SETI ............3407 / 0
438)ScottSwingleComps .......3164 / 12
525)Lithium381 ........................2484 / 0
546)TA Beowulf ........................2368 / 0
643)Zippin' Zim Hosein ..........1815 / 3
722)JetsFanatic ........................1503 / 0
729)grendel8 ............................1468 / 40
777)AgaBooga .........................1269 / 11
Milestones achieved on 3/6:
wirelessenabled - 76000 (76090)
Alan J. Simpson - 19000 (19008)
dkvamme - 15000 (15035)
ShotgunSteve - 3000 (3031)
kboggs - 1500 (1505)
Coquito - 1000 (1004)
RCaplinger - 1000 (1000)
EGLSFLY - 750 (751)
mike frisbee - 750 (750)
Moltres - 500 (516)
DanDeighan - 250 (253)
10 Most Recent Race Winners:
Stonin' Ronin - Sporty Snorty Forty-Five-K Feener Fonner - 3/05/2004
Dazzlin' Dazmitem - The Great 10K CountDown - 3/05/2004
OhioDude - Sporty Snorty Forty-Five-K Feener Fonner - 3/02/2004
MoFunk - Funny Farty Forty-K Fun Fest - 2/25/2004
CraigRT - Sporty Snorty Forty-Five-K Feener Fonner - 2/25/2004
Thoreau - The 2000 WU Randy Rowdy Raunchy Rookie Roundup - 2/23/2004
Ronin - Funny Farty Forty-K Fun Fest - 2/23/2004
Xemus - The 2000 WU Randy Rowdy Raunchy Rookie Roundup - 2/22/2004
BadFinger - The 20K Twinkle Toes Tinkle Tanker - 2/20/2004
CiSmAXz - Frantic Fancy 15K Flipper-Flopper - 2/19/2004
These stats represent only 20 hours of crunch time. Those who received smilies and shockies today really earned them.
Advancements among racers on 3/6 include Conjur up 1 to 64, serialb up 1 to 88, CiSmAXz up 1 to 94, matchbok up 1 to 98, amdxborg up 2 to 101, Arlen up 2 to 110, the melon up 3 to 192, SoggySocks up 2 to 316, cthulhu up 4 to 317, Rogue up 1 to 323, vrmuds up 2 to 482, Heretik up 3 to 489, prontospyder up 1 to 493, DaFinn up 3 to 530, Xemus up 1 to 540, Thoreau up 4 to 558, dkvamme up 1 to 120, Starrider up 1 to 113, Shimmishim up 1 to 277, titanmiller up 1 to 353, grendel8 up 9 to 729, AgaBooga up 1 to 777.
God Bless America!
Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.4
Assimilator1's Daring Dash to Dump Darkone:
56) Darkone .............................32759 / 12
62) Assimilator1 ......................29160 / 18
Fabulous Funky Fifty-K Free-For-All:
29) BadThad .............................49398 / 63
30) Swanny ...............................48926 / 92
32) Ben98SentraSE ................48321 / 58
33) Team Tarca ........................47291 / 95
34) m2kewl ...............................46872 / 21
35) Ronin ..................................46431 / 386
37) CraigRT ...............................45672 / 36
38) OhioDude ...........................45019 / 2
Sporty Snorty Forty-Five-K Feener Fonner:
39) SoulAssassin ................44637 / 105 :Q
41) paf077 ...............................43305 / 30
43) MoFunk ...........................42964 / 36
44) Jumpin' Jatwell .............42797 / 83
Funny Farty Forty-K Fun Fest:
47) EvilWobbles ..................39731 / 9
48) Darth Polo ......................39269 / 30
49) LANMAN..........................38412 / 0
Takin' A Dive to Thiry-Five:
53) TenaciousT .......................34709 / 613 :Q:Q
59) Toft / Vold - DK .................30498 / 8
Dirty Squirty Thirty-K Threesome Plus One:
60) Poopaskoopa ..................29534 / 9
62) Assimilator1 .....................29160 / 18
64) Conjur.................................28060 / 39
65) King Karsten .....................28054 / 4
25K Klinker Klunker Klobber Klout:
79) JimMc ..................................22328 / 52
80) GSmith ................................22034 / 0
83) Fardringle ...........................20708 / 8
The 20K Twinkle Toes Tinkle Tanker:
88) serialb .................................19856 / 47
90) lhampel ..............................19582 / 26
91) Sofa King ............................19540 / 39
92) baxsie .................................19423 / 69
94) CiSmAXz ............................18793 / 188
95) Chris S ...............................18689 / 35
96) Rav[666] .............................18570 / 0
98) matchbok ............................18488 / 209
101)amdxborg ............................17584 / 157
110)Arlen .....................................16437 / 147 :Q
115)Nasty Neovan .....................15758 / 12
118)JonB ....................................15421 / 8
The Great 10K CountDown:
175)GaryAlcorn ...........................9970 / 19
176)PK709394 ...........................9920 / 20
178)Doomer ...............................9849 / 22
179)kerro .....................................9802 / 4
180)silverthorne ........................9640 / 63
181)MrBadidea ..........................9486 / 2
187)Ingleside .............................9000 / 0
