Team rank) Name .............. total wu/new wu
The Race to Number 50:
52) cakin .................................19341 / 68
58) conjur ...............................16824 / 45
Awesome Adul's Race to TA-250: <------------------------- Up to 260!
260)Adul .....................................2938 / 24
20,000 Before the Project Ends, or Else!:
49) Poopaskoopa ....................19906 / 22
51) WayneS ...............................19351 / 40
53) Rebel Alliance ...................18351 / 79
54) LiveLongAndProsper .......17416 / 22
55) Ben98SentraSE ..................17104 / 164
The Great 10K CountDown:
97) Wiz ...................................9846 / 20
98) The TWTA Bus...............9840 / 17
101)Fardringle ........................9599 / 20
104)GolfGeek .........................9321 / 2
108)John Wulff ........................9074 / 56
114)Jatwell ..............................8104 / 88
The Crunch & Munch 10K
100)British Bulldog Racers ....9637 / 26
103)minendo ............................9401 / 39
117)The Wildnet Team............7766 / 22
Bob The Wizard's Evil 1K Zip Zim Dash:
549)TheEvil1 ...............................988 / 11
581)Zim Hosein .........................862 / 7
602)BobTheWizard ....................815 / 7
The Christof Crunch - Gotta Get To 250:
1470)Christof ..................................70 / 2
Seti Stud-Studded Stud Stomp to 4000:
Pazoo .....................................31630 / 121 (1427)
ShuxClams ...........................46721 / 87 (1309)
Rebel Alliance ......................18351 / 79 (1233)
jatwell ......................................8104 / 88 (1171)
zodder ....................................29121 / 69 (966)
Wild and Wooly WU Whomper to 3500:
cakin .....................................19341 / 68 (347)
Sizzlin Soni ..........................41562 / 52 (269)
def .........................................22938 / 30 (181)
lane42 ..................................24173 / 13 (170)
3000 WU Smoosh:
Team Funky Ray ....................----- / 88 (2896) :Q
Mighty Micron .......................11911 / 39 (2645)
Toft / Vold - DK ...................15709 / 26 (2615)
Last One to 2000 is a WU Wimp!:
Domination ........................11229 / 42 (140) :Q
Electrode ..............................5816 / 30 (111)
Major Tom ..........................24301 / 22 (99)
Marrkks .................................5748 / 0 (82)
Plain Old Race to Crunch 1500 WU's:
neovan ..................................7334 / 11 (1327)
LyNx01 .................................2910 / 7 (1280)
1500 WU Smackdown:
The Wildnet Team..............7766 / 22 (1362)
ZeroEffect .........................13240 / 12 (1233)
Maggotry ..............................5986 / 18 (1135)
Orange Kid .........................7395 / 0 (410)
Master Plaster WU Blaster to 1000:
DAPUNISHER ....................3007 / 19 (116)
Adul .......................................2938 / 24 (101)
Maggotry ..............................5986 / 18 (84)
TheEvil1 .................................988 / 11 (57)
KCJeeper ............................7192 / 3 (46)
1000 WU Packet Pounder Derby:
crt1530 .............................13506 / 11 (203)
ys .........................................3583 / 25 (182)
Evadman ...........................5391 / 11 (162)
Pyxis ...................................5189 / 13 (159)
1000 WU Woad Wally:
crt1530 ...............................13506 / 11 (981)
BigFatCow ...........................4527 / 16 (903)
ElFenix ..................................9263 / 16 (808)
Lonely Racers:
5) PieDerro ..........................66817 / 16
6) Smokeball .......................58243 / 2 <---------------- Looks like Smokie's got a stuck queue. :Q
10) LastKnight .....................52067 / 219
11) IsOs ................................51796 / 114
16) The Federation .............42508 / 114
24) m2kewl ..........................30360 / 68
27) Crazee ............................28248 / 92
31) Networkman ..................26134 / 63
32) LANMAN..........................26011 / 2
34) IJump .............................24435 / 0
37) Yield.................................23694 / 47
40) wirelessenabled ...........23421 / 143
44) Darth Polo ......................21312 / 14
45) SoulAssassin ...............20943 / 29
46) EvilWobbles ..................20493 / 26
50) DroolMAN! ......................19722 / 23
63) Basilisk420 ....................14246 / 32
66) Baldy18 ...........................13714 / 25
69) Karsten ...........................13447 / 13
75) Swanny ...........................12602 / 52
