Thanks team!!!

It's been a looong road that's for sure, but it's been fun all the same! And I have no doubt that it will continue to be fun!
I haven't really had the time to keep a close eye on the progress of the SETI 1 project, but I do know that it's coming to an end... What I really want to know is, will I be able to leave my current machines with the current clients on them to crunch, or will that not be possible? I heard that BOINC would just be a new interface for SETI and a number of other projects, but will my CLI + SetiDriver clients still work?
The reason I ask is that if they do not, I will not be able to continue with the new project. It will take too much time which I simply do not have at the moment, or for the foreseeable future, to migrate nearly 150 machines to a new client - particularly when these machines are Win98 machines, and I can't do a network rollout of SETI.
Thanks and take care,
Pie (andrew)
P.S. Robor, mind slowing down a bit?!
P.P.S. Grant, it has been an honour being amongst crunchers like yourself!! =)
P.P.P.S. Tarca and Panhead ------- ahhhh.... those were the days! That race to 1000 was what, 3 years ago now (or was it only two?!) almost to the day!!!!! That, along with the MTRs of the time, would have been the most fun I have had on this project! THanks guys