Server2k8 & XP Network Shares???? WTF??


Sep 6, 2003
any idea why i can't see shares of xp on a server2k8 machine? i can type in the unc and get to the shares but no other machine will show up under the 2k8 "network" area. WTF??? after the unc is typed in, i can map drives to the 2k8 machine, prnters, etc but still nothing shows up in the "network explorer" area on the 2k8 machine. this is will f/w off, full shares on, u/p on both machines being = etc.

i even moved the 2k8 machine into the same workgroup as the others and nothing - nada :(

please help


Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2001
By default 2008 Server has its firewalls turned on, which stops all sorts of things, including network browse traffic. There are three firewall settings, external, domain, and private(?). If is behind a firewall, the simplest thing is to turn them all off, unless you can figure out which ports and protocols to allow, on which interface.


Sep 6, 2003
Originally posted by: redbeard1
By default 2008 Server has its firewalls turned on, which stops all sorts of things, including network browse traffic. There are three firewall settings, external, domain, and private(?). If is behind a firewall, the simplest thing is to turn them all off, unless you can figure out which ports and protocols to allow, on which interface.

thanks, but i have tried that and still no go. if i type in the unc w/ or w/out the fw on or off i can get to other machines, but still nothing shows up in the "network explorer".

also, i just turned on my win7 test machine and 2k8 sees it no problem w/ fw on.

fwiw, all the xp machines are up-to-date and invisible???


Elite Member
Dec 24, 2005
I don't have a firm answer for you. I can tell that you CAN definitely see XP (SP3) shares from Server 2008. I'm looking at some right now. I didn't have to do anything out of the ordinary on the XP box to see them (nothing I wouldn't do to make them available to another XP box). I have XP's built-in firewall turned ON, but Printer and File Sharing are enabled.

Although I've done quite a bit of networking stuff with 2008, I still find the networking options confusing. Most of the connectivity/sharing issues I've had seem to be related to the "Network Discovery" and "Public/Private" network settings on 2008.

In my case, my XP Professional box is a member of a Domain and my Server 2008 box is a member of a workgroup.


Sep 6, 2003
it is definitately weird. the xp box has no firewall on at all, and when i turn off the 2k8 firewall i still don't see it in "network discovery", all i see in there is itself (the 2k8 machine, unless i have a win7 test machine on - it shows up too all w/ firewalls). i guess what gets me is that when i type in a unc i can go to the xp machine i want to go to and map a drive, but it still won't show up in the "network explorer"

normally this would be ok, along w/ mapping which i can do from the 2k8 machine to the xp machine even w/ the firewall on, but this one software needs to put a backup on another workstation and it has to go through "network" in the little explorer box that pops up when listing where to put backups, so no go. what is also weird is that if i use a unc like \\machine1\backup as the unc for this software, the backup portion will not see the share, but if i do machine1\backup it will see how much free space is available but still won't work either way. i am not sure what is more jacked up, the software or 2k8 :confused: imho the software that needs this is a bit lagging in the 2k8 dept w/ their backup requirements and they need to update it since it is i believe high 4 to 5 figure software. sorry if i am just bitching, but man, this has been a real pita, all what was suppose to be the hard parts were done rather easily and i have been cruising right along, and this, what should be done very easily and take 5-10min max is taking days and still not working.

another day tomorrow of trying to get this figured out.

if you guys can think of anything even remotely weird but possible, lmk and i will give it a try. i have a good image of it before any messing was done so if something gets messed up, no biggie, just 15mins to put the image back on.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2000
the one thing I vaguely remember of is there be an update to xp that helps allow it to be seen with vista, which in turn should allow it to be see with sever2k8 as well.. but for the life of me I cannot remember what the update was called or cant find it at the moment of even if there is one

found it i think


Sep 6, 2003
Originally posted by: Dahak
the one thing I vaguely remember of is there be an update to xp that helps allow it to be seen with vista, which in turn should allow it to be see with sever2k8 as well.. but for the life of me I cannot remember what the update was called or cant find it at the moment of even if there is one

found it i think

thanks, but i tried that and it i got a message saying my setup was already updated and did not need the patch :(

i have read a couple books and nobody really covers this, anybody know how much a call to ms is? i just paid for the server and multiple user and ts cals so i guess a little more wouldn't be an issue :shocked:


Elite Member
Dec 24, 2005
I hate to repeat the obvioius, but are you sure that "Network Discovery" is ON in your Server 2008? Your symptoms sound like it's turned off.