88) tuffguy ..............................10552 / 0
119)Slahr Dzhe .......................7510 / 0
140)teriba..................................5964 / 19
148)Dazmite ............................5724 / 9
160)Ishmael2k ........................5022 / 0
179)sukhoi ...............................4251 / 8
257)Spacehead ......................2957 / 16
277)Logix .................................2648 / 2
290)Starrider ............................2472 / 0
385)Actaeon .............................1741 / 5
400)SpookyFish ......................1660 / 0
467)Lithium381 .......................1349 / 0
539)JetsFanatic .......................1024 / 0
900)titanmiller ............................350 / 4
Milestones achieved on 1/26:
Grant - 110000 (110079)
LastKnight - 52000 (52067)
Ben Davis - 17000 (17104)
panhead49 - 8000 (8025)
Eric Whalen - 3000 (3311)
DAPUNISHER - 3000 (3007)
P.R. - 2500 (2505)
BatmanNate - 2000 (2007)
Ranger-Team AnandTech - 2000 (2001)
milodon - 1500 (1503)
ButaneBlender - 500 (665)
DarkWolfie - 100 (155)
10 Most Recent Race Winners:
Jatwell - 3000 WU Smoosh - 1/26/2003
BigWoofer - 3000 WU's or Bust, Baby! - 1/25/2003
Rebel Alliance - 3000 WU Smoosh - 1/25/2003
Maku - The Great 10K CountDown - 1/25/2003
Mucman - The Great 10K Countdown - 1/23/2003
Bad Bad Baldy18 - 1500 WU Smackdown - 1/21/2003
Electrode - Plain Old Race to Crunch 1500 WU's - 1/21/2003
OhioDude - 20,000 Before the Project Ends, or Else! - 1/18/2003
KCJeeper - 1000 WU Woad Wally - 1/17/2003
Kruptikos - 1000 WU Woad Wally - 1/17/2003
In Bob The Wizard's Evil 1K Zip Zim Dash, TheEvil1 waves to the crowd as he approaches the 1K marker, now entering the last lap of his 1K quest. To his rear, Bullet BobTheWizard and Zippin' Zim are caught up in a furious battle, with Zip Zim refusing to allow Bullet Bob to close in from the rear. Competition has obviously brought out the best in Zim who is now matching Bullet Bob nearly wu for wu in a contest that odds makers had him at a decided disadvantage. Smilies all around in The Crunch & Munch 10K where all three racers have turned it up a notch. The British Bulldog Racers are steaming around the track at a breakneck pace, even without their Confused captain and inspirational leader. But closing quickly from the second position is Minnie Minendo, who is pounding packets at a frightening pace. Now only 236 wu's behind Team BBR, Minnie almost earned a visit from Gertrude with his mammoth 39 overnight.
The final lap bell has rung in 20,000 Before the Project Ends, or Else! where Poopsie has just crossed the last century marker before reaching the lofty 20K milestone. That's the Holy Grail times two, and quite an incredible accomplishment for Captain Skoopa, a goal he should achieve within the week. Whackin' Wiz appears to be the next in line to reach the four digit to five demarcation point in The Great 10K CountDown. His savage production as of late has impressed both the fans and the SRL judges who place as much emphasis on style points as they do quantity, and Wiz is really stylin' as of late, keeping his dailies at or above the twenty mark. The SRL's intrepid solo racers continue their individual quests. Awesome Adul clicks off another placement position overnight and now sits at TA spot 260 and Crunchin' Christof keeps scooping double dips into the wu chute in his journey to reach the 250 wu milestone marker before SETI I draws to a close.
Poundin' Pazoo has all the boilers fired and is runing under full steam in the Seti Stud-Studded Stud Stomp to 4000. Topping out yesterday at 121 wu's, Team Pazoo is beginning to pull away from the rest of the pack, who are embroiled in quite a battle themselves for the remaining placements. Team Funky Ray appears to have found an auxilliary power source for the red Rascal Rider as Rowdy Ray is now strapped onto the little scooter's black leather seat and has the throttle wide open, giving the psychadelic Funky Bus a nice little boost in the 3000 WU Smoosh. Tipping the scales with a shockie winning 88, the Funky Team appears to have a clear shot to the finish line. Domination is simply dominating in Last One to 2000 is a WU Wimp! Pulling down a jaw dropper for his four dimes, the Dominator has opened up a 29 wu lead over Excellent Electrode in the early going.
Advancements among racers on 1/26 include Adul up 1 to 260, John Wulff up 1 to 108, TheEvil1 up 3 to 549, BobTheWizard up 3 to 602, Christof up 4 to 1470, Dazmite up 1 to 148, Spacehead up 1 to 257, titanmiller up 5 to 900.
God Bless America!
Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.3
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it.
The Race to Number 50:
52) cakin .................................19341 / 68
58) conjur ...............................16824 / 45
Awesome Adul's Race to TA-250: <------------------------- Up to 260!
260)Adul .....................................2938 / 24
20,000 Before the Project Ends, or Else!:
49) Poopaskoopa ....................19906 / 22
51) WayneS ...............................19351 / 40
53) Rebel Alliance ...................18351 / 79
54) LiveLongAndProsper .......17416 / 22
55) Ben98SentraSE ..................17104 / 164
The Great 10K CountDown:
97) Wiz ...................................9846 / 20
98) The TWTA Bus...............9840 / 17
101)Fardringle ........................9599 / 20
104)GolfGeek .........................9321 / 2
108)John Wulff ........................9074 / 56
114)Jatwell ..............................8104 / 88
The Crunch & Munch 10K
100)British Bulldog Racers ....9637 / 26
103)minendo ............................9401 / 39
117)The Wildnet Team............7766 / 22
Bob The Wizard's Evil 1K Zip Zim Dash:
549)TheEvil1 ...............................988 / 11
581)Zim Hosein .........................862 / 7
602)BobTheWizard ....................815 / 7
The Christof Crunch - Gotta Get To 250:
1470)Christof ..................................70 / 2
Seti Stud-Studded Stud Stomp to 4000:
Pazoo .....................................31630 / 121 (1427)
ShuxClams ...........................46721 / 87 (1309)
Rebel Alliance ......................18351 / 79 (1233)
jatwell ......................................8104 / 88 (1171)
zodder ....................................29121 / 69 (966)
Wild and Wooly WU Whomper to 3500:
cakin .....................................19341 / 68 (347)
Sizzlin Soni ..........................41562 / 52 (269)
def .........................................22938 / 30 (181)
lane42 ..................................24173 / 13 (170)
3000 WU Smoosh:
Team Funky Ray ....................----- / 88 (2896) :Q
Mighty Micron .......................11911 / 39 (2645)
Toft / Vold - DK ...................15709 / 26 (2615)
Last One to 2000 is a WU Wimp!:
Domination ........................11229 / 42 (140) :Q
Electrode ..............................5816 / 30 (111)
Major Tom ..........................24301 / 22 (99)
Marrkks .................................5748 / 0 (82)
Plain Old Race to Crunch 1500 WU's:
neovan ..................................7334 / 11 (1327)
LyNx01 .................................2910 / 7 (1280)
1500 WU Smackdown:
The Wildnet Team..............7766 / 22 (1362)
ZeroEffect .........................13240 / 12 (1233)
Maggotry ..............................5986 / 18 (1135)
Orange Kid .........................7395 / 0 (410)
Master Plaster WU Blaster to 1000:
DAPUNISHER ....................3007 / 19 (116)
Adul .......................................2938 / 24 (101)
Maggotry ..............................5986 / 18 (84)
TheEvil1 .................................988 / 11 (57)
KCJeeper ............................7192 / 3 (46)
1000 WU Packet Pounder Derby:
crt1530 .............................13506 / 11 (203)
ys .........................................3583 / 25 (182)
Evadman ...........................5391 / 11 (162)
Pyxis ...................................5189 / 13 (159)
1000 WU Woad Wally:
crt1530 ...............................13506 / 11 (981)
BigFatCow ...........................4527 / 16 (903)
ElFenix ..................................9263 / 16 (808)
Lonely Racers:
5) PieDerro ..........................66817 / 16
6) Smokeball .......................58243 / 2 <---------------- Looks like Smokie's got a stuck queue. :Q
10) LastKnight .....................52067 / 219
11) IsOs ................................51796 / 114
16) The Federation .............42508 / 114
24) m2kewl ..........................30360 / 68
27) Crazee ............................28248 / 92
31) Networkman ..................26134 / 63
32) LANMAN..........................26011 / 2
34) IJump .............................24435 / 0
37) Yield.................................23694 / 47
40) wirelessenabled ...........23421 / 143
44) Darth Polo ......................21312 / 14
45) SoulAssassin ...............20943 / 29
46) EvilWobbles ..................20493 / 26
50) DroolMAN! ......................19722 / 23
63) Basilisk420 ....................14246 / 32
66) Baldy18 ...........................13714 / 25
69) Karsten ...........................13447 / 13
75) Swanny ...........................12602 / 52
88) tuffguy ..............................10552 / 0
