Seti Queue stats question


Diamond Member
Sep 12, 2000
I'm looking at my user stats from Orangekid's queue, and I was wondering if someone could explain to me what these lines mean:

Total Time 194 days 13 hr 12 min
Total CPU Time 12 days 14 hr 30 min
Average Time 2 days 5 hr 40 min
Average CPU Time 3 hr 29 min (6% efficient)
Connections 175

Except for the average CPU time, I don't know what to make of the numbers. I used to upload to OK's queue a while ago, then I stopped. Then I resumed leeching off OK's after I got my AthlonXP. I have other machines that run SETI for me. Would that factor throw off the numbers, or am I just ignorant of how to read the stats? Thanks.

Orange Kid

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Total Time 194 days 13 hr 12 min time from the first wu you sub mitted to the Q till the last
Total CPU Time 12 days 14 hr 30 min...........................actual cpu time as reported by connecting clients for wu's sent to Q
Average Time 2 days 5 hr 40 min................................. total time / results uploaded
Average CPU Time 3 hr 29 min (6% efficient) cpu time / results uploaded
Connections 175..........................................................number of connections with the Q (result uploaded=1 connect : wu downloaded= 1 connect)