What is network discovery?

Network discovery is a network setting that affects whether your computer can see (find) other computers and devices on the network and whether other computers on the network can see your computer.

There are three network discovery states:

This state allows your computer to see other network computers and devices and allows people on other network computers to see your computer. This makes it easier to share files and printers.

This state prevents your computer from seeing other network computers and devices and prevents people on other network computers from seeing your computer.

This is a mixed state in which some settings related to network discovery are enabled, but not all of them. For example, network discovery could be turned on, but you or your system administrator might have disabled a firewall exception that affects network discovery.

Network discovery requires that the dnscache, fdrespub, ssdpsrv, and upnphost services are started, that the Windows Firewall exception for network discovery is enabled, and that other firewalls are not interfering with network discovery. If some but not all of these are true, the network discovery state will be shown as Custom.


Sep 6, 2003
Originally posted by: RebateMonger
I hate to repeat the obvioius, but are you sure that "Network Discovery" is ON in your Server 2008? Your symptoms sound like it's turned off.


What is network discovery?

Network discovery is a network setting that affects whether your computer can see (find) other computers and devices on the network and whether other computers on the network can see your computer.

There are three network discovery states:

This state allows your computer to see other network computers and devices and allows people on other network computers to see your computer. This makes it easier to share files and printers.

This state prevents your computer from seeing other network computers and devices and prevents people on other network computers from seeing your computer.

This is a mixed state in which some settings related to network discovery are enabled, but not all of them. For example, network discovery could be turned on, but you or your system administrator might have disabled a firewall exception that affects network discovery.

Network discovery requires that the dnscache, fdrespub, ssdpsrv, and upnphost services are started, that the Windows Firewall exception for network discovery is enabled, and that other firewalls are not interfering with network discovery. If some but not all of these are true, the network discovery state will be shown as Custom.

it is on :), that is what i don't get. i have had the network discovery on, firewall turned off for testing and still nothing but the win7 machine shows up and it is a straight non-tweaked install.

i will verify again that those services are all running....i appreciate the assistance



Sep 6, 2003
Originally posted by: RebateMonger
I hate to repeat the obvioius, but are you sure that "Network Discovery" is ON in your Server 2008? Your symptoms sound like it's turned off.


What is network discovery?

Network discovery is a network setting that affects whether your computer can see (find) other computers and devices on the network and whether other computers on the network can see your computer.

There are three network discovery states:

This state allows your computer to see other network computers and devices and allows people on other network computers to see your computer. This makes it easier to share files and printers.

This state prevents your computer from seeing other network computers and devices and prevents people on other network computers from seeing your computer.

This is a mixed state in which some settings related to network discovery are enabled, but not all of them. For example, network discovery could be turned on, but you or your system administrator might have disabled a firewall exception that affects network discovery.

Network discovery requires that the dnscache, fdrespub, ssdpsrv, and upnphost services are started, that the Windows Firewall exception for network discovery is enabled, and that other firewalls are not interfering with network discovery. If some but not all of these are true, the network discovery state will be shown as Custom.

some of these were off, i turned them off and set to auto and then the other machine would show up in network, sometimes????? i don't know why the other machine shows up and then disappears, but at least now i can work on that but the main software that needed this share now sees it ok and all is working. for some reason, "computer browser" was off...


Sep 6, 2003
Originally posted by: RebateMonger
Glad you got it "sorta' working". :thumbsup:

it seems to be working well so far. i was able to shut down the file/print sharing on the server but keep network discovery on and that keeps the network connection ok and the ability for that certain software to see the other machine w/ no issues. i am still messing just to see how much i can cut back and keep as many holes plugged as possible. thanks for the assistance.