119)Slahr Dzhe .......................7510 / 0
140)teriba..................................5964 / 19
148)Dazmite ............................5724 / 9
160)Ishmael2k ........................5022 / 0
179)sukhoi ...............................4251 / 8
257)Spacehead ......................2957 / 16
277)Logix .................................2648 / 2
290)Starrider ............................2472 / 0
385)Actaeon .............................1741 / 5
400)SpookyFish ......................1660 / 0
467)Lithium381 .......................1349 / 0
539)JetsFanatic .......................1024 / 0
900)titanmiller ............................350 / 4
Milestones achieved on 1/26:
Grant - 110000 (110079)
LastKnight - 52000 (52067)
Ben Davis - 17000 (17104)
panhead49 - 8000 (8025)
Eric Whalen - 3000 (3311)
DAPUNISHER - 3000 (3007)
P.R. - 2500 (2505)
BatmanNate - 2000 (2007)
Ranger-Team AnandTech - 2000 (2001)
milodon - 1500 (1503)
ButaneBlender - 500 (665)
DarkWolfie - 100 (155)
10 Most Recent Race Winners:
Jatwell - 3000 WU Smoosh - 1/26/2003
BigWoofer - 3000 WU's or Bust, Baby! - 1/25/2003
Rebel Alliance - 3000 WU Smoosh - 1/25/2003
Maku - The Great 10K CountDown - 1/25/2003
Mucman - The Great 10K Countdown - 1/23/2003
Bad Bad Baldy18 - 1500 WU Smackdown - 1/21/2003
Electrode - Plain Old Race to Crunch 1500 WU's - 1/21/2003
OhioDude - 20,000 Before the Project Ends, or Else! - 1/18/2003
KCJeeper - 1000 WU Woad Wally - 1/17/2003
Kruptikos - 1000 WU Woad Wally - 1/17/2003
In Bob The Wizard's Evil 1K Zip Zim Dash, TheEvil1 waves to the crowd as he approaches the 1K marker, now entering the last lap of his 1K quest. To his rear, Bullet BobTheWizard and Zippin' Zim are caught up in a furious battle, with Zip Zim refusing to allow Bullet Bob to close in from the rear. Competition has obviously brought out the best in Zim who is now matching Bullet Bob nearly wu for wu in a contest that odds makers had him at a decided disadvantage. Smilies all around in The Crunch & Munch 10K where all three racers have turned it up a notch. The British Bulldog Racers are steaming around the track at a breakneck pace, even without their Confused captain and inspirational leader. But closing quickly from the second position is Minnie Minendo, who is pounding packets at a frightening pace. Now only 236 wu's behind Team BBR, Minnie almost earned a visit from Gertrude with his mammoth 39 overnight.
The final lap bell has rung in 20,000 Before the Project Ends, or Else! where Poopsie has just crossed the last century marker before reaching the lofty 20K milestone. That's the Holy Grail times two, and quite an incredible accomplishment for Captain Skoopa, a goal he should achieve within the week. Whackin' Wiz appears to be the next in line to reach the four digit to five demarcation point in The Great 10K CountDown. His savage production as of late has impressed both the fans and the SRL judges who place as much emphasis on style points as they do quantity, and Wiz is really stylin' as of late, keeping his dailies at or above the twenty mark. The SRL's intrepid solo racers continue their individual quests. Awesome Adul clicks off another placement position overnight and now sits at TA spot 260 and Crunchin' Christof keeps scooping double dips into the wu chute in his journey to reach the 250 wu milestone marker before SETI I draws to a close.
Poundin' Pazoo has all the boilers fired and is runing under full steam in the Seti Stud-Studded Stud Stomp to 4000. Topping out yesterday at 121 wu's, Team Pazoo is beginning to pull away from the rest of the pack, who are embroiled in quite a battle themselves for the remaining placements. Team Funky Ray appears to have found an auxilliary power source for the red Rascal Rider as Rowdy Ray is now strapped onto the little scooter's black leather seat and has the throttle wide open, giving the psychadelic Funky Bus a nice little boost in the 3000 WU Smoosh. Tipping the scales with a shockie winning 88, the Funky Team appears to have a clear shot to the finish line. Domination is simply dominating in Last One to 2000 is a WU Wimp! Pulling down a jaw dropper for his four dimes, the Dominator has opened up a 29 wu lead over Excellent Electrode in the early going.
Advancements among racers on 1/26 include Adul up 1 to 260, John Wulff up 1 to 108, TheEvil1 up 3 to 549, BobTheWizard up 3 to 602, Christof up 4 to 1470, Dazmite up 1 to 148, Spacehead up 1 to 257, titanmiller up 5 to 900.
God Bless America!
Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.3
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it.