Ok here are the symptoms, when SETI is running my other programs will stop responding temporarily which can cause disconnects from AIM service up to annoying lags on website dls (i'm on a Cable line). I haven't had these problems with SETI up until I installed BF1942. Ever since it's been messing up. I've recently upgraded my 1.5 to a 2.4 which i'm running at 2.66 but there's been no hiccups with normal operation. It's kinda funny cause sometimes it will happen and other times it won't. I can't seem to figure it out, the priority setting is low but it seems as though SETI is overriding for a few seconds extra, is there a new seti driver or client out that could cause this? I remeber I upgraded SETI driver recently but can't find the old version, any help is greatly appreciated.