Seti for BOINC v4.07 windows released.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
November 5, 2004
SETI@Home application version 4.07 is released. This rebuild should increase speed over the previous version. The build also includes BOINC API changes which were made in preparation for the graphics interface for Linux, Mac, and Solaris.

Note, the upgraded seti-application will automatically be downloaded for new wu, but all current work will use the old client.
And v4.07 is currently only for windows.


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2000
Thanks RD :)

Ia'm switching over to Seti2 full time after i whip BadThad in our race to 75K ;) After 5 and a half years, next week.. it's time for the change.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Haven't completed many wu with v4.07 yet, but the crunch-times seems to be back to v3.08-speeds. :cool:

As for end of "classic", no idea of an end-date yet, but the following should be done:
1; Programming the separate gui. The windows-gui nearly done, everything from the old gui is now implemented, but still some small bugs to iron out.
2; Non-windows gui, still doesn't compile/run correctly on all platforms.
3; Opportunity to show screensaver then running as service, not yet implemented.
4; New installer, so default installs as service under NT. Not yet implemented.
5; Making sure the servers can take the load. No idea on progress.
6; Fix any bugs that pops up...



Golden Member
Nov 13, 2001
Major improvement in crunch speeds,
My old reliable Tbird calssic 1.4 w/pc133 was running ~9.5 hrs/wu on 4.05,
Itis now running ~6.75 hrs/wu

Assorted athlon xp's from 2000-2800 have had improvemants of 30 minutes to 1 hour/wu improvements.

All WU's in your cache will run on the version they were downloaded with. any wu's downloaded before you got the update will use the old client. If you are impatient and want to use the new client right away, you will have to reset the project from within the main Boinc client.