192)the melon ...........................8721 / 95
198)seticruncher .......................8577 / 58
204)ys ..........................................8389 / 117
220)adeno ..................................7715 / 6
Rip Roarin' Rump Roaster to 5000:
309)Skyman .............................4960 / 7
311)Boo ....................................4895 / 5
316)SoggySocks ......................4796 / 19
317)cthulhu ...............................4788 / 37
323)Rogue ................................4737 / 24
3K Wild and Wooly WU Whumpus:
458)b1er ....................................2958 / 0
482)vrmuds ..............................2770 / 14
489)Heretik ...............................2730 / 17
493)prontospyder ....................2723 / 17
530)DaFinn ...............................2468 / 35
540)Xemus ...............................2387 / 12
558)Thoreau .............................2308 / 25
The 2000 WU Randy Rowdy Raunchy Rookie Roundup:
639)Ketteringo ............................1833 / 13
719)gibler666 ..............................1510 / 4
Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em, Trip 'Em, Kick 'Em Blast-Off to the Bitter End:
101)amdxborg .............................17584 / 157
120)dkvamme .............................15035 / 93
Lonely Racers:
1) Crazee Smoke ............254720 / 342
2) Team BnT ....................192067 / 47
5) PieDerro .......................160806 / 266
6) LastKnight ....................155618 / 221
7) Rebel Alliance .............137926 / 410
8) The Federation ............121594 / 263
9) IsOs ...............................118476 / 168
16) wirelessenabled ..........76090 / 116
17) zodder ............................70492 / 109
20) soni .................................60928 / 30
24) Lean Lane42 ................52977 / 27
26) GhettoFob ......................52474 / 46
51) cakin ...............................36290 / 31
76) Panhead49 ....................22946 / 148 :Q
105)Minendo ...........................17073 / 13
113)Starrider ...........................16146 / 70
132)BigFatCow .......................13028 / 12
135)thepoolman .....................12555 / 17
160)Adul ..................................10485 / 8
194)Spacehead .......................8708 / 30
201)Evadman ..........................8466 / 9
202)Pyxis ..................................8461 / 5
203)lobadobadingdong .........8438 / 30
234)TheEvil1 ............................7022 / 9
253)SWScorch .........................6468 / 6
277)Shimmishim .....................5676 / 15
353)titanmiller ..........................4171 / 18
361)Deerslayer ........................4049 / 0
407)SOB's for TA SETI ............3407 / 0
438)ScottSwingleComps .......3164 / 12
525)Lithium381 ........................2484 / 0
546)TA Beowulf ........................2368 / 0
643)Zippin' Zim Hosein ..........1815 / 3
722)JetsFanatic ........................1503 / 0
729)grendel8 ............................1468 / 40
777)AgaBooga .........................1269 / 11
Milestones achieved on 3/6:
wirelessenabled - 76000 (76090)
Alan J. Simpson - 19000 (19008)
dkvamme - 15000 (15035)
ShotgunSteve - 3000 (3031)
kboggs - 1500 (1505)
Coquito - 1000 (1004)
RCaplinger - 1000 (1000)
EGLSFLY - 750 (751)
mike frisbee - 750 (750)
Moltres - 500 (516)
DanDeighan - 250 (253)
10 Most Recent Race Winners:
Stonin' Ronin - Sporty Snorty Forty-Five-K Feener Fonner - 3/05/2004
Dazzlin' Dazmitem - The Great 10K CountDown - 3/05/2004
OhioDude - Sporty Snorty Forty-Five-K Feener Fonner - 3/02/2004
MoFunk - Funny Farty Forty-K Fun Fest - 2/25/2004
CraigRT - Sporty Snorty Forty-Five-K Feener Fonner - 2/25/2004
Thoreau - The 2000 WU Randy Rowdy Raunchy Rookie Roundup - 2/23/2004
Ronin - Funny Farty Forty-K Fun Fest - 2/23/2004
Xemus - The 2000 WU Randy Rowdy Raunchy Rookie Roundup - 2/22/2004
BadFinger - The 20K Twinkle Toes Tinkle Tanker - 2/20/2004
CiSmAXz - Frantic Fancy 15K Flipper-Flopper - 2/19/2004
These stats represent only 20 hours of crunch time. Those who received smilies and shockies today really earned them.
Advancements among racers on 3/6 include Conjur up 1 to 64, serialb up 1 to 88, CiSmAXz up 1 to 94, matchbok up 1 to 98, amdxborg up 2 to 101, Arlen up 2 to 110, the melon up 3 to 192, SoggySocks up 2 to 316, cthulhu up 4 to 317, Rogue up 1 to 323, vrmuds up 2 to 482, Heretik up 3 to 489, prontospyder up 1 to 493, DaFinn up 3 to 530, Xemus up 1 to 540, Thoreau up 4 to 558, dkvamme up 1 to 120, Starrider up 1 to 113, Shimmishim up 1 to 277, titanmiller up 1 to 353, grendel8 up 9 to 729, AgaBooga up 1 to 777.
God Bless America!
Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.4